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Strange Spam

Guest Gary C

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I am writing with some deeply sad news. Bingo Gazingo (born Murray Wachs) died

on January 1, 2010. He was struck by a cab on his way to perform his weekly show

at the Bowery Poetry Club about a month earlier. He was 85 years old.


Bingo Gazingo was an amazing performer and songwriter with a one-of-a-kind voice

and a wicked wit. Throughout his 70s and his 80s, he performed with a vibrancy

and determination that was unmatched by people of any age.


The very first song that I recorded as My Robot Friend called "You're Out of the

Computer" was written and sung by Bingo Gazingo. I've closed my show with it

every night since I started performing. I feel honored to have known Bingo, to

have heard him perform, and to have collaborated with him. He was truly



There will be a memorial for Bingo at the Bowery Poetry Club this Sunday,

January 24th at 6:00 PM. The event is free and open to the general public. We

will be celebrating Bingo's artistic work: showing rare video footage, playing

his music, and sharing some fond memories.


Please come out and pay tribute to an amazing artist.



Bingo Gazingo Memorial

Sunday, January 24th

6:00 PM

Bowery Poetry Club

308 Bowery

New York, NY 10012

cost: free




If you love Bingo as much as I do, I encourage you to spread the word about his

music to people and let them know how awesome he was. He's got a myspace page

where people can appreciate his music and comment:




His spirit, wit, and voice are unmatched and will be deeply missed.



Your Robot Friend,



I'm mostly hungover at the moment and don't have the energy to even research it, but this is some really strange spam. There's no obvious gain, which leads me to believe it's just some sort of advertisement for a MySpace page, but I don't know how it came out of that site and landed with me, unknowingly.

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I am writing with some deeply sad news. Bingo Gazingo (born Murray Wachs) died

on January 1, 2010. He was struck by a cab on his way to perform his weekly show

at the Bowery Poetry Club about a month earlier. He was 85 years old.


Bingo Gazingo was an amazing performer and songwriter with a one-of-a-kind voice

and a wicked wit. Throughout his 70s and his 80s, he performed with a vibrancy

and determination that was unmatched by people of any age.


The very first song that I recorded as My Robot Friend called "You're Out of the

Computer" was written and sung by Bingo Gazingo. I've closed my show with it

every night since I started performing. I feel honored to have known Bingo, to

have heard him perform, and to have collaborated with him. He was truly



There will be a memorial for Bingo at the Bowery Poetry Club this Sunday,

January 24th at 6:00 PM. The event is free and open to the general public. We

will be celebrating Bingo's artistic work: showing rare video footage, playing

his music, and sharing some fond memories.


Please come out and pay tribute to an amazing artist.



Bingo Gazingo Memorial

Sunday, January 24th

6:00 PM

Bowery Poetry Club

308 Bowery

New York, NY 10012

cost: free




If you love Bingo as much as I do, I encourage you to spread the word about his

music to people and let them know how awesome he was. He's got a myspace page

where people can appreciate his music and comment:




His spirit, wit, and voice are unmatched and will be deeply missed.



Your Robot Friend,



I'm mostly hungover at the moment and don't have the energy to even research it, but this is some really strange spam. There's no obvious gain, which leads me to believe it's just some sort of advertisement for a MySpace page, but I don't know how it came out of that site and landed with me, unknowingly.


Bingo Gazingo xD, if its spam. Its some rather fucking odd spam, any Watmmers in New York care to attend this on the 24th? :spiteful:



(also <3 your sig, HAUSU!)

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I've had the MySpace playing whilst I've been rolling around in a hazy stupor, and actually, the music's quite good.


I do kind of want a New York watmmer to go and report back, but then the spam has worked, right?

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Guest Space Coyote

Some NY-WATMMer should totally sacrifice a chunk of their evening and do a special report on this.


Question for Gary C, do you currently have, or ever had, a myspace page of your own?

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I did used to have a MySpace, yes, but my personal email account was never advertised on it.


So yeah, I must be on the Robot thing mailing-list. Mystery solved.

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