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The funny thing was a year or more ago I said something in a thread that made ET think I knew who he was, so we had like this weird "nod and a wink" thing going on, even though I still have no effing clue.

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@ modey, that looks cool do it more often, but for some reason i don't remember you doing that (sorrree)

it was only a couple of posts, then i stopped because pretty much everyone agreed that it was highly annoying.


edit oh wow codeine and sigur ros go hand in hand

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The funny thing was a year or more ago I said something in a thread that made ET think I knew who he was, so we had like this weird "nod and a wink" thing going on, even though I still have no effing clue.



haha !! seriously ...


6 pages in and this thread has failed to deliver anything beyond a robust circle wank


aww, you not getting any. -spits on hand-

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thomas pynchon


6 pages in and this thread has failed to deliver anything beyond a robust circle wank


and a need for you to switch to 50ppp

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Guest hahathhat

so is there a prize for guessing ET or what? i'm not going to waste perfectly good guesses on this crap

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Guest Jac Y Jymper

does it really matter when you have bills to pay?


im sure i have some kind of post counting down disease?

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Guest hahathhat










i can only sling so much wad per page



you knew it was gonna happen ...


no i didn't, but i have to agree it makes sense.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

ET is the chemtrails alien consipracy guy right?


No idea, probably some member i didn't even realise had been banned

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and a need for you to switch to 50ppp

50ppp represent.


i love saying 50ppp in my head in the same way i like saying 1080p in my head since i got a big telly.

with both of em (50ppp and 1080p) :emotawesomepm9: ohhhhh..... sorry, you have so much room.

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