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Chaffing your dojab on the chiff chaff?

Guest Rambo

What augmentations would you be interested in having?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Brain

    • memory enhancement (greater capacity/back up)including the ability to instantly know a huge chunk of information or skillset (body would need to catch up)
    • creativity
    • the ability to focus/concentrate for long periods
    • the ability to manipulate my mood at will
    • the ability to interact with electronics in the environment by thought (don't forget DAWs, internets etc)
    • networking of some sort with others that have had the same augmentation - a mindnet of some type
    • wouldn't enhance anything
    • give me the works
    • not sure
  2. 2. Brain (choose one)

    • Moderate increase in intelligence (Hawking/Einstein/Cher level)
    • Greater than human level intelligence (200+ IQ, i know it's a shit way of measuring)
    • As intelligent as possible (possibility of being completely foreign to unaugmented humans here)
    • None
    • Not sure
  3. 3. Eye

    • Thought controlled bionic eye (zoom,infrared, heat etc)
    • Thought controlled augmented reality (info overlayed on top of the environment, connected to the internet and digs up relevant info etc. Also with gaming applications too.)
    • Eye of the tiger
    • Wouldn't enhance anything
    • Give me the works
    • Not sure
  4. 4. Ear

    • Controllable, adjustable sensitivty (frequencies outside human range, volume)
    • Wouldn't enhance anything
    • Give me the works
    • Not sure
  5. 5. Body

    • Bionic limbs (built in electronics, strength, speed)
    • Entirely bionic body, or as much as possible, while maintaining a humanoid form.
    • Taking on non humananoid forms for practical reasons or just because you worth it
    • 'Perfecting' the appearance you have now in whatever way that'd be (basically boob job of the future but with less scalpel)
    • Staying with flesh but enhancing yourself in any way possible (holding breath for our hours, speed, strength, athletic ability/skill)
    • Wouldn't enhance anything
    • Give me the works
    • Not sure
  6. 6. Uploading

    • Uploading yourself entirely onto some other substrate to live in a virtual world (ignoring the arguments about identity/consciousness - lets just say it can be done)
    • Definitely not
    • Not sure
  7. 7. Summary

    • wouldn't enhance anything
    • Would do minimal amount (maybe only 3 or less things on this list)
    • Would do quite a lot
    • Give me the works
    • Not sure

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Guest Rambo

Just wondering what people would/wouldn't change about themselves because i haven't got a clue what people think about this kind of thing.


All of this is under the assumption that the enhancement is already proven to be safe, not from the point of view that you are the first to try it out.

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Guest Rambo

I should have added more detail but i thought people would just vote before reading the post. For the sake of argument, i'd define this uploading as permanent. I think you'd get completely different results if you could just dip in and out.



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Guest idrn



this. chop and change at will. become a polymorphic walrus with laser tits for the day, spread your consciousness throughout a cloud of tiny nanobots for a week... but then return to 'normal' form if you want.


mostly id just be myself but in peak physical condition with regenerative abilities etc. glands in my brain too so i could secrete something thatll make my hyper aware/fast/sleepy/elated at a whim. oh, and laser tits.

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Guest Rambo


I keep hearing about this. I hardly read any fiction though - i should. There's loads of Vernor Vinge stuff i always say i'll read but never do.


this. chop and change at will. become a polymorphic walrus with laser tits for the day, spread your consciousness throughout a cloud of tiny nanobots for a week... but then return to 'normal' form if you want.


I tried putting this under "Taking on non humanoid forms for practical reasons or just because your worth it" Don't know whether you saw it that way...




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Guest Wall Bird

The works.


I only stopped short on the question of augmented intelligence and chose super-human. As far as I can tell, half the fun of living is interacting with other people. I wouldn't like to alienate myself from everyone in that sense at the risk of having nobody to communicate with.

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Guest idrn

you'd be more alienated to be so epically super human but still by comparison to everyone else. if youre gonna go the full works you might aswell exist on some crazy 4th plane of existence where you could interact with other consciousnesses like you... or failing that, the very idea of interaction and independent consciousness being completely void and so not a problem.

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Guest Rambo

another flipside to that would be the ability to comprehend a singularity if it happened. Although having said that, the sing will probably happen before that level of enhancement is doable, so it's more likely that it would be about allowing you to get to grips with a post-sing world.


Imagine a new intelligent species just racing away from us, rapidly discovering things we can't even grasp. The urge to understand what's going on will be pretty much irresistible. Just imagine all that going on. Madness.

