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what a fucking stupid bump


damn it you made me view his post. :facepalm:


he's trawling through watmm history looking for any opportunity to preach his bile.








.....haters gonna hate :sad:


you've got the wrong idea, i'm just a man who feels things could be better then they are now

and isn't afraid to speak up about it. i am not afraid to be hated when speaking of what is right and good.


this quality is rare and should be supported and cherished, not ridiculed and scorned!

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here is a fair warning. if you don't want to believe, and you think all of it is foolishness, fair enough, but go your way.

however if you get involved in actively mocking, like that landover baptist site does, it will not be forgotten.


i am saying this without pointing the finger at or judging any individual person here.

wouldn't it be better to say, i couldn't believe in all of this, but i didn't get involved in bashing it. i cared for me and my own in the best way that i could, and believed what made the most sense to me. my first impulse was to poke a little fun at those websites in the OP, and in my mind i may have a little more than i should. However, and this is dead serious, going out of your way to taunt and mock God directly, and to His face, will be seen as just about as bad as anything you could ever do from child pornography to rape and murder. something to keep in mind.


My link

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what a fucking stupid bump


damn it you made me view his post. :facepalm:


he's trawling through watmm history looking for any opportunity to preach his bile.








.....haters gonna hate :sad:


you've got the wrong idea, i'm just a man who feels things could be better then they are now

and isn't afraid to speak up about it. i am not afraid to be hated when speaking of what is right and good.


this quality is rare and should be supported and cherished, not ridiculed and scorned!


ok bile was possibly a bit strong but like i say you do it at any possible opportunity, every topic seems to prompt a quote from the bible, and you've got one in your sig... which is why you are the first person i've ever put on ignore in all my time here.


i don't hate you and respect people's different beliefs as long as they are not bombarding me with them, i just choose not to pay attention to you continuously 'teaching' me (and watmm) the truth as you see it. for the same reason i don't stop to listen to religious zealots in the street. maybe go to a religious forum if you want to discuss the word of the lord?

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here is a fair warning. if you don't want to believe, and you think all of it is foolishness, fair enough, but go your way.

however if you get involved in actively mocking, like that landover baptist site does, it will not be forgotten.


i am saying this without pointing the finger at or judging any individual person here.

wouldn't it be better to say, i couldn't believe in all of this, but i didn't get involved in bashing it. i cared for me and my own in the best way that i could, and believed what made the most sense to me. my first impulse was to poke a little fun at those websites in the OP, and in my mind i may have a little more than i should. However, and this is dead serious, going out of your way to taunt and mock God directly, and to His face, will be seen as just about as bad as anything you could ever do from child pornography to rape and murder. something to keep in mind.


My link


Because God thinks like an insecure human and gets a really itchy trigger finger when people tease him?

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fuck all these annoying christian threads.



christianity is just a somewhat lame modern version of an ancient framework that we

need to understand to live our lives in a orderly fashion.


it's just a moral languages that states clearly what to do and not to do, and thats not a bad thing.

all the shit thats been built up to confuse and misrepresent this simple language...now thats fucked up!

thats what we should be complaining about!


it's good to have discussions about these types of things.


(or we could just LOL our way into complete naive oblivion. (i think i would rather LOL and work some shit out along the way)


what are there anyway? like 6 of these kinds of threads to the 100's of others + i think a few of us were rather enjoying the debates :happy:

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christianity is just a somewhat lame modern version of an ancient framework that we

need to understand to live our lives in a orderly fashion.


it's just a moral languages that states clearly what to do and not to do, and thats not a bad thing.



Does that clear moral language include saying things like "fuck tom cruise"?


And glasse, you have no moral authority to judge, that privilege is reserved for your god. So how do you know that mocking extreme, fundamentalist websites will be "noted"? You don't.

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Guest ezkerraldean
7"Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! 8If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.


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Christianity along with all other religions is just man trying to control and impose order upon others.




lawlessness is scary.


the problem is that the people imposing the structure aren't

enlightened, they are sick with the disease.


first you have to truly see clearly to suggest what other people should do.

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Christianity along with all other religions is just man trying to control and impose order upon others.




lawlessness is scary.


the problem is that the people imposing the structure aren't

enlightened, they are sick with the disease.


first you have to truly see clearly to suggest what other people should do.


you can have law without religion. obviously. so why equate the two?


i also wonder how effective all this law really is. we have religious law--people still fuck before marriage, fuck around during marriage, kill, disrespect their parents, worship "false idols" (money is my favorite) etc. it doesn't work.


we have law that the government imposes on us. but again, people still kill, rape, do whatever the fuck they want.


we have social law--probably the only effective one. for some reason, the idea of eating a dog is more offensive to some than killing a man. social law, tauboos, and etiquette are followed very closely by most, to the point of hypocrisy. odd.


we've obviously gone wrong somewhere or we have always been wrong. maybe we need to bring tribal justice back into the equation.


edit: why am i writing such short paragraphs, arrrgghh. my post looks like one of yours, troon.

