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Dream/sleep talk

Guest joshier

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Guest joshier

I'd like to know your theories on why we dream, including animals too. Do any of you guys think that dreams are a result of internal concerns? Also, why do you think we dream if sleep is supposed to refresh our body and rest our neurons in our brain? (My theory is that it gets us ready for waking up) There are cycles of sleep levels for anyone who doesn't know and this includes REM [Rapid Eye Movement] and is the stage where we dream the most (which occurs before waking up) and NREM [Non Rapid Eye Movement] which covers the majority of sleep and to explain it briefly, different frequencies of alpha/delta brainwaves cover your brain from one side to the other (I don't know what it *does* to our neurons or connections though) in different levels of frequencies e.g. NREM sleep: Stage N1 8 to 13 Hz, Stage N2 12 to 16 & Stage N3 0.5 to 4 Hz


My last dream was about 30 minutes ago, I was swimming in the sea to get somewhere and I stopped off at some jelly fish. They were kind of in my way but then I played with them. I remember touching them and realising how they could feel the frequency of electric on my fingers (about 80hz) and they didn't like it. Then I brought another jelly fish close to it and they felt each others frequencies, they started to get happy, spinning around and I smiled, and swam on with glee.


Here's the wikipedia article and some interesting info I found:


A University of California, San Diego, psychiatry study of more than one million adults found that people who live the longest self-report sleeping for six to seven hours each night.
Many people have a temporary drop in alertness in the early afternoon, commonly known as the "post-lunch dip." While a large meal can make a person feel sleepy, the post-lunch dip is mostly an effect of the biological clock. People naturally feel most sleepy (have the greatest "drive for sleep") at two times of the day about 12 hours apart—for example, at 2:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. At those two times, the body clock "kicks in." At about 2 p.m. (14:00), it overrides the homeostatic build-up of sleep debt, allowing several more hours of wakefulness. At about 2 a.m. (02:00), with the daily sleep debt paid off, it "kicks in" again to ensure a few more hours of sleep.
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Guest Adjective

dreams are our body's way of preparing us for having our teeth randomly fall out in a room of liquid walls.

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Guest Rabid

Lately I've been sleeping later and later and it's starting to cut into my day a lot. Atm I've gotten to going to bed at 3AM and waking up at 10. I'm going to start the Everyman schedule (3 hour core sleep and 3 20-minute naps throughout the day) soon, though.

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Night before last I dreamt some weird paranormal things related to aliens were happening in Canada, and this high school (that had a subliminal paranormal subcurriculum designed to strengthen their student's psychic abilities) had a teacher that knew one of her students had the telepathic ability to connect minds (not communicate, just connect), and she told this student "It's time," and this girl basically tried to connect every mind she could, which led to a green-tinted trip through a lot of people's memories.  One guy remembered paintballing, one girl had an accident during a competitive diving competition, etc.

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i've been having a lot of weird flying dreams lately like one every 2 days but it isnt a lucid dream where i have full control over where i fly its more of a like i project my soul outward and the dream world takes it where it wants to. my body feels like it dissolves into a steam like substances and i float upward very slowly sometimes its a little creepy to the point of feeling like im about to have a DMT trip or something


edit: one of the funniest parts of these dreams are frequently i will try to show off my powers to other people from my life and the moment in which i unviel my new ability (being able to float like steam through the room) is filled with so much excitement and wonder that it feels very orgasmic almost like i discovered one of the greatest secrets of all of human history .

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dreams are for practicing stuff. sleep, dream about posting threads on watmm, and tomorrow you'll post a better thread

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Guest Babar
People naturally feel most sleepy (have the greatest "drive for sleep") at two times of the day about 12 hours apart—for example, at 2:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. At those two times, the body clock "kicks in." At about 2 p.m. (14:00), it overrides the homeostatic build-up of sleep debt, allowing several more hours of wakefulness. At about 2 a.m. (02:00), with the daily sleep debt paid off, it "kicks in" again to ensure a few more hours of sleep.


I think i feel sleepy at 6 am/pm

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Guest Iain C

Last night I dreamed that I had to save a copy of Alice in Wonderland from a group of angry schoolchildren who were trying to destroy it by jumping on it outside my old school. I was chased by a couple of little Asian kids on BMXs but I beat the shit out of them, my dad said he was proud, and then I woke up.


I know exactly what this dream means: it means I am the cleanser, with a God-given duty to save our fine English traditions from the swarthy foreign hordes, starting with a crude nailbombing campaign targetting inner-city schools.

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dreams are our body's way of preparing us for having our teeth randomly fall out in a room of liquid walls.


lol indeed


also, what I find crazy are the dreams where the settings and people in it seem completely developed, but I have never encountered them in real life. Where the hell does that stuff come from?

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Guest Mr Salads

I fucking hate reading people's dreams. Shut the fuck up, nobody cares.


As to why we dream? This

A University of California, San Diego, psychiatry study of more than one million adults found that people who live the longest self-report sleeping for six to seven hours each night.
just seems like a bullshit study and a waste of money. I would believe we were visited by aliens before believing that.


We dream because we are the rare species that isn't defined by our reality. We create it. We shape it. Our perception of this world is defined by life experiences, the people we meet, the ideas we hold. We can think abstractly. We have souls. Souls are allowed to dream.

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We dream because we are the rare species that isn't defined by our reality. We create it. We shape it. Our perception of this world is defined by life experiences, the people we meet, the ideas we hold. We can think abstractly. We have souls. Souls are allowed to dream.


hate to ruin your vision of anthropomorphic manifest destiny, but I'm sure you've seen a dog dream.

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Guest Iain C

We dream because we are the rare species that isn't defined by our reality. We create it. We shape it. Our perception of this world is defined by life experiences, the people we meet, the ideas we hold. We can think abstractly. We have souls. Souls are allowed to dream.


That is some crystal-healing rainbow shit right there.

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Guest Adjective



We dream because we are the rare species that isn't defined by our reality. We create it. We shape it. Our perception of this world is defined by life experiences, the people we meet, the ideas we hold. We can think abstractly. We have souls. Souls are allowed to dream.


hate to ruin your vision of anthropomorphic manifest destiny, but I'm sure you've seen a dog dream.

all dogs go to heaven

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Guest joshier

Did you know that during those early baby stages, your brain takes in so much information like you said and it has to 'wrinkle' because it's expanding so much. So, essentially the brains physical patterns of wrinkling is because of those years long ago.

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Guest joshier

If I was a dirty stinking ape I'd suggest fighting, however I'm a competent Christian who knows when the devils are barking.

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