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Maybe there isn't too much interests in politics here, but I know a few members who might be interested in a discussion on current events. Here for example is some good news about Health Care




Shumer is on board of Public-Option-Via-Reconciliation Letter




This is key: Senator Chuck Schumer has just signed the letter calling on Harry Reid to hold a reconciliation vote on the public option.


Schumer just fired off an email to supporters in which he announced that he’s added his name to the letter, which was initially spearheaded by Senator Michael Bennet and three other Senators. He wrote:


I just added my name to their effort to pass a public option through the reconciliation process, and I wanted you to be the first to know.


This is far from a done deal, but it’s an opportunity to break through the obstructionism Republicans have pushed for the past year.


This is what the democrats should have done all along. The Republicans are doing nothing now but playing obstructionist. even voting down legislation they were clearly for only months before.


Also as just a general question, how do you think Obama has done thus far?


Personally I think late 2009 he wasn't doing a very good job. But since the State of the Union address I think he's actually starting to get shit done, playing on the offensive more.


And let's face it, of the 6 years the Republicans had complete control over every branch, they did not pass ONE good piece of legislation. It was all wars and tax cuts for the rich, which is what really contributed to the massive debt we have. The Obama administration though far from perfect, have done more in one month then Bush did his whole administration.

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Republicans, conservatives and Right Wingers are the biggest idiots .. ( Don't get me started on the teabaggers )


democrats have been pretty retarded lately too.


The democratic Party is not Left enough for me .. They are pussies .. they summit to the will of the fucking GOP ..

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yeah we need more headstrong people in the government... i think people (in general) just suck too much to make any progress. too selfish, imo. and that's on both sides.

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Did you guys watch the hour long question&answer with Obama and the GOP? Its on whitehouse.gov, Obama basically shits on their faces in the most presidential considerate way possible.


I think he's kicking it in gear. They are televising a debate on the Health Care on the 25th, with really no factual support to back up the GOP's stance, that also will be quite fun to tune in and watch. I expect I'll roll on the flooor , laughin

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Republicans, conservatives and Right Wingers are the biggest idiots .. ( Don't get me started on the teabaggers )


democrats have been pretty retarded lately too.


The democratic Party is not Left enough for me .. They are pussies .. they summit to the will of the fucking GOP ..

High fucking fives.

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Guest Al Hounos

The Democratic party hasn't had BALLS since FDR - which, not coincidentally, was the last time this country moved forward at more than a glacial pace. I want Obama to drop the Lincoln-loving 'consensus or compromise' shit and start cramming some progressivism down this country's throat, whether the average know-nothing on the street likes it or not. Call the obstructionists out! A shit list for corrupt assholes like that Shelby cunt from Alabama.


It is good to see that there are still democrats unwilling to give up the public option. Reform is better than nothing, but without a public option, Obama's legacy will be one of half-successes and minor letdowns.

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Guest we_kill_soapscum

sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.


and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.

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sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.


and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.

It just a coincidence that the republicans happen to be by-and-large the greedy/religious ones.

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sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.


and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.

It just a coincidence that the republicans happen to be by-and-large the greedy/religious ones.







fucking seriously?


are you an idiot?


I could probably drive 4 miles from where I live right now and find over 50 Republican members earning far below the poverty line.



and that's just for starters.


people like you are the problem.


stop fucking picking sides for once in your small headed lives.

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sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.


and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.

It just a coincidence that the republicans happen to be by-and-large the greedy/religious ones.


religious maybe, but greed? i think the democrats are just as guilty as being influenced by corporate special interests as the republicans.

the democrats in their current state are at best a mixture of right leaning centrists and slightly left leaning centrists , there is almost no one representing actual liberal policies in the senate. we have dennis Kucinich and a handful of others in the house but i think by and large both parties are guilty. right now the democrats are in charge and seem totally complacent to almost all of George W Bush's policies.


if being a democrat means believing in forced buy in to private health insurance by penalty of fine, i can't subscribe to that party. I'm all for single payer healthcare, but that's not a democratic policy at the moment, the policies regarding healthcare are more comparable to a bailout of the private health insurance industry

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Personally I think late 2009 he wasn't doing a very good job. But since the State of the Union address I think he's actually starting to get shit done, playing on the offensive more.


