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flossing your teeth

Guest ezkerraldean

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Guest ezkerraldean

Fucking pseudo-macho twats who think it's cool to not care about shit. i know some of them and they piss me off. the irony is that despite their dental neglect their teeth are perfect and mine are absolutely fucked.

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"A routine instruction to use floss is not supported by scientific evidence" - International Journal of Dental Hygiene (November 2008, Vol. 6:4, pp. 265-279)


"Most studies did not show a benefit for floss on plaque and clinical parameters of gingivitis. Sub-group meta-analyses were performed for the plaque index and gingival index; neither showed a significant treatment effect." - http://www.library.nhs.uk/oralhealth/ViewResource.aspx?resID=313370


"Ineffective flossing stirs plaque around and might therefore be harmful" ... "When professional flossing was performed on a three-monthly basis, there was no evidence of a benefit, suggesting that infrequent flossing may be ineffective when it comes to caries control. When flossing was self-performed by young adolescents, even under supervision on school days, there was also no evidence of benefit, which may be due to the presence of fluorides, poor flossing techniques, or other reasons. No evidence on the effectiveness of floss in adults or under real-world clinical conditions could be identified. In particular, there was no evidence that flossing is effective in the presence of topical fluorides." - http://jdr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/full/85/4/298?ck=nck



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Come on now.


"Our aim was to assess, systematically, the effect of flossing on interproximal caries risk. Six trials involving 808 subjects, ages 4 to 13 years, were identified. There were significant study-to-study differences and a moderate to large potential for bias. Professional flossing performed on school days for 1.7 years on predominantly primary teeth in children was associated with a 40% caries risk reduction (relative risk, 0.60; 95% confidence interval, 0.48–0.76; p-value, < 0.001). Both three-monthly professional flossing for 3 years (relative risk, 0.93; 95% confidence interval, 0.73–1.19; p-value, 0.32) and self-performed flossing in young adolescents for 2 years (relative risk, 1.01; 95% confidence interval, 0.85–1.20; p-value, 0.93) did not reduce caries risk. No flossing trials in adults or under unsupervised conditions could be identified. Professional flossing in children with low fluoride exposures is highly effective in reducing interproximal caries risk. These findings should be extrapolated to more typical floss-users with care, since self-flossing has failed to show an effect."
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Guest Glass Plate

no it doesn't, it says if your a kid and doing it your self it is. "No flossing trials in adults or under unsupervised conditions could be identified." No research on adults doing it themselves was made.


I used to get constant cavities, it was a real problem. Since I started flossing regularly I have never gotten a cavity, and my regular check ups have become a lot shorter because my teeth are in better shape.

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"A routine instruction to use floss is not supported by scientific evidence" - International Journal of Dental Hygiene (November 2008, Vol. 6:4, pp. 265-279)


"Most studies did not show a benefit for floss on plaque and clinical parameters of gingivitis. Sub-group meta-analyses were performed for the plaque index and gingival index; neither showed a significant treatment effect." - http://www.library.nhs.uk/oralhealth/ViewResource.aspx?resID=313370


"Ineffective flossing stirs plaque around and might therefore be harmful" ... "When professional flossing was performed on a three-monthly basis, there was no evidence of a benefit, suggesting that infrequent flossing may be ineffective when it comes to caries control. When flossing was self-performed by young adolescents, even under supervision on school days, there was also no evidence of benefit, which may be due to the presence of fluorides, poor flossing techniques, or other reasons. No evidence on the effectiveness of floss in adults or under real-world clinical conditions could be identified. In particular, there was no evidence that flossing is effective in the presence of topical fluorides." - http://jdr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/full/85/4/298?ck=nck




*soaks dentures, puts on Matlock*

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Guest abusivegeorge

I've been told by professionals that flossing is harmful to gums, therefore I won't do it. I brush twice a day and use a mild mouthwash free from alcohol. Flossing can fuck my arse.

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I used to get constant cavities, it was a real problem. Since I started flossing regularly I have never gotten a cavity, and my regular check ups have become a lot shorter because my teeth are in better shape.


likewise.. i'm not sure if 'bad chemistry' is even a real cause, but it really seems like it. all i've really changed is my brushing habit (keyword: hard) and i haven't gotten one in a while, plus my gums are better. if you get a Reach or any one of the gum-focused brushes it helps a lot.

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no it doesn't, it says if your a kid and doing it your self it is. "No flossing trials in adults or under unsupervised conditions could be identified." No research on adults doing it themselves was made.

Plus, how well do you think 'young adolescents' floss anyway?


I see the shit that comes out of my teeth when I floss and I'm glad for doing it!



edit: 9/11 was an inside job.

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Guest ezkerraldean

intriguing developments. i've always thought i looked after my teeth (brushing and mouthwash alone but intensive) for ages, and definitely gave them more attention than most other people whos dental habits were known to me. yet i'm the one that gets really fucked teeth - random staining and yellowing plus tonnes of cavities in molars, plus general shit crookedness. most recent dentist (4 months ago) strongly recommended me starting to floss, so i did. probably hasn't been long enough to tell if it's made a difference.



basically why are my teeth so disgusting while my friends have perfect teeth even though they don't give a fuck about their teeth, what is this

i want a refund

is my diet really that sugary? or wat

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intriguing developments. i've always thought i looked after my teeth (brushing and mouthwash alone but intensive) for ages, and definitely gave them more attention than most other people whos dental habits were known to me. yet i'm the one that gets really fucked teeth - random staining and yellowing plus tonnes of cavities in molars, plus general shit crookedness. most recent dentist (4 months ago) strongly recommended me starting to floss, so i did. probably hasn't been long enough to tell if it's made a difference.



basically why are my teeth so disgusting while my friends have perfect teeth even though they don't give a fuck about their teeth, what is this

i want a refund

is my diet really that sugary? or wat


well, brushing and flossing really does nothing or very little to make your teeth LOOK nice. Your teeth are never going to straighten themselves out or shed their stains from coffee/tea or smoking without help. Youre either going to have to get whitening and orthodontic work or just live with it.

The way i understand it sugars arent the only things that cause cavities. My dentist told me some of the worst culprits are starches that stick to teeth while a sugary drink like soda will dissolve in your saliva and be swallowed

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i bought this new "total care" listerine and i swear my teeth got visibly whiter within a week. i never have had very white teeth.


Yeah, but at what cost of wearing down your enamel or weakening it - look on the label to see what chemicals they are using for the whitening process.




true that.... vanity can be a liability.

i brush my teeth with baking soda to avoid

to many stains, but only once a week, so it is not to much for my enamel.

when i brush the rest of the time, i use teatree oil or peppermint oil.


i floss (delicately) and i toothpick :smile:


teeth are exposed bones, like rocks on the surface of

the earth. healthy teeth are reliant on a high mineral diet.

lots of dark leafy greens, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and pure (naturally)

mineral rich spring water (not mineral water). thick enamel and healthy gums equals healthy teeth

healthy teeth aren't necessarily white, it's just an idea we have become familiar with.

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