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i've only done san pedro and i don't think i took enough to have a 'full' psychedelic experience. The worst part of it was probably the overwhelming nausea i felt for about 1/2 of the trip. The effects minus the grossness were pretty good though, it reminded me of a less anxious and more calming version of 2cb. Are the people offering actual dried peyote buttons or some kind of mescaline extraction? If it's in the form of a pure power or pill i'd be slightly weary that it's actual mescaline, most people try to pass off newer research chems as 'synthetic mescaline' which is kind of a lol

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i've only done san pedro and i don't think i took enough to have a 'full' psychedelic experience. The worst part of it was probably the overwhelming nausea i felt for about 1/2 of the trip. The effects minus the grossness were pretty good though, it reminded me of a less anxious and more calming version of 2cb. Are the people offering actual dried peyote buttons or some kind of mescaline extraction? If it's in the form of a pure power or pill i'd be slightly weary that it's actual mescaline, most people try to pass off newer research chems as 'synthetic mescaline' which is kind of a lol


yeah I believe its powder/pill form... which I thought sounded odd...


apparently they got a pound of it ha...

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my mate got some powder stuff (reckons he bought some cacti here and crushed it up but I think that's bullshit). he said he took it and made him feel sick but overall it was good. I wouldn't take any of it unless I actually saw the cactus being crushed with my own eyes, don't trust those RCs


I trust that it isn't something fucked or dangerous. These are good friends.

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Guest uptown devil

i talked to some native americans at a party once and they said the nausea is a white man's thing. true story

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Guest uptown devil

its not your friends i'd worry about, but who they got it from!


a friend :wink:


lol, those types of friends are nice to have

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my mate got some powder stuff (reckons he bought some cacti here and crushed it up but I think that's bullshit). he said he took it and made him feel sick but overall it was good. I wouldn't take any of it unless I actually saw the cactus being crushed with my own eyes, don't trust those RCs


I trust that it isn't something fucked or dangerous. These are good friends.

Fair enough, just check that they know and trust the source because yeah there's a lot of synthetic mescaline passed off as peyote (which is probably fine and close enough to the real thing, but it just means that if the synthetic stuff isn't mescaline, it could be something less trustworthy). I've heard that peyote trips are more "spiritual" than acid and shrooms but it's all subjective, I guess. there's some tips on erowid on how to reduce sickness when trippin on peyote if I remember correctly, so it may be worth checking there.


also if your friends have taken it before and they liked it then it's probably safe, assuming they're still alive :tongue:


ha good point, if it sounds like its weird I'll probably just do acid instead... Ive done it once and boy what a trip it was... is it true that acid/mushrooms have different effects depending on the person?... two people I was talking to earlier said they didn't have much hallucinations while on either and it was more of a euphoric feeling instead. For me acid was a good 4-5 hours of trippy patterns/colors... closed my eyes and saw all sorts of things... which at the time I thought was the normal trip, but I am finding more and more people don't seem to be sharing stories with as intense visuals... Could it just be potency?

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i've only done san pedro and i don't think i took enough to have a 'full' psychedelic experience. The worst part of it was probably the overwhelming nausea i felt for about 1/2 of the trip. The effects minus the grossness were pretty good though, it reminded me of a less anxious and more calming version of 2cb. Are the people offering actual dried peyote buttons or some kind of mescaline extraction? If it's in the form of a pure power or pill i'd be slightly weary that it's actual mescaline, most people try to pass off newer research chems as 'synthetic mescaline' which is kind of a lol


yeah I believe its powder/pill form... which I thought sounded odd...


apparently they got a pound of it ha...


to be honest it sounds a little bit sketchy. street mescaline is extremely uncommon unless a local chemist is producing batches of it i would personally be very skeptical


now if it's a dried peyote button that's a different story since you pretty much know what you're getting


i'd say in my own personal experience 9 times out of 10, people try to pass off new research chemicals like 2ci and 2ct7 as mescaline. the average dose of mescaline is 500mg, so if the guy gives you a pill and it has a little tiny amount of powder in it VS a full pill i think its most definitly not mescaline. I'm not totally discounting the possibility but even people i know who hang around with Sasha Shulgin havent come across street mescaline since the early 1970s.


also i feel kind of dirty when i do a psychedelic that is being passed off as something else or i don't know exactly what it is im taking. I like to be prepared for psychedelic experiences and research the drug in question pretty thoroughly, if you are more of a fly by the seat of your pants drug taker then go for it, will probably be fun regardles of what it is (unless its poison haha).


re: mesh gear , the reason peyote may considered more 'spiratual' by some is because it's not in the same classification as drugs as mushrooms or LSD, it's not a tryptamine its a phenethylamine like MDMA, 2cb and MDA. With this type of drug there is a much stronger emotional/euphoric component than LSD and shrooms or tryptamines in general. I find tryptamines to be a lot more 'neutral' they can bo both ways more easily, good or bad.

