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Hallucinate Like You Just Took LSD


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indeed. And controversial headlines get the most attention. But I've been wanting to start an lsd thread for a long time (i think there already is one?) and this just kinda overlapped into that so I can't shut off my brain to this subject. =D


Arp 2600 on acid.

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it is very different, the person who titled this thread i think was maybe trying to be funny


I just took the headline out of the article I was quoting

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any advice for someone slightly reluctant/nervous about trying LSD for the first time?



don't do it alone the first time


have a good sitter that you trust to not mess with your head


make sure you are in good health (no colds etc)


dress in layers if you are going out somewhere b/c it's common to get hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold on occasion but not always


eat a good healthy meal a good while before you dose, you won't want to be bothered with food


make sure you have nothing to do the next day


i'd recommend not smoking pot with it the first time just so you know what it's like by itself, but this is hit and miss and if you are tripping and feel like you need to get high to calm down, then by all means (though it may work the other way around =D)





edit: also make sure it is lsd. Ask around to other people that have done the exact same stuff you have to make sure it's not some of the crud that tends to float around as acid these days.

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"...Realize the world as is constructed, is by no means the only world, but that there are these extraordinary other types of universe which we may inhabit, and which we should be very grateful for inhabiting"

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Guest uptowndevil

any advice for someone slightly reluctant/nervous about trying LSD for the first time?



don't do it alone the first time


have a good sitter that you trust to not mess with your head


make sure you are in good health (no colds etc)


dress in layers if you are going out somewhere b/c it's common to get hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold on occasion but not always


eat a good healthy meal a good while before you dose, you won't want to be bothered with food


make sure you have nothing to do the next day


i'd recommend not smoking pot with it the first time just so you know what it's like by itself, but this is hit and miss and if you are tripping and feel like you need to get high to calm down, then by all means (though it may work the other way around =D)





edit: also make sure it is lsd. Ask around to other people that have done the exact same stuff you have to make sure it's not some of the crud that tends to float around as acid these days.


nice, thanks. seems like good advice.. i'm sure those trivial aspects can turn monumental in an instant. i've been told before that it's very important to 'set your space' which seems to be where you were going with that. what about amount wise? start small?


also, i've heard that there's not much comparison between acid and mushrooms?

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acid & mushrooms are in the same class of psychedelic drugs, tryptamines. So they are actually a lot more similar to eachother than you would think. The biggest difference for me is that Shrooms can cause nausea a lot easier as well as a very strong body feeling. They also only last 5-8 hours, LSD can last up to 12 depending on the person.


drugs like DXM, salvia, and Mescaline are in different classes as well. phenethylamine (mescaline, mdma, 2cb, 2ct7) do share a lot of characteristics with Tryptamines (dmt, lsd, psilocybin, dpt, amt, dob, 5-meo-dmt).

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any advice for someone slightly reluctant/nervous about trying LSD for the first time?



don't do it alone the first time


have a good sitter that you trust to not mess with your head


make sure you are in good health (no colds etc)


dress in layers if you are going out somewhere b/c it's common to get hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold on occasion but not always


eat a good healthy meal a good while before you dose, you won't want to be bothered with food


make sure you have nothing to do the next day


i'd recommend not smoking pot with it the first time just so you know what it's like by itself, but this is hit and miss and if you are tripping and feel like you need to get high to calm down, then by all means (though it may work the other way around =D)





edit: also make sure it is lsd. Ask around to other people that have done the exact same stuff you have to make sure it's not some of the crud that tends to float around as acid these days.


nice, thanks. seems like good advice.. i'm sure those trivial aspects can turn monumental in an instant. i've been told before that it's very important to 'set your space' which seems to be where you were going with that. what about amount wise? start small?


also, i've heard that there's not much comparison between acid and mushrooms?


acid and mushrooms are apples and oranges with many similar overlapping effects. I won't bore with technical specs, but they are both very different and very similar. That's a whole other tangent.


