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The Box


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I just saw this movie tonight. It was really fucking bad. I can honestly say that hardly any of it made the slightest bit of logical sense. The art direction was really good. Other than that, it was a complete waste of time.


Did anyone else see this piece of shit?

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I just saw this movie tonight. It was really fucking bad. I can honestly say that hardly any of it made the slightest bit of logical sense. The art direction was really good. Other than that, it was a complete waste of time.


Did anyone else see this piece of shit?


i am never going to see this... can you make a spoiler tag and tell me what the twist is? who dies? is there some moral?

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James Marsden kills Cameron Diaz at the end for the dumbest reason ever. Their son goes deaf and blind as an unforseen consequence of the box and they are presented with another choice: to let him live deaf and blind or to restore his senses and Marsden must kill Diaz.



It's fucking stupid. There are no explantions why.



Also there is a ton of stupid shit about aliens that is never really explained and literally makes no fuckin sense whatsoever.


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I saw the box too. Didn't found it especially good but not particulary bad either. At least it has the merit of being an original movie, unlike the average american blockbuster.




However i was quite pissed off about how the ETs acted. "If you're not emphatic enough, we'll have to kill you, bewause we, at least, are truely emphatic and all-compasionate. Fuck this shit.



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lol, wat


but does it ever say who dies when they push the button? or should I just stop asking questions right here...



They say someone you don't know will die. Once one person presses the button, the box is given to someone else for the same test.

The only thing is, the guy that got the box before Marsden and Diaz was one of Marsden's co-workers. WTF?


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i thought richard kelly would disappear forever after everyone hated southland tales


there was so much hype for that movie and it ended up being the biggest, most expensive disaster ever. nothing about it made any sense


what company would ever trust him again to be in charge of a project? he's probably a master of working the movie-biz politics

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At least it has the merit of being an original movie, unlike the average american blockbuster.




uh, i don't think so,, this is a remake of the short from a mid-80's Twilight Zone tv episode,,,. :mu-ziq:


The Box is a 2009 horror film based on the 1970 short story "Button, Button" by Richard Matheson, which was previously adapted into an episode of the 1980s incarnation of The Twilight Zone
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Guest bitroast

hahaha. Southland Tales is the only film i have ever walked out on. we laughed at everyone who was still watching it as we walked out XD

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Guest bitroast

yeah, first and only time! maybe in some other crazy universe, it would've been the second time had i've seen mission impossible 2 at the cinemas. sin city isn't that bad.. and you HAVE to see lord of the rings at the cinemas. i dunno why but ... you have to man!

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Guest Glass Plate

thats the only movie youve ever walked out of?

off the top of my head i've walked out of: Sin City, What Dreams May Come, Mission Impossible 2, and Return of the King

wtf that's like a list of my favorite movies of all time.

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Guest bitroast

almost on topic.. yesterday at this oldschool cinema in melbourne they played all 3 lord of the rings back to back on the big screen. i was half tempted to go just for a giggle, but i knew the lolz would quickly wear thin after a few hours or so :D

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Guest JW Modestburns

good, i hope donnie darko guy never makes another movie


Oh my mother fuck, i decided to watch that movie than got on watmm and open this thread and your talking about the same damn movie. Don't you see man, there has to be something to this philosophy of time travel shit. there's just gotta be.

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