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vamos scorcho

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I had about a 3/10 yesterday, back to 8 or 9 today. Not been down at 2 for a while, but I suppose the odd dip is to be expected. For me now, it's just something that passes that I have to grin and bear.

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I was arguing with my wife about the "Glass half full/empty" question (which I have always hated), and I decided my answer was it depends on which direction the contents are flowing, making the answer proportionate to the efforts of whomever the glass belongs to.


She told me I was a pessimist for focusing on the fact that the question is baited. I told her she was wrong.


Then I realized I proved her right.


Goddamn that pissed me off.

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I've never ever bothered with any self help guides before but I managed to get hold of an mp3 of Wayne Dyer's Erroneous Zones and a mixture of that and just realising what's important in life an' all that, have made the last 6 months a bloody good'un.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I had about a 3/10 yesterday, back to 8 or 9 today. Not been down at 2 for a while, but I suppose the odd dip is to be expected. For me now, it's just something that passes that I have to grin and bear.


This is seriously good to hear, although from talking to you a while ago on the train, and how you are now, it's definetly apparent that you're looking up. Take inspiration from this man heres reply Vamos, a few months ago I don't think I had talked to anyone who felt so shit in themselves, stick with it, work through it and you'll come out on top mate.



I was arguing with my wife about the "Glass half full/empty" question (which I have always hated), and I decided my answer was it depends on which direction the contents are flowing, making the answer proportionate to the efforts of whomever the glass belongs to.


She told me I was a pessimist for focusing on the fact that the question is baited. I told her she was wrong.


Then I realized I proved her right.


Goddamn that pissed me off.


Fucking lol.

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it was just a one night thing i suppose. today's average has been about a 7 with highs in the 8s and lows in the 6s during certain stretches of time.


i've found that i haven't been depressed for more than a day or two at a time for about the past 4 or 5 months. it's been good overall.


I've never ever bothered with any self help guides before but I managed to get hold of an mp3 of Wayne Dyer's Erroneous Zones and a mixture of that and just realising what's important in life an' all that, have made the last 6 months a bloody good'un.


i may check this out

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