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"World's strongest beer" launched


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Guest Rightsidedrive

I had an Indian friend, from India, he's older than me, he's like almost 50 I'm assuming. Well he told he that in his heyday he would get with his peers and saturate beer with sugar; supposedly this concoction got them thoroughly throw-ed. In conclusion, I believe there could be a correlation with this mixture and that of the snakebite? Maybe I will carry out this experiment and report. thank you.

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Guest abusivegeorge

If I wanted to get really angry and stab somebody, but perhaps needed that extra violent edge to go the tiny bit further of not just pulling the knife out, but actually sticking it in the intended victim, four pints of snakebite gave me this exact redeeming quality of character.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Where does it say it's distilled?



there's no way you can have that strong of beer without distilling it. The alcohol would kill the yeast between 10 and 15 percent, depending on what kind it is. Maybe it's like an ice beer -- they freeze it and skim off the top.

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well they called it a beer... I know that traditional yeast cannot produce at above 15% but they said they are being innovative so maybe they got their hands on some sort of hybrid super yeast or the ice beer as you described.

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