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Guest Lube Saibot

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Guest Lube Saibot

I just got a wisdom tooth pulled out. I've got a splitting headache on the side of my head, my gums are tenderloin and my jaw is throbbing and i can barely move it. Needless to say, the Ibuprofen they gave me to take every six hours isn't doing shit.


I need all your vast expertise on self-medication. I want to feel nothing - i don't want painkillers, i want pain-assassins, pain-obliterators and pain-maculators. What are my over-the-counter non-prescription options, my over-the-counter prescription options, and my under-the-counter options?


Please refer to names of the active substances (i.e. Paracetamol) of the drug and not the commercial name of the drug (i.e. Vicodin) because they're not probably branded the same way here (in Romania). And please don't recommend stuff that will interact with the mandatory antibiotics with Heath Ledger-type effects.


Shitpost as you like, i just really need one single piece of good advice from any of you.

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Whenever I had toothache I poured strong schnaps on it and it felt much better (for a short while). But it might be dangerous in some ways I guess.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i came back from the dentist this morning, strangely enough. had x-rays taken. i have impacted wisdom teeth, i.e. they're growing on top of each other and shoving into my jaw.

i haven't been able to close my jaw fully for a week. fucking kills. been hoofing down painkillers and whiskey.

oh well, st paddy's today, guinness and whiskey should cure it for a bit.

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Guest Lube Saibot

I had the molar socket sowed up, it's still bleeding a bit, not allowed to drink alcohol for 5 days or so. Also it's not a good idea to mix antibiotics with alcohol from what I've heard.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i've mixed antibiotics and alcohol before. it just gets you shitfaced. see it as a cheap night out, like when you've just given blood.

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Guest Lube Saibot

Kinda have some work to do, that's mostly why i need total pain relief, so i can focus. If getting shitfaced\passing out\general escapism were an option i'd just go to fucking sleep, i'm tired enough as it is.

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Guest margaret thatcher


well, you could keep on jabbing a pen into your leg. you'd forget about your mouth in no time.

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Guest Glass Plate

I would call the dentist and tell them it's really painful and you need stronger meds. Every one I know who has had wisdom teeth taken out was prescribed much stronger pain killers than Ibuprofen. They gave me a very large amount of Hydrocodone when I had mine taken out. (though mine took months to heal.)

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Pineapple Juice ... and lots of it.

My fiancee had her wisdom teeth pulled a few years back. Beforehand, she read somewhere about the anti-inflamitory properties pineapple/pineapple juice has.

She drank a shit-ton of the stuff and was in very little pain after the whole ordeal. She was literally back to normal in a day or two.

Sounds crazy, I know. You can google it if you don't believe me.

She started drinking/eating pineapple before the operation though. I don't know how much that will change things.

It's worth a shot.


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Guest Lube Saibot

I would call the dentist and tell them it's really painful and you need stronger meds. Every one I know who has had wisdom teeth taken out was prescribed much stronger pain killers than Ibuprofen. They gave me a very large amount of Hydrocodone when I had mine taken out. (though mine took months to heal.)


Wow, would you care to elaborate on that man? I feel like i might be for the same deal, this one was a bitch to pull out, came out in like 5 shards, huge motherfucker, huge crater left in its wake. I told the dentist its really painful and she said TAKE TWO AT A TIME. Ugh.


Pineapple Juice ... and lots of it.

My fiancee had her wisdom teeth pulled a few years back. Beforehand, she read somewhere about the anti-inflamitory properties pineapple/pineapple juice has.

She drank a shit-ton of the stuff and was in very little pain after the whole ordeal. She was literally back to normal in a day or two.

Sounds crazy, I know. You can google it if you don't believe me.

She started drinking/eating pineapple before the operation though. I don't know how much that will change things.

It's worth a shot.



Wouldn't that hurt like a bitch on the hole itself?

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Guest Glass Plate

Well I'd just call the place that did the surgery and be like "I'm in massive pain, ibuprofen isn't cutting it. Could you prescribe me something a little more helpful?" and If you're in America I know they'll just throw some kind of opiate or what not your way. Other countries I'm not sure how strict they are about that sort of thing.

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Guest Lube Saibot

Thanks jefferoo, this seems to be legit! :beer: <-only there's pineapple juice in those pint glasses


The ibuprofen is starting to work a lil bit but this shit is feeble. Will go to the drugstore tomorrow with a print out of this thread. :lol:


i hear i've found that drinking your own urine helps alot.




Ok, thanks a lot everyone, dead thread.


Well I'd just call the place that did the surgery and be like "I'm in massive pain, ibuprofen isn't cutting it. Could you prescribe me something a little more helpful?" and If you're in America I know they'll just throw some kind of opiate or what not your way. Other countries I'm not sure how strict they are about that sort of thing.


Not in America. Asked for stronger shit, wasn't given any. The pain was indeed massive when i started the thread but it's subsided, hope it stays this way.

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have you done salt water rinses yet? that should soothe your socket.


when i had my wisdom teeth out, i was prescribed hydrocodone. i suffered through the pain with advil and then enjoyed my hydrocodone as soon i was pain free. a little trickeration for ya!

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