As far as amount, hard to tell. If you have a friend that trips often ask them how much they would take of what you have to have a good trip and then take at most half that. But then again as long as you have a good sitter you should be alright, just don't go overboard (yet). If your sitter is familiar with lsd that helps. Lsd can not, and will not kill you and you will not be actually dying. It's just your ego, if you get that far. It can be very frightening until you reach that threshold and then it's pretty much the most enlightening thing you've ever experienced. Just remember to hold on and you're not going to die. Also, acid will ALWAYS wear off. If you feel like you're going to be stuck that way forever, you won't. If you can have a friend re-iterate it, that helps. But if you keep the dose age on the low side you likely won't reach any of those thoughts.


Thing with acid tho is it's hard to gauge how potent what amount is on anything it is placed onto. I mean there are WAYS, but you didn't make it so you can never be sure :)

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Also, turn off your TV and keep it off. Please. So many people could've had better experiences if they had just done this. It can be fun sometimes (tv), but just enjoy it (the acid). If you like TV that much anyway then why trip in the first place if you are already that entertained.


If you find yourself not knowing what to do, I suggest some dim lighting, a de-humidifer, open window, or fan (on low) and Dark Side of The Moon. I know I know, the ultimate "you're a hippie" suggestion. BUt seriously, there is a lot of great music out there to listen to while tripping, and you'll have time ot listen to other stuff, Dark side is not that long compared to how long a trip is. Anyway, of all the good music to listen to out there while tripping, Dark side of the Moon is hands down the most "acid" album i've yet to hear. Not b/c it "sounds trippy" but more because it is built perfectly to a trip. If you hit it right you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about. I've even "started a trip over" by replaying the album before, it is that perfect.


Don't do Dark Side of the rainbow though, too confusing if you haven't done acid before, or listened to dark side that much, save it for a weekend when you cant get any acid and just get high and watch it.


If you like really grungy electronic/sort of industrial and want a weird trip I suggest "The Eyes of Stanley Pain" by Download. Holy crap *dries off*.

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Guest uptowndevil

yeah, i would think the first time i'd almost only like a preview of what's to come, but i also feel that might be cheating myself. 12 hours is a bit intimidating, though. i'd like to think i'd have the panic thing under control, but i guess you never know until you get there.


i managed to have a bad trip on shrooms once when i ate them alone in the middle of the night. it was pretty tough to calm myself down, especially trying to do so by looking in the mirror (don't do this), but i imagine having some people around who knew what was up would have appeased all that nonsense. the biggest problem though was that i couldn't for the life of me remember that i had eaten mushrooms.


the ego death thing seems pretty interesting too. i had something similar happen to me in a lucid dream once. anyway, thanks for all the advice, i will take all of it.


edit: heh, darkside, i think on the run would make things worse. i would definitely resort to music at the first sign of a bad trip though for sure. and yeah, i did the darkside of the rainbow on mushrooms once a while back. good times! the beginning of Time as well as Us and Them were the most synchronized, i thought.

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I love aphex, I really do. But I've always had a hard time listening to his more aggressive stuff while tripping. In fact I usually have to shut it off.


SAW II on the other hand...

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yeah, i would think the first time i'd almost only like a preview of what's to come, but i also feel that might be cheating myself. 12 hours is a bit intimidating, though. i'd like to think i'd have the panic thing under control, but i guess you never know until you get there.


i managed to have a bad trip on shrooms once when i ate them alone in the middle of the night. it was pretty tough to calm myself down, especially trying to do so by looking in the mirror (don't do this), but i imagine having some people around who knew what was up would have appeased all that nonsense. the biggest problem though was that i couldn't for the life of me remember that i had eaten mushrooms.


the ego death thing seems pretty interesting too. i had something similar happen to me in a lucid dream once. anyway, thanks for all the advice, i will take all of it.


edit: heh, darkside, i think on the run would make things worse. i would definitely resort to music at the first sign of a bad trip though for sure. and yeah, i did the darkside of the rainbow on mushrooms once a while back. good times! the beginning of Time as well as Us and Them were the most synchronized, i thought.


