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Guest Gary C


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  1. 1. What's your current employment status?

    • Employed (not looking for another job)
    • Employed (but still looking)
    • Part-time (not looking)
    • Part-time (but still looking)
    • Unemployed (not looking)
    • Unemployed (but still looking)
    • Other (student, retired)
    • Self-employed
  2. 2. Happy with your financial situation?

    • Yes
    • No

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Guest Mr Salads
i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


Paid to go to school, wtf

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unemployed but still looking: trying to look for motion design/production artist work in nyc, fucking difficult as shit. but got connections with saatchi&saatchi and ogilvy, so fingers crossed.

other (student, retired): but i'm currently an intern :\

self-employed: freelance design work sux balz


i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


Paid to go to school, wtf

what kind of grad work?

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i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


I'm afraid you've already told us too much. Based on your interest in Iran I'd say you are employed by the CIA or something.


I had a friend who was in the same 3D master's program as me, she got hired by some secret branch of the govt. and sent overseas for the invasion of iraq/afghanistan. I never heard from her again after she got assigned overeas, but she told me they had tech there that would blow my mind compared to anything we were exposed to in school. The funny thing was some secret service person interviewed me as a background check on her. They called me up out of the blue and made a lunch date with me - I left the computer lab at school and there was a plainclothed female agent waiting for me, we went to the park and she grilled me on every conceivable topic related to my friend (drug use, boyfriends, personality problems, etc.).

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Guest Gary C
i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


Please get me a job with you. I'm more than willing to sell my soul and risk my life for education and money.

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A made a bunch of money recording people for several months, then business slowed down severely and I've been living off the money I made from then since April. I should be good for another 7 months or so if business remains at a stand still, but if I get a bit more biz between now and then I should be alright for a while longer. It's still kind of scary though not having regular work. Liberating, but scary.

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Guest leprechaun

I'm employed full time. Hate my job, but even in my field (nursing) they aren't hiring as much which should really give you an idea how bad off we are right now. I'm comfortable, but would like to make a little more so I can buy a house sometime in the near future.

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Guest Babar
Working at a bank in New York doing an MBA internship. Getting $90k annualized, and they'll bump it to $95k if they give me a full-time offer. Made ~$80k when I was landing things on Mars.


woaw. that's what my dad earn ,and he's in his fifties(he's a telecom engineer). But that's what he get after having paid his contribution to the social insurance & pension (compulsory things, here in France). So how much do you really get ?


besides, i'm a student, never need to have a part-time job. I've been working during summer for the past 3 years, but i'm not gonna do it this year. Night receptionnist would be fucking good imo.

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i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


Paid to go to school, wtf



this was my previous job. most engineering grad programs will pay you a stipend (was around 20 - 23k / yr a few years back) to get your phd, above paying for your classes and such. of course, you have to do research every day and do a fairly good job, but depending on your advisor it can be enjoyable or a nightmare.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I work two part time jobs that adds up to about 35-40 hours a week, but the hours are shit, lots of 12 hour days. And they are both minimum wage. I can afford to live like this because my rent is very low but I spend most of my excess money on beer and drugs


I'm going to do a masters degree this october, costing me a fuck load of money and probably will involve borrowing some

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I'm coming up on my 4th year working as a graphic designer/illustrator for a nonprofit educational organization. The job is enjoyable but I'm one of the lower paid full-time workers in the office and I do many different jobs (design, illustration, tech, print prep, editing, etc). This makes me valuable and cheap to keep around, but doesn't do much for my financial situation. I make enough to be fairly comfortable where I live currently (living in an apartment with my girlfriend) and I have a fairly nice benefits package, but I have no savings so I'm kind of stuck. If anything happens, such as my car dies, then I am screwed.

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Guest Iain C

Unemployed soon-to-be-ex-student, but I've got a job back home that is fairly secure, always in demand, and that I can just walk into and out of whenever I like (hospital records clerk). I think the most realistic prospect for me at the moment is to do the same job, but at a different (London-based) hospital. I tried to get a job in a specialist denim store in Soho but they never replied to me, cunts.


I was going to have a year off and go into a teacher training course, but I'm increasingly uncertain that it's what I really want to do. I'm not bothered about finding a career really, I'm happy enough to spend another couple of years working menially and living a fairly relaxed, fun life in London.

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Guest zaphod
i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


I'm afraid you've already told us too much. Based on your interest in Iran I'd say you are employed by the CIA or something.


I had a friend who was in the same 3D master's program as me, she got hired by some secret branch of the govt. and sent overseas for the invasion of iraq/afghanistan. I never heard from her again after she got assigned overeas, but she told me they had tech there that would blow my mind compared to anything we were exposed to in school. The funny thing was some secret service person interviewed me as a background check on her. They called me up out of the blue and made a lunch date with me - I left the computer lab at school and there was a plainclothed female agent waiting for me, we went to the park and she grilled me on every conceivable topic related to my friend (drug use, boyfriends, personality problems, etc.).




i work for the state department. and it's a paid internship through school, hence being part time. as far as i know the cia doesn't do that.

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Full time employee in the corporate recruiting industry in NY. My financial situation is fine but I should be making a lot more for what I do. We laid off some people who made more than me and I had to take over a lot of their work with no additional compensation.


