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NBC set to fuck Conan O'brien in the ass

Rubin Farr

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i watch conan every night. fuck you, leno.

*cookie monster emoticon*

I am one of those "watches Conan on Hulu" people. I can safely say I've seen about eighty percent of his LA episodes.

Personally, I thought his show was funnier when he was in New York, but he still is my favorite.

I liked how he used to venture from the studio more and do location segments when he was in NY.

There's also a bit of a wierd vibe with Andy. I'm not sure what's up with that.

Who knows, maybe a half-hour push will do him good.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

A lot of people predicted this would happen. NBC didn't like how much money Conan was making, and apparently he was very difficult in his last contract negotiation.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

it was sad when conan retired the masturbating bear because he was moving to the tonight show.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

I used to think he was cool, but this is outright backstabbing and is just so rude to all his fellow comrades at NBC. Conan better just tell Jay to piss off and maybe actually set him in his place, and then leave NBC altogether. Clearly they're just stuck in this weirdass mindset that Jay is the only thing that will keep the network going, which is just not true.


My thoughts are never well together so what I said may not make much sense. tl;dr: Jay should stop being a baby and just leave. He started it, stop ruining everyone elses life at your expense for your dead show.



NBC is much more likely to screw Conan because dropping Leno, no matter how sensible, would at this point disillusion many more viewers than dropping Conan would. Remember, this is mostly about what the networks are *offering* to each of these guys, I mean I'm sure they have room for negotiation and whatnot but ultimately NBC decides what goes.


Personally, I hope Conan goes to cable where he can reign free of network censors AND not face the Colbert Report in a competing timeslot. Then I might actually sign up for cable! (or just start torrenting his show)

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There's also a bit of a wierd vibe with Andy. I'm not sure what's up with that.


I have a feeling NBC didnt want andy on the show at all but conan insisted. I personally enjoy their banter, its like two best friends with their own show, and is a vast imrpovement over joel gotter who was pretty much another labamba/max weinberg. Seems like andy oversteps his "boundaries" sometimes, recently hes been a bit more under wraps, probably got a few talkings-to backstage. But he adds an element of unpredictability to the show and im glad he finally got a nice gig.

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I never really liked Conan, but that's really shitty of NBC to do this to him. Leno really hasn't been funny for years. He should have just stepped away - not like that fucker doesn't have enough money...

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i liked the show with Andy back on it. At first i was pissed that they kept him on the sidelines and didn't have him on the couch to interact with the guests. It actually seemed eerily close to the fictional talk show, Larry Sanders when Hank was forced off stage to a small podium with a mic for the duration of the show.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

conan's entire show is driven by awkwardness. it's his element.


this partly true, some of the best moments on Conan are soo fucking awkward.


Sometimes the best interviews are with the most boring weird people etc.


Andy is the bomb, it WAS weird having him back for a little while but I'm really glad hes on now. There's been a lot of times recently where Andy helped direct moments into maximum funniness

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Guest Fishtank

I used to like Conan, in fact I still do but his new show is lame

he recycles jokes waaayyyy too much

Jimmy Kimmel is the only funny late night host left

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Guest Mirezzi

This news made me lol and think I was losing my mind.


Jay Leno is the most boring, unfunny sack of shit to ever be inflicted on the American TV-watching public.


If Conan leaves as a result of this, hallefuckinglujah.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I'm fine with the twitter tracker cuz I lol at anything that Brian McCann primarily involved with




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Guest GrandPopPoplock

I'm fine with the twitter tracker cuz I lol at anything that Brian McCann primarily involved with





Brian McCann is a very underrated actor .

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

NBC and Jay Leno are fucking faggots, the main thing that annoys me is the lack of respect Conan is getting, right now I can't believe Conan won't move to a different network with less constraints on the comedic adventurism Conan's team has always pushed the envelope on.


But if Conan doesn't continue on to do another show kamikaze suicide is the only option

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