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Christianity along with all other religions is just man trying to control and impose order upon others.




lawlessness is scary.


the problem is that the people imposing the structure aren't

enlightened, they are sick with the disease.


first you have to truly see clearly to suggest what other people should do.


you can have law without religion. obviously. so why equate the two?


i also wonder how effective all this law really is. we have religious law--people still fuck before marriage, fuck around during marriage, kill, disrespect their parents, worship "false idols" (money is my favorite) etc. it doesn't work.


we have law that the government imposes on us. but again, people still kill, rape, do whatever the fuck they want.


we have social law--probably the only effective one. for some reason, the idea of eating a dog is more offensive to some than killing a man. social law, tauboos, and etiquette are followed very closely by most, to the point of hypocrisy. odd.


we've obviously gone wrong somewhere or we have always been wrong. maybe we need to bring tribal justice back into the equation.


edit: why am i writing such short paragraphs, arrrgghh. my post looks like one of yours, troon.




good questions :smile:


when people had more of a sense of that which was bigger then them which had ultimate authority and judgment (the creator)

they didn't fuck around as much!


now we have always had a majority of asses down here shiting on everything, but there

were times when it was better and we should look back to those times and learn from them.


something is really wrong right now, that much is undeniably true.

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Christianity along with all other religions is just man trying to control and impose order upon others.




lawlessness is scary.


the problem is that the people imposing the structure aren't

enlightened, they are sick with the disease.


first you have to truly see clearly to suggest what other people should do.


you can have law without religion. obviously. so why equate the two?


i also wonder how effective all this law really is. we have religious law--people still fuck before marriage, fuck around during marriage, kill, disrespect their parents, worship "false idols" (money is my favorite) etc. it doesn't work.


we have law that the government imposes on us. but again, people still kill, rape, do whatever the fuck they want.


we have social law--probably the only effective one. for some reason, the idea of eating a dog is more offensive to some than killing a man. social law, tauboos, and etiquette are followed very closely by most, to the point of hypocrisy. odd.


we've obviously gone wrong somewhere or we have always been wrong. maybe we need to bring tribal justice back into the equation.


edit: why am i writing such short paragraphs, arrrgghh. my post looks like one of yours, troon.


all laws are socially constructed, it's just that some are codified, others are not.

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Christianity along with all other religions is just man trying to control and impose order upon others.




lawlessness is scary.


the problem is that the people imposing the structure aren't

enlightened, they are sick with the disease.


first you have to truly see clearly to suggest what other people should do.


you can have law without religion. obviously. so why equate the two?


i also wonder how effective all this law really is. we have religious law--people still fuck before marriage, fuck around during marriage, kill, disrespect their parents, worship "false idols" (money is my favorite) etc. it doesn't work.


we have law that the government imposes on us. but again, people still kill, rape, do whatever the fuck they want.


we have social law--probably the only effective one. for some reason, the idea of eating a dog is more offensive to some than killing a man. social law, tauboos, and etiquette are followed very closely by most, to the point of hypocrisy. odd.


we've obviously gone wrong somewhere or we have always been wrong. maybe we need to bring tribal justice back into the equation.


edit: why am i writing such short paragraphs, arrrgghh. my post looks like one of yours, troon.


all laws are socially constructed, it's just that some are codified, others are not.



oh geez .....ok, this is just a physical word nothing more, what ev's.


i don't agree. there are laws that are written in our hearts :wub:


there are laws that are written in our hearts buy that which created us!


it's all about turning down the static (world of illusion and trickery)

so we can understand those simple laws.


a moral language given to showing us

what to turn down is a ok with me :smile:


-troon reads 10 commandments and roles eyes at how simple they are to understand-

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And glasse, you have no moral authority to judge, that privilege is reserved for your god. So how do you know that mocking extreme, fundamentalist websites will be "noted"? You don't.


Actually, no that is not correct. I assume you are referring to the judge not lest ye be judged verse? Well you have to take that in context. What Jesus is saying is not to judge from a place of hypocrisy or unfairness. There are numerous passages where we are called to make judgements about the actions of others.


Matthew 18:15-18 (New International Version)


A Brother Who Sins Against You


15"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Here Jesus is giving the parameters for holding a brother accountable, (which would involve judging his actions).


Galatians 1:6-9 (New International Version)


No Other Gospel


6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!


Paul is here writing directly to the churches of Galatia and giving them a strong rebuke, going as far as to call for the eternal condemnation of anyone who preaches to them a different gospel.


An article further showing this can be found here.


So, based on the verse I linked showing the severeness of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and also in the Ten Commandments where it says that God will not acquit the person who takes His name in vain, I can say with completely certainty that an account will have to be given. Also, Jesus said it plainly.


Matthew 12:36-37 (New American Standard Bible)


36"But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.


37"For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."


Besides all this, you don't actually believe any of it anyway. You are just trying to twist our own beliefs back on us to be spiteful.

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Admonish is a beautiful word to describe the difference :smile:


(v. t.) To warn or notify of a fault; to reprove gently or kindly, but seriously; to exhort.

(v. t.) To counsel against wrong practices; to cation or advise; to warn against danger or an offense; -- followed by of, against, or a subordinate clause.

(v. t.) To instruct or direct; to inform; to notify.

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