After 3 years here, I'm also totally dispassionate about the job and the industry so I just started applying for jobs that I would be happier at and/or pay better.

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i get paid to go to school. have a bachelors and am employed part time for a government agency that i'm not going to mention. very happy with my financial situation, although it took about four years for me to feel self sufficient.


I'm afraid you've already told us too much. Based on your interest in Iran I'd say you are employed by the CIA or something.


I had a friend who was in the same 3D master's program as me, she got hired by some secret branch of the govt. and sent overseas for the invasion of iraq/afghanistan. I never heard from her again after she got assigned overeas, but she told me they had tech there that would blow my mind compared to anything we were exposed to in school. The funny thing was some secret service person interviewed me as a background check on her. They called me up out of the blue and made a lunch date with me - I left the computer lab at school and there was a plainclothed female agent waiting for me, we went to the park and she grilled me on every conceivable topic related to my friend (drug use, boyfriends, personality problems, etc.).




i work for the state department. and it's a paid internship through school, hence being part time. as far as i know the cia doesn't do that.


i work for a govt science lab in the dept. of commerce and they called the people on my background checklist and spoke to them. they didn't grill them or anything, just to verify i was who i said i was and didn't lie or anything on my applicaton. if this was the DoC, i wonder what the CIA is like


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Guest zaphod

i was on a waiting list for six months just to get an internship and they did background checks. i think the cia is pretty brutal, i know there are multiple levels of background checks and personality tests you have to take.

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Guest Adjective

there's been a suspicious van parked outside my parents house ever since i commented on your watmm profile


getting harder to sneak food from there unnoticed

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my brother works for the DA in NY, after he got hired they knocked on our neighbors' doors and asked if we were "loud". it was brutal.


i'm self-employed and doing OK. which means my projected income is greater than my current debts. i'm really glad i don't have a car.

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I'm a bitch at a post production company. The industry is volatile at the best of times so at the moment it's not great. But I still have a job and unless I manage to swing a job out at Pinewood I can't really find a better company in Soho to move to so I 'm not looking. The money is pretty shit. With a bit of luck I'll be moved up to a Sound Editor soon so the money will become just shit instead of pretty shit.

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i'm full time employed, about a year and a half with this company. the work organization is, simply put, pure chaos. and this bothers me so much that i can't sleep at night. the money is sufficient, but far from great (~$30k NET if i count absolutely everything, all the bonuses, travelling expenses, lunch money).


we live in our own apartment and we're just buying a new kitchen. we pretty okay, but we're far from rich.


for almost 10 years i've been working in computer programming, this is my third job. i'm in a crisis of some kind, and the poor organization in this company doesn't help at all. i'm slowly getting disgusted by the work i do every day. i guess it's time for a change, but i've no idea what to look for. i could probably get a job easily in any web agency around here... but that was my previous job (for 4 years) and it started getting on my nerves when, again, work/project organization started to worsen.


work organization.


work organization
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i have a very stable job at a DC-area think tank, as an editor, which pays awfully well; we've received various contracts from Obama's largesse, and so i should be good for a few years. i'm also working on my dissertation, but the academic job market isn't looking so great, so i might wait an extra couple years ...

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Guest Mr Salads
I'm a bitch at a post production company. The industry is volatile at the best of times so at the moment it's not great. But I still have a job and unless I manage to swing a job out at Pinewood I can't really find a better company in Soho to move to so I 'm not looking. The money is pretty shit. With a bit of luck I'll be moved up to a Sound Editor soon so the money will become just shit instead of pretty shit.


Youll get there. You just have to suffer for 5-6 years.


i have a very stable job at a DC-area think tank, as an editor, which pays awfully well; we've received various contracts from Obama's largesse, and so i should be good for a few years. i'm also working on my dissertation, but the academic job market isn't looking so great, so i might wait an extra couple years ...


What do think tanks even DO?

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i have a very stable job at a DC-area think tank, as an editor, which pays awfully well; we've received various contracts from Obama's largesse, and so i should be good for a few years. i'm also working on my dissertation, but the academic job market isn't looking so great, so i might wait an extra couple years ...


What do think tanks even DO?


Yeah, I'm curious about this as well.

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i also wondered, before working here.


basically, it varies. some think tanks, like mine, get contracts from the government (in our case, usually DHS or the Pentagon) which say something like --- "we'll pay your analysts $500,000 to figure out how to solve this issue with border security; give us a report in six months." it's the sort of thing where i wish there were think tanks for philosophy, like that some rich benefactor would give me thousands of dollars to give him a paper on Hegel.


anyway, there are various smart people working at think tanks (usually ph.d's or retired military) who are paid to think about problems that they have expertise in, and give these solutions to the government. one might ask; why wouldn't the government just use its own people? and the idea is that you want an unbiased third party.


there are other think tanks, which are usually the ones you hear about in news articles, that consist of political hacks that write white papers and reports that try to 'argue' for partisan talking points. the best example here would be AEI, the home of bill kristol, former home of dick cheney, etc. these are funded by extremely rich billionaires, usually. (there are also a couple serious policy think tanks, like cato and CAP, but that's rare.)

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