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NBC set to fuck Conan O'brien in the ass

Rubin Farr

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i dont really get american chat shows, its all the same format bullshit just with a diff chump presenting






There are some things you don't do.. like knocking Paul Shaffer. You wouldn't know talent if you got fucked in the anus by it.

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paul shaffer is an unfunny annoying fuck.


but yeah i cant quite grasp why anyone outside the US would even know about these shows. i havent a fucking clue what comes on british tv at night. i have enough tv here to watch, why would i watch another country's tv.

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Goddamn hippies and their day jobs.)


wait, what?


Working folk typically won't stay up past the midnight spot so guys like Conan have always done genius comedy under the radar until he got the recognition he deserved in spite of his unsexy time slot. Now, it's a problem again--to say nothing of Jimmy Fallon: "well folks, the sun is rising so take us out The Roots!"


i was just under the impression that hippies dont have day jobs.

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Guest Bramsworth

It's clear the only solution here is to genetically alter both hosts so that they switch places, while still being the same person. That way they both get what they deserve.


I've spent several man hours proving this hypothesis and these are the results:



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why is no one criticizing conan in this? it seems like you're just attacking someone who has proven himself for years in this format, and going with the crowd/trend that conan is cool. fine, you don't like leno (i can't stand his show) but how is this a one sided thing? i think most people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but act like they're inside because they've read a couple blogs.

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why is no one criticizing conan in this? it seems like you're just attacking someone who has proven himself for years in this format, and going with the crowd/trend that conan is cool. fine, you don't like leno (i can't stand his show) but how is this a one sided thing? i think most people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but act like they're inside because they've read a couple blogs.


whats to criticize him about? He's a successful and talented performer who deserves his right to defend not only his career but the legacy of the tonight show. Sure hes being stubborn but i think most people (aside from contrarians or haters) would think he's well within the right.

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calm down zaphod, take a pill,


i think i can safely represent the majority here in saying that Conan is the only talk show host anyone in our demographic would really watch.

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Guest Bramsworth

why is no one criticizing conan in this? it seems like you're just attacking someone who has proven himself for years in this format, and going with the crowd/trend that conan is cool. fine, you don't like leno (i can't stand his show) but how is this a one sided thing? i think most people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but act like they're inside because they've read a couple blogs.


You realize someone could make the same statement to you too, right? :P I mean, you haven't even said why all the attacking shouldn't just be on Jay. How can anyone respect a man who even before all of this was going on while Conan was still safe with his show was already spouting off to people that given the chance he'd take the job away from Conan? This is the same guy who's supposed retirement caused Conan to change his whole lives, throw out his already hit show(Late Night) and move out to another state, all under the pretense that he's secured a brand new job.


Hell, Leno was going off about wanting to take his job back practically just as soon as Conan got it. After how much Conan had to give up for this, I find that hugely disrespectful he'd even have the nerve to be saying that to the public. To put it simply, Conan, and not only him but lots of his staff, threw out their lives in New York and moved over here to start a new one. And now big chin Leno can't even respect that and thinks just because everyone working at NBC is an idiot, he may as well just take it all back?


That's a total dick right there. And in case someone makes the argument again that there's no reason for anyone to care this much, just remember that some of us grew up with late night talk shows. I really respect the hosts, and I used to respect Jay. Not anymore...

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lol, don't tell me to calm down because i'm the dissenting voice in this thread. i don't even care, as i said in a post above. i don't know why anyone cares. a bunch of people died in an earthquake and these assholes are making hundreds of millions of dollars but i'm supposed to feel bad for conan because his time slot was going to get moved? tough shit. i'm playing devil's advocate. why is anyone coming down on leno like they work in the industry and have some inside knowledge about the workings of these deals?

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lol, don't tell me to calm down because i'm the dissenting voice in this thread. i don't even care, as i said in a post above. i don't know why anyone cares. a bunch of people died in an earthquake and these assholes are making hundreds of millions of dollars but i'm supposed to feel bad for conan because his time slot was going to get moved? tough shit. i'm playing devil's advocate. why is anyone coming down on leno like they work in the industry and have some inside knowledge about the workings of these deals?



who claimed they had inside knowledge of the deals? everything i have seen in this thread has either been proven or had claims made by tmz.com, which even though i absolutely abhor, is usually pretty fucking good at digging up behind the scenes celebrity-related dirt.


this has nothing to do with the earthquake, maybe you should post the same voice of dissension in the 15-30 threads created today that were also not about the earthquake.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Skinny fucking ginger stopped being funny around the time Andy Richter left the show anyway.

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lol, don't tell me to calm down because i'm the dissenting voice in this thread. i don't even care, as i said in a post above. i don't know why anyone cares. a bunch of people died in an earthquake and these assholes are making hundreds of millions of dollars but i'm supposed to feel bad for conan because his time slot was going to get moved? tough shit. i'm playing devil's advocate. why is anyone coming down on leno like they work in the industry and have some inside knowledge about the workings of these deals?



who claimed they had inside knowledge of the deals? everything i have seen in this thread has either been proven or had claims made by tmz.com, which even though i absolutely abhor, is usually pretty fucking good at digging up behind the scenes celebrity-related dirt.


this has nothing to do with the earthquake, maybe you should post the same voice of dissension in the 15-30 threads created today that were also not about the earthquake.


people here seem pretty emotionally invested in absolutely hating jay leno. i'm simply wondering if that's warranted. it seems kind of ridiculous, it's irritating reading through this thread looking for something reasonable and just seeing "BLARGH CONAN IS GREAT LENO SUCKS". leno is an institution. you don't like his show, fair enough, but don't shit all over people to support an argument.


and don't be fucking dense about my earthquake comment. i'm not going to stroll into a thread about pooping and tell people to make sure they're sending money to haiti, but maybe put shit in perspective about this particular situation. these guys have millions of dollars. millions. leno has never spent any of the money he's made working on the tonight show. conan is swimming in cash. i find it difficult to actually feel bad for him because he was put into an awkward position regarding a time slot. especially when the format is so utterly irrelevant. this format just needed to stay the same. conan's show dropped off in quality and it's debatable whether he would have succeeded in the time slot he was in. personally, i think his brand of humor is suited to late night. leno deserves his spot.

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well then add something about how good Jay Leno is and we can get something started then.



i just personally never found the guy funny, i was a letterman cat back in the day.

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Guest Bramsworth

zaphod only is complaining here because no other threads are about anything in the media. And when people start talking about that stuff, there's always gotta be someone that comes in and says "you're not on the inside, what do you care it's just entertainment for fucks sake. there's children that are starving in the world and you're complaining about this!"


All at the same time he's at his computer and clearly is trying to make an argument for Jay, and probably didn't even pay much mind to that earthquake at all, until he saw an opportunity to use it as a defense :)


Seriously, just get out of here if you don't care. You and your very easy "there's a whole world out there with real problems" defense. It's so old, it's almost as stale and boring as Jays monologue :)

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