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The Official 2010 World Cup Thread

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Rambo

No-one is saying it's not fair. This has got nothing to do with Green. All i'm saying is that the quality of the game is affected by the ball. I've never seen so many overhit crosses and passes in my life. And it's all down to misguided ideas about what kind of ball makes a game more entertaining to watch.

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Guest Alex C

You're fucking implying that the ball is 'shit' and all this fucking commotion about it is justified.


If you're a player and don't like the ball and want to cry about it, just fuck off on the next plane back home. It's really not an excuse you should be using for db fucking mistakes.

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Guest Alex C

No-one is saying it's not fair. This has got nothing to do with Green. All i'm saying is that the quality of the game is affected by the ball. I've never seen so many overhit crosses and passes in my life. And it's all down to misguided ideas about what kind of ball makes a game more entertaining to watch.


I really don't think France/Uruguay and this game now would have contained any real 'quality' if the ball is any different, they were awful games because they were.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch




is that a photoshop? ball isnt round! no wonder he fluffed it.



although the algerian keep just fluffed one too so maybe it wasnt greens fault and IS the ball after all


all the keepers must be getting nervous now. who's gonna look a fool next.




wish i hadnt woken up at 4am for slovenia / algeria. piss poor.




and i'm kinda sick of foreign pundits at half time who have nothign interesting to say. alan hanson might be a scot but least he says something when he talks

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

No-one is saying it's not fair. This has got nothing to do with Green. All i'm saying is that the quality of the game is affected by the ball. I've never seen so many overhit crosses and passes in my life. And it's all down to misguided ideas about what kind of ball makes a game more entertaining to watch.




SO many bad crosses and shots flying way over. although you'd think after a couple attempts you'd catch on but these are sportsmen not brain surgeons

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm sick of hearing about the ball, too. It is the exact same fucking argument I've seen in every world cup. "The new ball is awful. The players can't control it and the keepers hate it."


Tim Howard tried to play nice yesterday when giving Green an excuse for that colossal fuckup. When you consider how well Howard played, after getting Heskey's boot buried in his tits, Green's fumble is all the more lol.


I'm all for Joe Cole, by the way, but I'll bet it doesn't happen. If he comes on at all, it will be as a sub.


Still can't get over his goal from 2006. Saw a highlight the other day and :emotawesomepm9: .


Go Ghana!!

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the ball IS shit, there's no way around it. not only it bounces a lot, on the air it moves a lot. i bet it was intentional so the goalkeepers had more trouble. it ended up giving every single player trouble.

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Guest Mirezzi

No-one is saying it's not fair. This has got nothing to do with Green. All i'm saying is that the quality of the game is affected by the ball. I've never seen so many overhit crosses and passes in my life. And it's all down to misguided ideas about what kind of ball makes a game more entertaining to watch.




SO many bad crosses and shots flying way over. although you'd think after a couple attempts you'd catch on but these are sportsmen not brain surgeons

No different than any other WC to be honest. These guys are often dead tired following long seasons with club (and country), they're nervous, and they're watching teammates make runs they're not accustomed to, etc.


Fine, maybe the ball is 10% of the problem, but dude, there are English fucktards saying Green couldn't hold the ball because it was moving so much. :facepalm:

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Guest Mirezzi

My last bit on the ball. I think by the 2nd and 3rd matches of the group stages, players (never keepers) will be used to it and we'll stop hearing about it.


That's almost exactly what happened in 2006 with Teamgeist and in 2002 with the Fevernova.


One of the biggest whiners, like in 2002 and 2006, is Buffon. He calls the Jabulani a "beach ball" and he called the Fevernova a "ridiculous kid's bouncy ball" in 2002. Flapper Robinson called the Teamgeist a "water polo ball, very unfriendly to keepers."


Come on, guys. Same shit, different cup. Tshabalala's strike in the opening game of the tournament should have settled all this.

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Guest Mirezzi

We'll see. I'll let Ronaldo settle the argument for me. If he fails to control all his strikes from set pieces, I'll convert. So far, I haven't seen a superb striker of the ball struggle.


Look what Messi did. If not for the Nigerian keeper, he had a couple strikes headed for top corner.


Heskey might have complained that the ball didn't move *enough* when he blasted it at Howard. :shuriken:

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Guest Rambo

i'm not even talking about the goalies. I'm talking about the outfield players. Anyone who is either a) fairly perceptive or b) has played a lot of football will know that ball is poor just by watching.


And Ronaldo doesn't control all his strikes from set pieces anyway

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what moron decided to introduce a new ball every world cup anyways. why not AFTER the world cup, so each cup all the players have had 4 years getting used to the new ball and the cup is the culmination of those 4 years. no, instead some commercially challenged "thinkers" decided it would be neat to introduce a new ball at an insignificant event like the world cup. the only thing in the news is the crappy new ball. it's loose - loose people. come on.

there's a bunch of impotent wankers at the top i'll tell you that.

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Guest Rambo



I'm not saying it's impossible to play good football or anything crazy like that. I'm just saying the ball hasn't helped and has probably had a negative effect if anything.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



Tim Howard tried to play nice yesterday when giving Green an excuse for that colossal fuckup. When you consider how well Howard played, after getting Heskey's boot buried in his tits...



howard played well really? every single shot was straight at him. compared to green he was good but come on did he make one proper save?


what moron decided to introduce a new ball every world cup anyways. why not AFTER the world cup, so each cup all the players have had 4 years getting used to the new ball and the cup is the culmination of those 4 years. no, instead some commercially challenged "thinkers" decided it would be neat to introduce a new ball at an insignificant event like the world cup. the only thing in the news is the crappy new ball. it's loose - loose people. come on.

there's a bunch of impotent wankers at the top i'll tell you that.


so they can sell lots of balls

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Guest Mirezzi

Definite agreement that the introduction of a new football before every world cup is absolutely pathetic. They should use the same fucking ball they use in the Champions League. Why don't they? As has been said, because FIFA wouldn't stand for it and Adidas are more than happy to supply a new football. $$$$$

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Guest Alex C

God I want both of these teams to fucking fail so much.


That arch looks awesome, on the news ages ago they were showing you can bungee jump off it

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Yeah it's a combination of the altitude and the new ball, but the quality of crosses and balls in from set pieces has been really poor. Look at how many free kicks have just gone sailing over the bar.

Players just haven't adjusted.

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so they can sell lots of balls


there are better ways to sell lots and lots of balls. this is publicity, sure. but of the worst kind. it's bad publicity. and it doesn't matter anyways. it's just a decision of the people at the top and everyone has to eat it because all official games will be played with the new ball. unless you're going to tell me there's a whole market of different producers producing officially approved balls. i'll tell you this: publicity is not the point.


edit.: ah good to hear there's some sort of competition in the ball-manufacturers field. it makes the world seem at least somewhat round huhu

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Guest Mirezzi

If Podolski and Klose pick their teeth with this clumsy bunch of penal colonists, they might have enough confidence in their form to take on the (on paper) better teams.


It may as well be 4-0 now.

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