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Joyrex Lied


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ps i agree with moaaaaaaaaam on this one. the idea of having a separate forum for those members deemed arbitrarily special is just ridiculous.

it's pretty standard on every forum, you just don't hear about it, because most people can keep a secret.


i get it that some people don't understand, but there's a long tradition of private forums, irc channels, and bbs systems going back to the earliest days of internets. if you've been around, you know this is true. if not, you're probably not in any of said places.


those are usually for administrative purposes or for moderation, which is normal yeah but I've never heard of anyththing similar to the xltronic anywhere else

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what's the difference from having a little group chat on msn or whatever?




btw, i hope you reconsider the banning of placidburp and 420 - them's good peoples.

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Guest Rambo

does it really matter that much that people have a private forum? if you are bitching and complaining about it, thats probably why your arent in there. no need to sift through piles of crap to get to mcgriff's latest recipe.


Yeah, no-ones actually complaining about not being in it.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

lol irl.


also, there are more threads in the autechre subforum than the lifetime members subforum. i don't think anyone's really missing out.


That's what i was saying. It could only ever be like Gen Ban but with less people.

yes, but if you recall you were informed that you were terribly wrong

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Guest tidbit

papa will run for congress, in republican party, before he hits 80


most likely he will start a war against mexico in tender age of 81

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FUCK, sneaksta was banned too :wtf:


OH MY GOD does joyrex even care about the community? How does banning valuable members make it better???

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