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attempt at dubstep

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i feel like dubstep jumps around a lot and hits you in the face with some squelchy wobbly bass. this one slowly brings in the nice bass for you, doesn't slap you around and doesn't inspire dance. that said, its a nice track! i like the cut up pad thing. this is almost ambient lol.

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thanks man/mate


i'm trying to figure out dubstep. thing is, i don't like the genre very much. i don't listen to it much. but i want to make something fun and danceable that people would dig. i don't think this hits the mark yet, at all actually. but i'm getting closer to making something a bit more refined and whatnot.

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thanks man/mate


i'm trying to figure out dubstep. thing is, i don't like the genre very much. i don't listen to it much. but i want to make something fun and danceable that people would dig. i don't think this hits the mark yet, at all actually. but i'm getting closer to making something a bit more refined and whatnot.


Make bassline! I've found through trying to make both genres that bassline is much easier and possibly more danceable, plus the majority of dub loves will love bassline as it's essentially the same but with the snares on 2 and 4th beats of the bar, plus bassline is much more tongue in cheek, if you don't like the genre in the first place the piss-taking element might make making the music much more enjoyable..../

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The rough guide to making a commercial dubstep track:


1) Tempo: 140


2) Have intro of 16 bars, nothing too incredible to give the drop more an impact, a sample of Vinne Jones or some other sort of alpha male cockney never goes amiss.


3) Have a drop that's completely irrelevant to the intro.


4) Use a beat pattern similar to this (x= play sample, o= silence) :


|1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 - Beats

|x o o o | x o o o | x o o o | x o o o - Kick

|o o x o | o o x o | o o x o | o o x o - Snare

|x x o x | o x o o | x x o o | o x o x - Hat


This is a very basic dubstep beat but it's what most of the songs follow, variation of the beat is normally within the Hi Hats, it is imperative that the snare falls on the 3rd beat of the bar and the kick falls on the first (though extra kicks/snares may added on other beats as well). There other types of beats used in dubstep such as a fullstep beat but the example above is the most common.


P.S. Sorry if this is a little hard to look at I did have it set out in a clearer way but the formatting screwed up.


5) Make a wobble bass: The wobble's timbre is the most important element of any dubstep track as this is mainly what separates the 'good' tracks from the bad tracks. The most effective way of creating a wobbling sound is by linking an LFO to a low pass filter, though there are others, this is the most conventional. A wobble gives character to your track so the majority of the time making a dub track should be spent of creating a wob. Commonly the base of a wobble (the sound before the LFO is applied) is made with frequency modulation to give it grit, there are other ways such as overlaying complexed waveforms on top of each other, but gerneally FM synthesis is the most popular, further effect processing can be used to beef the sound up such as bitcrushing or bass boosting etc.


6) The drop: simply a combination of the wobble and the beat, a few samples of women orgasming or the mahine sounds from transformers are used quite a lot.


7) After 32 bars of drop, repeat the intro, perhaps with a second layer of melody if your feeling inspired, then repeat the drop, perhaps varying the drums a little bit.


8) Make an outro (often this is the intro fading out)


9) Think about how annoying it is that something so easily made can be considered 'amazing' by so many.




Benga- Benga's Off His Head - Much loved by dub fans for it's unique wobble. I'm afraid I couldn't find a full version and this clip is taken from the middle of a mix because at the end "Sound Guy is My Target" is being mixed in. The intro is just the synths from 1.47 playing the exact same melody.


Bar 9- Midnight - Again absolutely loved among dub fans, according to a friend of mine who mixes dub all Bar 9 tracks have the same structure.


16 Bit- Chainsaw Calligraphy Dub lovers go mad for this one, and for once I can actually empathise with them- the wobble is fucking intense.


Datsik and Excision- Invaders Bit of American made Dub, slightly different from UK dub, much more 'song like' in a weird sorta way, this track is a good example of using transformer samples to good effect. (Though i was much more impressed when I first heard it and thought that the samples had been synthesised by Datsik and Excision.)



Hopefully this will help you in your quest to make dubstep.....

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took another stab at dubstep, thanks for the feedback and tips, seriously. awesome. this forum is great.

basically i'm just trying to make that commercial dubstep track, people like this shit


i think i'm getting closer, apart from the shitty ultrabeat preset drums on this i think i'm getting better at the wobble



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My advice is don't make commercial dubstep, and don't try to make music you don't like.


good advice


i do like some aspects of dubstep, the hi tech as fuck sound of it and ridiculously heavy bass


i just want to rip it to shreds and do something cool with it

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also other track i posted sounds about 3000 times better after messing with some eq


still not perfect, just a quick fix to prove this track has balls





i know it's kind of dumb for me to be posting constantly in this thread but i enjoy the feedback i'm getting, i'm trying to do this right

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also other track i posted sounds about 3000 times better after messing with some eq


still not perfect, just a quick fix to prove this track has balls





i know it's kind of dumb for me to be posting constantly in this thread but i enjoy the feedback i'm getting, i'm trying to do this right


this one is more "dubstep" but man, whatever you did to the audio sounds terrible. if i was you i'd just work on "your" sound. develop it naturally.

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i've got a sound man


check out my album wolf blue. i'd say my sound is somewhat unique - some refinement could take it high.


dodeiale.bandcamp.com - full thing on there


try smoking some, turn off the lights, put on some headphones, perhaps report back. i think i remember you dig more techno four four type stuff but i think you'll find something to like on wolf blue


by the way do you dj? i might want to try to force some tracks down your throat for you to mix into your set if you give me some info on what you like

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oh, i was wondering. funny how you picked that thought up.






Anyhow, I KNOW you have a sound. I'm saying refine it over time, and worry less about morphing it intentionally to make it more whatever.


I'm not a DJ but i like to make sets for personal consumption and watmm folk


here's a bunch


I like lots of genres, not just techno

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Guest Lube Saibot

I'd feel flattered that you named one of these trainwrecks in motion after me, if only they weren't so fucking awful that they rendered me unable to feel. :cry:

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if you have the chance for a god - damned download!




so, lube, this one is an impressionistic dubstep meant to evoke the image of a crusted turd rattling out of my anus deep into your throat, you choking and sputtering, not dying, because i don't do that shit, but suffering

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