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i talked to some native americans at a party once and they said the nausea is a white man's thing. true story


i had a few friends that went to an actual native american peyote ritual and apparently it's very common for them to just lecture the shit out of you while tripping very hard about how *you*, the white man fucked the native americans over. can't blame them really, I'm sure most people go into it thinking along the lines of "hey lets go to an indian reservation and get fucked up on peyote, will be really spiritual bros"

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Could it just be potency?


could be a number of factors, i know people who are 'hard heads' and it takes insane amounts of psychedelics for them to feel even a threshold effect.


set and setting in my experience is one of the strongest factors determining how a psychedelic experience will play out.


if you go to a party and hang out with 20-30 people socializing on 3 hits (~100mcg) of LSD you might not notice just how strong the drug is but if you take the same amount and close yourself in a dark room or take a solitary hike in the woods you may have an insanely strong ego loss experience.

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Could it just be potency?


could be a number of factors, i know people who are 'hard heads' and it takes insane amounts of psychedelics for them to feel even a threshold effect.


set and setting in my experience is one of the strongest factors determining how a psychedelic experience will play out.


if you go to a party and hang out with 20-30 people socializing on 3 hits (~100mcg) of LSD you might not notice just how strong the drug is but if you take the same amount and close yourself in a dark room or take a solitary hike in the woods you may have an insanely strong ego loss experience.


interesting... Is memory loss common too? I can't even recall a lot of what happened last time.

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my mate got some powder stuff (reckons he bought some cacti here and crushed it up but I think that's bullshit). he said he took it and made him feel sick but overall it was good. I wouldn't take any of it unless I actually saw the cactus being crushed with my own eyes, don't trust those RCs


I trust that it isn't something fucked or dangerous. These are good friends.

Fair enough, just check that they know and trust the source because yeah there's a lot of synthetic mescaline passed off as peyote (which is probably fine and close enough to the real thing, but it just means that if the synthetic stuff isn't mescaline, it could be something less trustworthy). I've heard that peyote trips are more "spiritual" than acid and shrooms but it's all subjective, I guess. there's some tips on erowid on how to reduce sickness when trippin on peyote if I remember correctly, so it may be worth checking there.


also if your friends have taken it before and they liked it then it's probably safe, assuming they're still alive :tongue:


ha good point, if it sounds like its weird I'll probably just do acid instead... Ive done it once and boy what a trip it was... is it true that acid/mushrooms have different effects depending on the person?... two people I was talking to earlier said they didn't have much hallucinations while on either and it was more of a euphoric feeling instead. For me acid was a good 4-5 hours of trippy patterns/colors... closed my eyes and saw all sorts of things... which at the time I thought was the normal trip, but I am finding more and more people don't seem to be sharing stories with as intense visuals... Could it just be potency?

meh among some of the stories I've heard, one of them was about a guy tripping in class and he turned around to see all these animals from jumanji but either that was a huge dose or just bullshit.


as far as my own experiences, first time I did acid I remember this painting my friend has in his kitchen vibrating and I got really bad tunnel vision (at least that's how I remember it). also when changing songs on my ipod, the album art that floats around on the menu screen was sort of smearing colours around the place as it scrolled by (ipod classic). for some reason I never really tried to see if I was getting closed eye visuals, to be honest I was quite focused on the conversation that was happening because I have anxiety triggered by social situations and I wanted to make sure I wasn't acting weird or anything (which in retrospect was sort of silly given we were all tripping, but this still contributed to a lot of bad feelings like anxiety and fear overpowering the trip for a short amount of time). regardless I was fascinated at how real it all seemed though I knew at the time it was just the acid. about a month later my mate who is a lot more experienced with this kinda stuff took the same tabs as I did and said it was the strongest acid he had taken yet so who knows.


also what colour is this powder that your mate has? or if it's a pill, what colour is that?


i had a little bit of anxiety definitely, but I was also nauseous early on in the trip cause when I took the tab I could taste a medicine kind of taste and I hadn't eaten well so it all led to me vomiting (which was the worse vomit of my life, basically the vomit was like slightly dried oatmeal or something... didn't even have much moisture/liquid... so I literally was pooping out of my face in a way lol)... after that though just a little uneasy feeling in the stomach... as it kicked in we watched the opening of pulp fiction for some reason and then as Sam Jackson was giving his bible monologue... his face and the edges around him started distorting and turning orange, which was then interrupted by some cop lights that appeared out the window... so we went and listened to music in a fairly dark room away from the window... and from then on there out the walls, paintings/pictures, bed sheets, etc all formed crazy patterns and objects and the music eventually created the visuals when closing your eyes and whatnot.


it was a great time, and I can't really imagine having a bad trip considering going into it last time I was feeling pretty crappy... that vomit experience I feel like is something I imagined cause it literally was not like any other vomit in my life. It didn't feel humanly possible to vomit such thick material (I think it was a bunch of pasta).


oh I haven't seen the stuff yet, but I'll ask tomorrow.

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Quino-Phec gives me Peyote flashbacks.


My Peyote trips have been pretty good , i have been to the middle of purple oceans , mountains made of gold and talked to demon-reptilian creatures.


The only con is the motherfucking puking.

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