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Guest bitroast

i want control over what i hear. not enhancing it but something along the lines of eyelids for ears, to shut off sound.

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yeah i wonder this - the height of strength vs size on this planet is probably an insectoid shape, so you'd probably be like a giant fly or ant or something.


shit would be freaky


im down with the conciousness thing though. im signing up for alcor! mrs ludd already thinks im a twisted freak for saying that.


oh, and culture books, 'look to windward' and 'excession' are brilliant. ive read them about 10 times.

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Guest abusivegeorge
yeah i wonder this - the height of strength vs size on this planet is probably an insectoid shape, so you'd probably be like a giant fly or ant or something.


shit would be freaky


im down with the conciousness thing though. im signing up for alcor! mrs ludd already thinks im a twisted freak for saying that.


oh, and culture books, 'look to windward' and 'excession' are brilliant. ive read them about 10 times.


lol, freak.

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yeah i wonder this - the height of strength vs size on this planet is probably an insectoid shape, so you'd probably be like a giant fly or ant or something.


shit would be freaky


im down with the conciousness thing though. im signing up for alcor! mrs ludd already thinks im a twisted freak for saying that.


oh, and culture books, 'look to windward' and 'excession' are brilliant. ive read them about 10 times.


lol, freak.



tee-hee yeah i know. seems to me i've been given all the tools to live for as long as i want on this planet if i so wish. feel blessed sometimes:]


i'll say hi to your descendants for you.


then stick my willie in their pooper.

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I only stopped short on the question of augmented intelligence and chose super-human. As far as I can tell, half the fun of living is interacting with other people. I wouldn't like to alienate myself from everyone in that sense at the risk of having nobody to communicate with.




i'm pretty much down for trying anything but would deff want a stable human state to return to whenever possible

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Guest theSun
another flipside to that would be the ability to comprehend a singularity if it happened. Although having said that, the sing will probably happen before that level of enhancement is doable, so it's more likely that it would be about allowing you to get to grips with a post-sing world.


Imagine a new intelligent species just racing away from us, rapidly discovering things we can't even grasp. The urge to understand what's going on will be pretty much irresistible. Just imagine all that going on. Madness.


i'd estimate that we have about 50-100 years of work in AI and robotics before we reach a technological singularity. it's far in the future, but not too far, IMHO of course.


i'm just hoping it happens in my lifetime. same with any sort of technology implants. hooking simple programs up to the brain is possible, but we need thousands of times our current computing power if we're to interface in some sort of meaningful way with a brain. plus there are hundreds (or thousands [or millions!]) of protocols that must be written in order to interface with something as complex as our own neural network. for example, neurons 11423b, 331946g and 346770j in the cerebral cortex are firing, this is a certain process that must be documented and defined by the protocols. when you imagine just how many combinations of neuron activity are possible to emit a wide range of emotions, physical feelings and sesory information, you can begin to get a feel for how much work it is to get a computer to talk to a brain.

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Guest abusivegeorge
yeah i wonder this - the height of strength vs size on this planet is probably an insectoid shape, so you'd probably be like a giant fly or ant or something.


shit would be freaky


im down with the conciousness thing though. im signing up for alcor! mrs ludd already thinks im a twisted freak for saying that.


oh, and culture books, 'look to windward' and 'excession' are brilliant. ive read them about 10 times.


lol, freak.



tee-hee yeah i know. seems to me i've been given all the tools to live for as long as i want on this planet if i so wish. feel blessed sometimes:]


i'll say hi to your descendants for you.


then stick my willie in their pooper.


Share some of those tools with me when I next see you, I could do with them mate!


Fucking lol, you won't need any effort with the male descendant beloning to my sister, just fall asleep next to him and he'll have you off in a few seconds, he does weird things in his sleep I tell you.

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Guest Rambo
i'd estimate that we have about 50-100 years of work in AI and robotics before we reach a technological singularity. it's far in the future, but not too far, IMHO of course.


If i had to commit, i'd say 25-60 years personally. I do think that progress in general is speeding up and on the condition that that trend continues, that'd be my guess. It's difficult because something really unexpected (internet) can explode and completely change the landscape. At the same time, we see the progression of the 1gb ipod to the iphone just over the course of a few years as the run of the mill stuff, which tells its own story. We can keep up for now.


See what you think of this. We might not need to have a complete map of everything before we can do anything useful.






WATMM, what's a dojab?


you're not kidding anyone, capsaicin

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