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America's ADD epidemic


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you're right, it takes hours to'get off', but no issue getting it up.


the hours it takes to 'get off' are the whole point.



the epic sex is the bit i miss most from my amphetamine days.

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I also wanted to make 2 strong points.


1. A big issue with ADD/HD meds is that they are treated like anti depressants, and a lot of other "mental health" related meds. This is a big issue IMO because those types take a long time to have an effect (whereas amphetamines are pretty much instant) , and are also a lot more difficult to "read" the effects of. Whereas with meds like adderall, I think for the most part people taking it are quite aware of how it affects them and should be able to "experiment" with dosages more. But doctors just like to give a dose, in their MG preference, and their dosage time preference. Which , to me at least, is very ineffective, and probably helps lead to more abuse because it's going to make people feel like they need more. I was lucky to have a doctor that would listen to me when I said "this way is not working, but the meds ARE, just not in this method". So what I did for 10 some years was take usually 10 mg in the morning, 5 mg mid/late morning IF I NEEDED IT and never within 1-2 hours of eating, or else I would not be able to eat, and if I did I would get horrible stomach cramps. Then i'd take 10ish mg after lunch, and 5 mg more in the afternoon, IF NEEDED. Then i'd stay after school and do my homework, pretty much every day, and the 5-10mg in the afternoon was still usually working, and that way by dinner time I would have an appetite, and didn't have to worry about taking it so late that I would be wired all night. So I basically had adderall on me at all times, but I never did take, nor was a fan of, taking high dosages at ONE TIME.


I tried extended release, I tried 20mg in the morning, 20mg afternoon, 20mg at night, way too much, and even 10mg was often way too much, depending on what i needed to do. If I drank coffee or more than one soda on adderall, forget about it, I was useless. So I had to watch that.


2. As far as "kids taking add meds", I don't think it's a bad thing, and I in fact encourage it if needed. Under 7, ehhhh don't know about that. But past that, if they are well tested, I say all for it, but in careful ways and dosages so they don't get zombified/lose their natural hyperness of youth.

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Right.. medical doses are much lower than recreational doses. The whole point is to lower the dose to the absolute bare minimum where you hardly even feel it. Your dosage routine sounds very similar to that of my friend as well.

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I did try a recreational dose, only once though, as it was something I was used to, there was no super "wow" factor to feeling more side effects. But really, all it did was make me feel like I was going to have a heart attack and I could not stop shaking. So yeah. No fun there.

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Right.. medical doses are much lower than recreational doses. The whole point is to lower the dose to the absolute bare minimum where you hardly even feel it. Your dosage routine sounds very similar to that of my friend as well.

Yes you are correct. However, there are some exceptions. I had one doctor prescribe me to, something around, 60 mg a day. 20,mg am, 20, noon, 20, pm. I think that would probably rock a few people's worlds.


Well as far as I know at least.


Out of curiosity what would you guys say an "average" recreational dose is?

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I assume you mean at one time. Effffff that.


Could get some good drummin in though :wtf:


I was always fond of playing my drums when I was in my adderall zone


I always felt way too uncomfortable and un-easy, anything over 20 mg and really even that was pushing it.

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I have a friend that's definitely ADHD. I've known him since like the second grade, and he's always been a basket case, even on medication. He stopped using it some time ago, and he's learned how to manage it better without drugs.


He still doesn't really accomplish very much, though. He's a great musician, but hasn't finished a track by himself in like four years...

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I'll say this, I stay late at work everyday, once 98% of the people are gone, b/c some of the paperwork I do, i just can NOT do when this office is full of guys yapping about ridculous stuff, very loudly. And 2 way radios, phones rining, people coming in and out, it's pretty much an ADD nightmare and is very stressful. It works out though, but sometimes my boss puts a cap on overtime, and it makes me get close to going postal and screamning for everyone to GTFO so I can actually get some work done.


Also people putting stuff on my desk, drives me crazy, there's a specific place for it, but they all ignore it. Minor distractions like that can totally destroy my focus, and sometimes once it's gone, that's it for a while. Most people would say "get a different job" but I actually really like what I do, just the way this job is setup right now (we are a traveling company) is insane.

