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Stinky Bastard


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Of course it is probably the case that you have tougher beasties inhabiting your body so you get smellier after all that eks.


Even so it was 38 degrees plus in the crowd and i was dancing like a madman with sheets of sweat coming off me, so it was an unusual situation to gauge in terms of the potential results so i forgive your lack of trust.





jeez iem serious today, must be because the fucking air-con needs a service and so has broken down due to the heat/humidity. I've just had a shower, and already feel like i need a second, just to cool down. fuk saek. at least we're moving from this hole soon.

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I've never had that conversation with you before delet...on the real tip.


On a somewhat related note: Bjorn Lomborg thinks that the solution to poverty is to make sure everyone has air-conditioning.

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Guest catacombus

I shit you guys not. I stopped using shampoo about 2 years ago because I kept forgetting to buy it at the store for a few weeks. I noticed that nothing changed with my hair, and it actually felt better than when I was using the shampoo.. and I have long hair. Then after a while I stopped using soap as well.. and I never went back to using it. Nobody ever told me I smell and I still get with bitches now and then, once in a while, probably more than most people. And they're not dirty hippie bitches either. More like hipsterish kind of hos. A few chicks even loved my man musk so much that they intentionally smelled my armpits or something after I'm done fucking them.


Basically using shampoo and soap is pointless. I still brush with toothpaste though.

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Also, society has evolved to the point where once-acceptable natural human smells are no longer present and have been replaced by odor, thus requiring that man mask or remove these odors with soaps, lotions, oils, and cleansers.




In reality not your mass consumer fantasy world, things like perfume are no longer necessary as we regularly wash both ourselves and our clothes. And granted some people are still going to exude problematic odours, but these can be remedied without perfume via methods some of which were mentioned already in this thread.


It is true am totally anti the perfume industry, as what they produce is a constant irritation to my allergies. And i understand that some people find those nauseatingly loud odours a psychological comfort, but in the interests of the solace of those around them, perfumes should be banned.




Next, I used to shower several times a day before i surrounded myself with the joys of aircon. And when in the shower would lather myself with so called low irritant liquid soaps, grew up never using the old style bar stuff, and when i did found it tedious to use. Anyway, despite my fastidiousness in the cleaning department, I ended up with a hard to get rid of skin fungus. After researching online I found that that the detergents that i was using were actually feeding the infection. And on top of that, logic determined that I was continually washing away all the beneficial bacteria that should have been in place to out-compete the invading species.


So i quit washing with soap. After some time the infection cleared with the use of the appropriate creams, where before it had doggedly hung on and even spread it's reign to satellite communities in other parts of my anatomy.


In the two years since the cessation of the soapy stuff, I have not contrary to your misguided reasoning, developed an odour. Unlike the bum mentioned I shower twice a day at a minimum, and don't sweat into an overcoat and piss-stained trousers for months on end.




It must be further noted the effect that a poor diet and lack of exercise contributes to negatively to body odour. But i'm sure someone else will pick this up.


:: --


As to shampoo and conditioner for the hair, i still do this once every 2-3 days. As given that I have long hair, dandruff would be an issue. I don't wet the hair when i'm not washing it as the hard water here crapifies the situation.


When i was in high school I stopped washing my hair altogether for a time so that i could generate rotlocks, the free version of dreadlocks. Swimming regularly in the sea was the only hair maintenance type thing that happened. Eventually i tired of having great knotty clumps of hair so over the course of a few mornings before school I pulled individual strands of hair that were attached to my head from the few clumps i'd decided to work off my head that day.


Once the job was completed i had a normal head of hair again, and on inspection the rotlocks were nothing more than great clumps of knotted hair. All completely odourless and free from the build up of detritus you might have expected. So after 10 months or more of zero socially legitimate washing, my hair was perfectly fine.




eneewae, iem oevr xis poest nao .. sorry that i got cranky at you joy, but come on, open your mind. ;-p


LOL, you almost had me up until the bolded part [emphasis mine]

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i went about 5 days without shampoo, felt really soft, slightly oily, but nothing to complain about....i think im gonna keep this at a once a week thing

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Guest beatfanatic

If I dont take a shower even for one day, the first thing I notice is that I develop something called a hair-stink.

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LOL, you almost had me up until the bolded part



so, you are thinking that i am joking, OR you have written me off and some sort of hippy scrubber so you don't trust what i said ?? I stand confused.

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If I dont take a shower even for one day, the first thing I notice is that I develop something called a hair-stink.


Yes, this non soap is a not for everybody sort of thing. Like i would still shampoo and condition my hair for reasons mentioned, might not though if i had short hair. So if your body is naturally and negatively odoriferous, you would focus a little more consciously on combating that. Still, I think diet and exercise and clean clothes help muchly in this department. But still some people are beyond redemption, maybe. Who knows, i just think it pays to experiment yeah.

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yeah i'm doing this too- the no shampoo thing... BUT, curious, should i use hair conditioner at all?


My dad discovered with his hair that he only needed to use a light shampoo to clean it, he doesn't use conditioner. A lot of this is a psychological hurdle so i haven't bothered to try that out with my precious hair. heh ...

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LOL, you almost had me up until the bolded part



so, you are thinking that i am joking, OR you have written me off and some sort of hippy scrubber so you don't trust what i said ?? I stand confused.


Well, don't get me wrong - I like you - always have. I'd just never let my hair mat up. Juss' sayin'.

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Guest theSun

when i had dreads i couldn't use regular shampoo cause it made my hair straighten out and undread. just used water, it didn't smell bad but i never really felt clean. and i wasn't really able to rub off vigorously the grease on my head as that would also cause the dreads to destabilize.


with short hair though using shampoo seems silly because at times it can attract bear

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LOL, you almost had me up until the bolded part



so, you are thinking that i am joking, OR you have written me off and some sort of hippy scrubber so you don't trust what i said ?? I stand confused.


Well, don't get me wrong - I like you - always have. I'd just never let my hair mat up. Juss' sayin'.


Ahh ok, so you're saying you don't want rotlocks. So you were on board/in agreeance with the rest of the arguement then buddy. ;-] super.


+ I likes you too honey ;-#

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