Yeah I find it a lot easier to "calm down" on low doses of lsd than on low doses of mushrooms. May be a personal thing, but that just how it is for me. Acid always feels a lot more "clear" to me and less muddy than a mushroom trip. But I'm sure there's people who feel the opposite.


Yeah ego death usually doesn't happen at low doses but it CAN. Just depends on whats going on in your life. It usually takes about 4 more like 5 + grams of mushrooms to get into ego death territory. Acid is kinda anywhere.


Also taking any substances in the middle of the night, alone, and when you haven't prepared for it is asking for a bad trip. I say this not in a mean way, but in a i've done that too many times way (with mushrooms, you couldn't pay me to take acid when I haven't planned for it)


And re: Darkside, On the run is spectacular. I didn't even listen to Darkside while tripping for a good while b/c I felt I had already experienced it, heard it enough, etc. I was so wrong. Heard it in a completely different way. Whole new album. It was like listening to the album sober/just on weed was like watching an old school 3-d movie without the glasses. Then on acid, glasses on, ears perked, senses on overdrive. Why is roger waters an inch tall and crooning into my ear?

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Guest hahathhat

i've managed to get some psychedelic feelings to come back by sufficiently duplicating the circumstances. it's an interesting avenue i should probably persue further. those people that have a billion kinds of incense and burny things made a bit more sense once i noticed it...


example: a certain trip i was listening to a certain album and drawing a certain way. i'd smoked a bit of weed. years later, i happened to put on that certain album while i was drawing that certain way. i'd smoked a bit of weed. the trip came back to me... that's the best i can explain it. the drawing i did was loco intense. it all faded off as soon as i broke my focus from the drawing.

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i've managed to get some psychedelic feelings to come back by sufficiently duplicating the circumstances. it's an interesting avenue i should probably persue further. those people that have a billion kinds of incense and burny things made a bit more sense once i noticed it...


example: a certain trip i was listening to a certain album and drawing a certain way. i'd smoked a bit of weed. years later, i happened to put on that certain album while i was drawing that certain way. i'd smoked a bit of weed. the trip came back to me... that's the best i can explain it. the drawing i did was loco intense. it all faded off as soon as i broke my focus from the drawing.

^pix of drawing plz :)


Yeah something about your typical "head shop" incense always zooms me back to high school instantly and I feel sorta trippylike.


I've also woken up in the middle of the night and basically been *tripping for a few seconds* when i woke up, but not like real tripping, just like a quick flash. Not a flashback if you will just kinda like HEY WHOA oh no nm go back to sleep. Hard to explain but it seems to be fairly common amongst ppl who have partaken.


Flashbacks are debatable as to what really is and isn't. But I've certainly only smoked a little bit of weed before and been shot into space and attribute that to acid since it kinda "unlocked" what was already there and left the door cracked so I can kinda "go there" if I want to but not full force of course. Rhyme.


But yeah certain smells, scenarios, situations can kinda take you back. I remember I think it was our Mr. McGriff that said something to the extent of "whenever I think about taking a strong drug like that again I get all tense and my ass starts to sweat and I feel like I have to use the bathroom immediately, and am really anxious". Obviously not a direct quote (apologies) but that pretty much sums up how I feel sometimes when those feelings come back to me, or if I haven't smoked weed in a while and I walk into a room where lots of peopel are smoking up and I get nailed by that cloud and I'm like *ass sweats i'm nervous halp*.

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Oh man how have I not seen this thread yet? Haha. Well, as far as acid+music goes my suggestion would be anything by Matt Hillier (The Elve-Infinite Garden is probably his most organic/calming album, but Ishvara-Magik Square of the Sun could be the trippiest). During one trip of listening to the latter, I remember shutting my eyes and watching an entire garden of psychedelic alien plants sprout up one by one and grow and twist around each other and shift etc. It was beautiful.


And also - to add something new to the table - I smoked DMT for the first time a couple weeks ago and let me just say, no matter how much acid you've taken, you have NO clue what hallucinations are until you've taken DMT. It's completely indescribable.

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