And let's face it, of the 6 years the Republicans had complete control over every branch, they did not pass ONE good piece of legislation. It was all wars and tax cuts for the rich, which is what really contributed to the massive debt we have. The Obama administration though far from perfect, have done more in one month then Bush did his whole administration.


do you mean he's playing the offensive more by completely adopting all of Bush's foreign policy decisions and also the way we treat suspected 'terrorists' ? he's becoming more like his predecessor every day that passes.


karmakramer, what do you think of the new Obama authorization of being able to assassinate american citizens without probable cause in any part of the world as long as the government suspects they are a terrorist. ?


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I don't feel any better off with Obama in office than I did with Bush, it's just a change in bullshit rhetoric (hope and change instead of freedom and democracy)


If you think there is an ounce of actual sincerity and honesty that the Dems have over the GOP on any issue, you're delusional. Though I will say even as a nationalized healthcare skeptic (i.e. it working here in the U.S.), the GOP has offered no solution and can't even succumb to reasonable and much needed regulation of the industry.

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Bush was for corporate interest (see, biggest Prescription Drug Welfare program ever conceived for insurance companies), war, and passing the bill to the other guy.

He knew the next guy would get blamed for it, even though he started the bailouts.


Obama has done nothing but try to clean it up and he gets blamed for it. He says 'this is what I want to do' and does it - Bush kept everything secret. That's not what I call sincere.


Using 'unitary executive' as an excuse to declare war of an undeclared war on a third world country with no defense, is not sincere.

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sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.
It just a coincidence that the republicans happen to be by-and-large the greedy/religious ones.
seriously?seriously?fucking seriously?are you an idiot?I could probably drive 4 miles from where I live right now and find over 50 Republican members earning far below the poverty line.and that's just for starters.people like you are the problem. stop fucking picking sides for once in your small headed lives.


Thank's for that. I hate when igonorant generalizations are made from any perspective.


Personally I think late 2009 he wasn't doing a very good job. But since the State of the Union address I think he's actually starting to get shit done, playing on the offensive more.And let's face it, of the 6 years the Republicans had complete control over every branch, they did not pass ONE good piece of legislation. It was all wars and tax cuts for the rich, which is what really contributed to the massive debt we have. The Obama administration though far from perfect, have done more in one month then Bush did his whole administration.
do you mean he's playing the offensive more by completely adopting all of Bush's foreign policy decisions and also the way we treat suspected 'terrorists' ? he's becoming more like his predecessor every day that passes. karmakramer, what do you think of the new Obama authorization of being able to assassinate american citizens without probable cause in any part of the world as long as the government suspects they are a terrorist. ? (video removed for space)


The most alarming thing about Obama is the cult of personality he's created. He's gotten away with doing the exact same military operations and even anti-terrorist rhetoric as W because of his positive global image and popularity as a person. But he's still a politician. He has a shitload of former W advisors. He comes from the most corrupt city in the U.S. I feel pity for every car I see here in Austin, TX with LGBT equality and anti-war bumber stickers next to their Obama ones, because he's not going to deliver on those issues.


It's a shit time to be a reasonable moderate of either the left or right. We have pricks like Glenn Beck and Olbermann spewing nonsense to rile people up. It's either join the shallow Dem bandwagon or the batshit hypocritical Tea Party folks. Otherwise, sit back and try to ride out the recession.

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fucking seriously?


are you an idiot?


I could probably drive 4 miles from where I live right now and find over 50 Republican members earning far below the poverty line.



and that's just for starters.


people like you are the problem.


stop fucking picking sides for once in your small headed lives.


Do you vote?

