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Guest Masonic Boom

d/l-ing now... (may take a while on this connection.)


My last band did a single called Noyfriend that was a complete NEU! rip-off and no one got the joke - on the album we were gonna cal it NEUfriend to kind of rub the point home.


(Me & a couple of other chicks were forever joking about starting an all girl Cluster/harmonia tribute band called Zuckerzeit.)


d/l-ing now... (may take a while on this connection.)


My last band did a single called Noyfriend that was a complete NEU! rip-off and no one got the joke - on the album we were gonna cal it NEUfriend to kind of rub the point home.


(Me & a couple of other chicks were forever joking about starting an all girl Cluster/harmonia tribute band called Zuckerzeit.)

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just walked away from a local record store with vinyl copies of Sowiesoso & Zuckerzeit. I'm a happy man!

unfortunately they wanted $28 for a repressing of Musik von harmonia, or else i would have bought that too.

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well this sounds amazing. and with zoviet france too



an evening of swimming and floating with music


19:30 – 22:30 Wednesday 10 March 2010

Sunderland Aquatic Centre, Sunderland UK

map location


tickets: GBP 5.00 book online



Sound travels 4.5 times faster underwater, a phenomenon that can be directly

experienced during AV Festival 10. In the spectacular environment of Sunderland

Aquatic Centre, two of Europe’s influential electronic music groups perform

live for both underwater and pool-side listening, creating a once in a lifetime

experience. By submerging, you can immerse yourself in one version of the music

through an underwater soundsystem. For those who would rather sit back and relax,

a separate poolside version of the performance can be heard, and by floating on

the surface of the water you can mix the two together.


Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius have been making music together as Cluster

since 1969. Alongside Kraftwerk, Can and Faust, they are pioneers of krautrock and

have been a major influence on musicians from David Bowie to Autechre. Now aged 75

and 65, they are more vital than ever and since they reunited in 2007 have performed

at No Fun Festival and Documenta 12. This performance is a homage to their 1979 album

'Grosses Wasser' ('Big Water').


:zoviet*france: is a prolific music group based in Newcastle, who are pioneers of

ambient and electronic music. Formed in 1980, this performance marks their 30th



Supported by Newcastle-based DJs Fratelli di Rimini of the infamous Road to Rimini

club night. Tickets are available for the water and poolside areas (swim suits

required!), or if you prefer to stay dry, you can book a place in the raked seating

overlooking the pool


A FREE Festival coach departs from Newcastle Central Station at 19:15 with a pick up

at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art at 19:30, and departs Sunderland at 22:30.

For details and to reserve a seat, email reservations@avfestival.co.uk

In addition to this event, Wet Sounds will deliver underwater deep listening sessions

at Sunderland Aquatic Centre during the Festival.

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Guest Masonic Boom

OMG, that would be amazing - Cluster doing underwater aquatic sounds.


However... SUNDERLAND. Not somewhere I associate with swimming. Or indeed being in any kind of semi-undressed fashion near water bbrrrrrrrrr I don't think I'm willing to freeze my tits off, no, not even for Cluster.


Unless they provide those deep sea diving suits that insulate one against the cold.


Why don't they do it somewhere sensible like, Ibiza or the Bahamas.

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wow.. glad i stumbled upon this thread. i'm just hearing cluster and harmonia for the first time and absolutely LOVING them both. the next few days are gonna be great :)

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There's a Cluster (or maybe Kluster?) track that has lyrics about a head in a trash heap. Does anyone know this song and what album its on?


I heard it once on Hearts of Space or Pacific Noir many years ago, and haven't found any info on it since.

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Guest Masonic Boom

Lyrics? I don't think I've ever heard a Cluster track with vocals.


I could be wrong, but that sounds way more like something Faust would do, especially thematically.

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Lyrics? I don't think I've ever heard a Cluster track with vocals.


I could be wrong, but that sounds way more like something Faust would do, especially thematically.

vocals yes, lyrics no. i'm sure there's one track on grosses wasser with vocals. and one on sowiesoso too yes? loose vocals though, not quite singing hehe.


if you can be pedantic i can! haha!

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Guest Masonic Boom

Ha ha, OK, pedant, point ceded. :tongue:


But then again, half the time I can't tell *what* their sounds are or where they come from. There may well be human voices. I just can't think of any recognisable lyrics.

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The host had said it was Cluster, but I missed the name of the song...The vocals were more spoken-word than sang. In fact, they reminded me more of the guy from Cabaret Voltaire.

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