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Could you go out on your own?

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74

On this planet 35 years and have never ever gone out on my own. If I go out, it's gotta be with the wife, with friends or to meet friends.


Had to go to Orbital alone Saturday night, the wife had no intention of heading up from Kerry to Dublin for a gig. A friend who likes Orbital was on a date. And of course the other Kerrymen who were in Dublin but not into Orbital all went to this kip of a place where they play Irish music and nurses go to get groped.


First time I ever went to anything on my own, and gotta admit it wasn't half as bad as I feared. I guess being a smoker helps, ended up in some great chats outside. If I had to do it again, I would be less apprehensive about it.

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yeah i tend to have more fun than i expect when going out on my own - that said though, it takes me a freakin' long time to even get out of the house. stupid anxiety. i always sit there for hours drinking and weighing up the pros and cons of going out (ie. i'll go see a band! but i'll have to figure out how to get home afterwards. but i know someone in the band and can go have a beer with them! but i might get too drunk and make a fool of myself, etc). it's something i've only become aware of recently, and i'm not quite sure how to get the fuck over it.

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i'm afraid it's the lot of an idm/electronic music fan. i've got 2 mates with the same taste in music, if they're not around and there's something i really want to see, i'll go goddammit.


after a few beers and like you say, a wee blether with other smokers, the awkwardness soon dissipates.

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funny thing is, i've got more friends here who are into idm than say, indie/post-rock bands. and it just so happens that i prefer to go out and see bands than idm d00ds.

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i just go! true i have ended up having to walk home because i spent all my money/miss bus/train etc, or sometimes look 'odd' being on my own all night, but some of the most fun ive had dancing has been on my own..



use the word curious instead of apprehensive in your life and see what happens :]

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i go out on my own quite regularly, turning up at a nasty, dark little dancefloor and flailing like a wanker to release some endorphins is often much more enjoyable when you dont know a single person. you invariably make some new friends when you go out for cigerettes anyway.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I've done it lots of times, sometimes its good just watching the music and bailing out after without talking to anyone. Usually end up chatting to someone somehow. It's a lot easier to do stuff without having to organise it; get a drink when you want one, go for a piss and not have to worry about losing everyone, leave when you feel like it

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If I had to rely on my mates coming with me to go to gigs, I would've been to about six by now. Best: The Fall at Nottingham Rescue Rooms. Right at the front, decent crack with total strangers, and I could all but smell the piss soaked into Mark E Smith's trousers.

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Guest Barricade

if it's not too much of a hassle i go alone, if i really like it and no one likes it or doesnt want to go, fuck it. i went to a boris concert on my own and it was fucking amazing.

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concerts solo are a breeze. going to the bar solo is a different animal. as a serious big buck hunter player, i have to stay in practice, so i go to the bars by myself about twice a week. you have to willingly take on the undoubted heckling you'll get from some drunk dude on his way to take a piss, as well as the pride-swallowing reputation amongst the staff of being that guy who comes in and drinks PBR and pumps loads of money into the buck hunter machine. also, you cant get a nice i-dont-give-a-fuck drunk shield prior to showing up because you need to be kind of sober, at least at first, to really practice. five beers in i genuinely dont give a fuck though, and i'm yelling at the damn thing as if i was in my own living room. by then the bar has filled up and i'm just the crazy regular guy and people tend to steer clear accordingly.


that being said, i've gotten extremely good at striking up and maintaining conversations with bar tenders. as a result, my wife and i always have a good time going to the bars of restaurants and eating there and just shooting the shit with the bar tender.

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Guest Conor74

your weird


I'm not sure I could ever go for a drink on my own, I can't even have a drink at home on my own, will only have something once in a blue moon if the wife is having a glass of wine.


But would def go to another gig without worrying too much about having to text everyone to find one or two who share my taste...and round these parts that's very few...

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

going out alone usually ends up being much more interesting even if just for the introspective way in which you view scenario's differently

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Guest abusivegeorge

I would often go to a bar/club/gig on my own when drinking, the shaking, anxious piece of shot to shit nervous system that I was would soon be put to bed after 3 beers in the house. Then going out on my own was awesome, didn't have to stay with the same crowd all night, this would allow to meet and talk with total strangers, even gilrls watmm. These were the best nights of my life when drinking!

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going out alone usually ends up being much more interesting even if just for the introspective way in which you view scenario's differently



standards in the opposite sex going down a few notches? :emotawesomepm9:



actually i met the last 2 proper relationships (current is a good 8-9 on the la-lometer) & lots of others previous going out on my own.




going out alone rocks.

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your weird


I'm not sure I could ever go for a drink on my own, I can't even have a drink at home on my own, will only have something once in a blue moon if the wife is having a glass of wine.


i see nothing wrong with drinking on my own.

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Guest Helper ET

your weird


I'm not sure I could ever go for a drink on my own, I can't even have a drink at home on my own, will only have something once in a blue moon if the wife is having a glass of wine.


i see nothing wrong with drinking on my own.


drinking alone is one of my favorite activities


the only shame i feel from doing it is from the endless indoctrination placed upon all of us since childhood, as to be driven deep into our psyche. bastards. then you have all the drunk driving propaganda, underage drinking, alcoholics, social expectations, jacked up prices and taxes, the police monitoring, man...they really try to ruin it for a guy

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i haven't done anything on my own in such a long time; i've been with my girlfriend for three (!!!) years now, and we're almost always together. even when i wasn't with her, i would very rarely go out on my own. in the past four years, the only thing i really did on my own was go for long walks at five in the morning, but that was over a massively depressing winter break in college days. gay

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

first time i did it was recently. and it was to eventually meet other watmmers so not really alone. on the way i stopped in an irish pub and sat at the bar by myself. it was odd. like waiting for someone but knowing they aren't coming. i have no interest in sports but sitting alone in a bar makes basketball the most interesting thing. then i went downtown and met some watmmers and was no longer alone. yay.

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first time i did it was recently. and it was to eventually meet other watmmers so not really alone. on the way i stopped in an irish pub and sat at the bar by myself. it was odd. like waiting for someone but knowing they aren't coming. i have no interest in sports but sitting alone in a bar makes basketball the most interesting thing. then i went downtown and met some watmmers and was no longer alone. yay.


who'd you meet?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

catsonearth, braintree, awepittance, wisp


and although he was there, thankfully not troon.


actually seems like half the crowd was watmmers but i only met those ones.




next up i want to watch fredmcgriff destroy a buckhunter machine then go watch a tortoise gig

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