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Guest Babar

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-They can have accelerations/decelerations that would turn any man into a blob of bloody flesh. Actually a universon-propelled spacecraft would be entirely propelled. When you're into a plane, you can feel the Gs because you're not directly propelled. You're pushed by your seat. But a plane using universons would also propel you so that you wouldn't feel any acceleration.





Asimov thought about this, he called this type of propulsion "gravitic".

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Guest theSun

i'm distressed by Babar's use of "UFO".



i would like to learn more about this, because if science teaches us anything it's that reality is often far different than how we perceive it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Babar

just biking in to drop the latest news :




The preparation work is finished. The referees have accepted the article. We are waiting for the final editor decision.

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Guest Babar

yeah there are videos of this. just go on universons.com, and look for vids (which is quite difficult as this site is a mess). Poher requires you to sign in, because it was the only way he found so that google don't crawl his site.


Anywqay those vids could be easily faked.

here is the first one he made.


Don't ask me why there are pics of the mt st michel. I'm not enough idm to answer this question. :aphexsign:


for hose who can understand french...




Anyone knows Jean Pierre Petit ? he's a well know french "ufologist" (he's actually a former public scientist who worked on MHD). He thinks Poher is a mythoman or a fool, and to him, what he "discovered" is piezoelectricity (a piezoelectric object is an object whose volume expands when subjected to an electric current and vice-versa, that's how some lighters work).

You won't be able to see it on his site's vids because they are horrendously lo-fi, but if you look @1:45 in the second video, you'll see that the piece of metal on which lies the pendulum doesn't seem to move...




Anyone experienced with publishing scientific papers ? How long does it take to get yur shit printed when the peers have approved your work ?

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yeah there are videos of this. just go on universons.com, and look for vids (which is quite difficult as this site is a mess). Poher requires you to sign in, because it was the only way he found so that google don't crawl his site.



haha lol, someone should tell him about a robots.txt file.

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Anyone experienced with publishing scientific papers ? How long does it take to get yur shit printed when the peers have approved your work ?


i really don't know i haven't published anything but if the peers have accepted, the author has made all relevant chenges, etc and the editor accepts it then it should appear as soon as the next volume of the journal does.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Babar

out !

Propelling phenomenon revealed by electric discharges into layered Y123 superconducting ceramics


Absence of absorption by inserted matter: no noticeable absorption of the propelling flux was found with any of the different samples we tested. The thickness, mass and density of the inserted matter had no observable effect, up to the ±0.4% accuracy of our measurements. However, the propelling flux interacted weakly with the inserted matter, as shown by the piezoelectric accelerome- ter signal. Gravitation is the only known interaction which is insensitive to the insertion of matter along its path and which interacts weakly with matter.



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Guest Coalbucket PI

It's really odd that he's not affiliated with any organisation, doesn't he need funding or anything? If he hadn't just been published I would err on the side of bullshit.

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