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I'll say this, I stay late at work everyday, once 98% of the people are gone, b/c some of the paperwork I do, i just can NOT do when this office is full of guys yapping about ridculous stuff, very loudly. And 2 way radios, phones rining, people coming in and out, it's pretty much an ADD nightmare and is very stressful. It works out though, but sometimes my boss puts a cap on overtime, and it makes me get close to going postal and screamning for everyone to GTFO so I can actually get some work done.


Also people putting stuff on my desk, drives me crazy, there's a specific place for it, but they all ignore it. Minor distractions like that can totally destroy my focus, and sometimes once it's gone, that's it for a while. Most people would say "get a different job" but I actually really like what I do, just the way this job is setup right now (we are a traveling company) is insane.

See, you're so disorganized, you missed my post. SEE A PSYCHIATRIST. YOU WILL GET WHATEVER DRUG YOU WANT!



I saw your post, just haven't responded yet. I'm actually very organized. The problem is other people messing up my system.


Edit: Unless you mean mentally disorganized. Which I am and I am not. Depends on my mood really. When I'm at work though my thoughts are quite organized and I have my strike through list of things to do. But when I'm trying to concentrate on paperwork and some guy is loudly talking about some tools or some crude joke and i'm sitting here making sure every single line of our very detailed applications, is filled out, it is quite frustrating.

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Brandi_B, see a psychiatrist--there is a reason you haven't found a "Dr. Feel Good" if you haven't seen a psychiatrist. Trust me, I'm not just a client, I'm a resident-in-training :cisfor:


In fact I've had to "undo" some shrinks who had their hearts in the right place but were sending my brain out for the papers i.e. megadoses of benzodiazepines, combo breakers of antidepressants that sparked mania, etc. They are used to pulling out the double-barrel narcotics immediately and then stepping down if need be; you'll fall into a pile of amphetamines at first visit if you do it right.


My first "treament" was 100 mg. sertraline every morning/ 1 mg. clonazepam 4times a day (granted, the xxx is a gigantic fucked up bear of a man in which the thought of insanity scares people so they go overboard: my gastroenterologist was a very wee Indian and the nurses joked that he was really gonna "give it to me" anaesthetic-wise out of fear because he had to hop up on an Oompa-loomp stool and might as well have been preparing for a sperm whale colonoscopy with the size discrepancy). I was also given as much free Ambien as my hands could hold from a pharmaceutical sample cabinent.


Better living through chemistry always and forever....

If I had a hole punch card where I got a free sandwich for every 10 times I see a psychiatrist, I would have eaten a few free sammiches.


I have issues with psychiatrists thinking I'm "too smart" to need ADD drugs, and that I don't "appear" to have ADD at all, despite extensive documentation.


Another LOL is that when I used to go for med update meetings as a teen, and testing, my mom ALWAYS made me take a good bit of adderall before I went. So that really messed up some documentation there.


Regardless, this is getting a bit too "about me", so to finish off I'll say that I got tired of being denied and just gave up. There's got to be something in my records or something that's a red flag. I have no idea what it could be though, as I've never had abuse issues, never tried to fill early, never asked from increased dosages, etc. But doctors will just really never want to give me pills. Regardless of their title. I know it's not impossible, and I'm about to see one here in San Antonio next week. So we'll see how that goes.

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I think there's something about the more video games you own, the less other stuff you do. I was certainly addicted to my Wii when I had one. I seriously jonesed every day until I could get home and ride around on Epona, or play tennis. So considering that JR owns every video game in the world, I think it's a valid excuse. Of course he could always just post videos of him playing video games and talking about them. That's content. We are the music makers and video game players.

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Guest hahathhat

video games tend to keep me up far too late as opposed to keeping me from working during the day.....

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What about straight forward games? Pacman, mario, snake, etc


too simplistic, but when i was 6/7, i could have played them all day.



if i do get involved, i'll play til it's finished tho.


did that with doom and with donkey kong country on the snes... played for 3 days straight.

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