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google launches two new operating systems on the same day.


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Guest Mr Salads

google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.


Its a good service, i like it, but it looks fucking stupid. Just shit talking on purely aesthetics here

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google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.


Its a good service, i like it, but it looks fucking stupid. Just shit talking on purely aesthetics here


Erm, you do know Gmail has themes, right?


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Guest Mr Salads

google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.


Its a good service, i like it, but it looks fucking stupid. Just shit talking on purely aesthetics here


Erm, you do know Gmail has themes, right?



I use a theme I like yes. it still looks retarded. Its just putting lipstick on a pig.

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google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.


Its a good service, i like it, but it looks fucking stupid. Just shit talking on purely aesthetics here


Erm, you do know Gmail has themes, right?



I use a theme I like yes. it still looks retarded. Its just putting lipstick on a pig.


So you're saying the Gmail UI is what the problem is, not the visuals per se. What's an example of an email client done 'right' in your opinion?

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So you're saying the Gmail UI is what the problem is, not the visuals per se. What's an example of an email client done 'right' in your opinion?


Maybe this:




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So you're saying the Gmail UI is what the problem is, not the visuals per se. What's an example of an email client done 'right' in your opinion?


Maybe this:





LOL, indeed! That's Second Life, isn't it?

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Guest Mr Salads

google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.


Its a good service, i like it, but it looks fucking stupid. Just shit talking on purely aesthetics here


Erm, you do know Gmail has themes, right?



I use a theme I like yes. it still looks retarded. Its just putting lipstick on a pig.


So you're saying the Gmail UI is what the problem is, not the visuals per se. What's an example of an email client done 'right' in your opinion?


Not even the UI because I like the UI. I like archiving mail, the option for chat, the search function. Still talking about aesthetics. Even the skins dont cover up what I dislike. Its right there.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Cloud computing... one step to make it easier for the NSA and CIA spooks to watch us all.


Don't buy into this shit, people.

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Guest joshier

Cloud computing... one step to make it easier for the NSA and CIA spooks to watch us all.


Don't buy into this shit, people.

I think if google pursue this, microsoft will have a huge fight on their hands. However there are some things I'm not sure of:


- Hardware compatibility like printers. Linux hasn't ever been good on support for these so if google decides to make an effort then even if they turn out to be money grabbing bastards who lock down the OS and make it shit ~ Linux in general will benefit from their work (not to mention the popularity push for linux) which would be ruled under the GPL.


- People will want to use their favourite applications; Photoshop, Lightroom, Spotify and a number of other applications bought specifically for their computer. If they can't use an application they'll be strapped to it until it is supported under google chrome OS. I suppose that once it gets quite popular then more software companies are just going to port their titles to web-based mediums, or *gasp* the linux code base. Essentially meaning that big linux rivals like ubuntu & suse to finally say 'X application runs natively'. However, and a big one - will google even let this happen? Would they dare let their google chrome OS enable support for 3rd party offline applications? Who knows, we'll have to wait and see.


Above all though, competition is a good thing in the software market (much like any other market for that reason for consumers) so microsoft will have to really spend their resources to better their repertoire. It's a win-win for us.

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Guest joshier

about applications, google aims at web based applications. maybe one day photoshop will be used online.

It's pretty much there already - http://www.sumopaint.com

there's hundreds of these and although they are all very good technically, they all fail for performance.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

yep, soon it'll cost $5 or so for using CS for say a few hours.


It's like 1965 all over again!

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