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The agony and the ecstacy

Dr Clitterhaus

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A couple of weeks ago a hospital porter told the good doctor a tale that would bring a tear to the eyes of man. This porter used to work security at the old royal (hospital) back in the 1990's and place was like an open sewer, infested with vagrants, tramps, alkys, junkies, bums and slumdogs. All the cities human waste would congregate in the basement of that old building, they had infested that basement like rats. This porter was meant to be keeping them out, but he left the doors open at night so they could get in so he could sadistically toy with them. For example, he said he watched on secutity camera as one down and out took a shit in the main reception. He says the shit was about a metre long and was so full of toxins that within a few hours it had dissolved the linoleum. Burnt a hole right though it. The tramp who did it was drinking meths. He died a month later.

The tramps in the basement were fucked up. He said they would be so desperate for cigarettes they would let themselves be fucked in the ass by other tramps in exchange for a smoke. This transaction happened regularly. One time the porter watched it happen in the darkness, he hid behind a door with a tyre-iron ready to pounce at the vital moment. Watching the two males fucking for about 10 minutes the guy was ready to cum so he pulled his cock out of the other guys ass, flipped him over, ready to cum over his face. He let out the first squirt into the other guys mouth, at this moment the porter jumped out of the darkness screaming and whacked the guys erect penis with the full force of the tyre-iron. The guy fell to the ground howling....but he was still cumming. For a good few seconds after his dick had been split, he kept poppin the protein. The guy who had been on the recieving end of the anal attack, grabbed his cigarette and ran out the door back onto the street.

To say that the porter ruined the other guys orgasm is the understatement of the century. Imagine the mixture of emotions the poor old fucker experienced:

* The initial surge of euphoria as the first squirt is unleashed.

* The shock and disbelief as a fat bald man jumps out of nowhere, screaming, brandishing a tyre-iron.

* The pain of having your dick split wide open, the loss of blood as the cum continues to flow.


The guy was admitted to hospital, to get his dick fixed a few days later. He died of liver failure 2 months later.

This has been the tale of the agony and the ecstacy.

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No idea why you just edited that to say nvm.


well, i re-read your original post and realised it was nothing more than just your wank fodder.

i want no part in your strange tramp molesting homoerotic fantasies.

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Guest tv_party

No idea why you just edited that to say nvm.

But anyway:

4th post

That was about as useful as a Super Lurker v12 post. Pretty bad fail right there.


I'm devastated.

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