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sometimes i really do think America as an experiment is going to totally fail within my lifetime, which is scary.and its NOT a dem/rep thing, its a greed/religion thing.
It just a coincidence that the republicans happen to be by-and-large the greedy/religious ones.
seriously?seriously?fucking seriously?are you an idiot?I could probably drive 4 miles from where I live right now and find over 50 Republican members earning far below the poverty line.and that's just for starters.people like you are the problem. stop fucking picking sides for once in your small headed lives.


Thank's for that. I hate when igonorant generalizations are made from any perspective.


Personally I think late 2009 he wasn't doing a very good job. But since the State of the Union address I think he's actually starting to get shit done, playing on the offensive more.And let's face it, of the 6 years the Republicans had complete control over every branch, they did not pass ONE good piece of legislation. It was all wars and tax cuts for the rich, which is what really contributed to the massive debt we have. The Obama administration though far from perfect, have done more in one month then Bush did his whole administration.
do you mean he's playing the offensive more by completely adopting all of Bush's foreign policy decisions and also the way we treat suspected 'terrorists' ? he's becoming more like his predecessor every day that passes. karmakramer, what do you think of the new Obama authorization of being able to assassinate american citizens without probable cause in any part of the world as long as the government suspects they are a terrorist. ? (video removed for space)


The most alarming thing about Obama is the cult of personality he's created. He's gotten away with doing the exact same military operations and even anti-terrorist rhetoric as W because of his positive global image and popularity as a person. But he's still a politician. He has a shitload of former W advisors. He comes from the most corrupt city in the U.S. I feel pity for every car I see here in Austin, TX with LGBT equality and anti-war bumber stickers next to their Obama ones, because he's not going to deliver on those issues.


It's a shit time to be a reasonable moderate of either the left or right. We have pricks like Glenn Beck and Olbermann spewing nonsense to rile people up. It's either join the shallow Dem bandwagon or the batshit hypocritical Tea Party folks. Otherwise, sit back and try to ride out the recession.


right, because obama isn't at least trying to get rid of don't ask, don't tell. he's not doing anything.


i sincerely think that our congress is the problem, not our president. he's making some decisions i don't agree with, but at least he's being honest and open about them.

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Bush was for corporate interest (see, biggest Prescription Drug Welfare program ever conceived for insurance companies), war, and passing the bill to the other guy.

He knew the next guy would get blamed for it, even though he started the bailouts.


Obama has done nothing but try to clean it up and he gets blamed for it. He says 'this is what I want to do' and does it - Bush kept everything secret. That's not what I call sincere.


Using 'unitary executive' as an excuse to declare war of an undeclared war on a third world country with no defense, is not sincere.


There will be some good changes, like the end of don't ask, don't tell and hopefully some kind of healthcare reform will make it through.


But you're over-simplying it all. Bush was a neocon, and he actually was very much for federal government spending. He expanded medicare more than any other president since LBJ. He worked on the "no child left behind" act with Ted Kennedy. Yeah he started the bailouts but Obama has continued them and is already saying we have job growth and are heading out of the recession (to his credit he knows he's wrong but he can't seriously admit it).


Yeah he was corrupt as hell and severely misguided, we went into a war without legit justification to emark on a permanent imperialist agenda in the middle east. But Obama isn't some grassroots populist though, he made deals in his personal interest with now imprisoned developers in Chicago for public housing that never came to fruition. He was a high paid community activist in a city still riddled with the same levels of poverty and crime as when he moved there.


He's much less secretive, and I respect that change. But sincerity my ass. We had Biden saying the war surge is working in Afghanistan yet him and Obama said it worked but wasn't sound policy under W in Iraq. Gitmo is still open. Banks and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been bailed out and he still defends doing so. He allowed earmarks in the stimulus bill. Lobbyists are stronger than ever. Same old stuff. We're not doomed as the teabaggers claim, but I don't feel like this nation has progressed dramatically in any way.

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