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Guest fiznuthian

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Guest ruiagnelo

That is all bulshit.


you really think i'm just proselytizing for no reason?

i refrained from telling anyone about these shrooms until after i tried them, and god damnit it worked for me 100%.

i can't even come close to denying it from myself. i was not in this good of condition, not anywhere close before i started eating them. i barely changed my diet, and only in the past week have i truly started running and giving my body the exercise it needs.


No mate, i believe you. But be aware of the consequences it might have in the future. Because no one knows better about the product than the producer itself, and we both know they always hide something.

I just don't trust those little white medicinal bottles. They make everything look unnatural, even our life.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Therapeutics come with side effects. I doubt all these have been properly tested. Taxol is a cancer treatment found in fungi, it causes hair loss, vomitting, nausea. Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressant, causes ulcers, diarrhea, liver and kidney failure etc. Don't you think it's strange that what you are taking contains a stimulant more intense than caffiene causing you do to compulsive repetitive behaviours, which is a common symptom of addiction to cocaine among other things?

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Guest esquimaw

another interesting thing to note: the notorious mycologist paul stamets (the guy who is in that TED Talk video called "6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World", also owns Fungi Perfecti) cured his own mother of her type IV melanoma cancer and is healthy to this day. shortly following the clinical trial his research team did on his mother, the FDA sent letters essentially telling him, his family, and his team of scientists to shut the fuck up and say nothing about their formula's effectiveness. true story.


Oh do please shut the fuck up.


why are you acting like this? am i asking for your money?

i'm telling you this because these mushrooms supplements 100% changed my life for the better.

i am no longer sad on a daily basis nor do i look like a piece of shit.


paul stamets is a passionate mycologist who STUDIES FUNGI, and has done so for 35 years, not just a medicinal mushroom fanatic selling supplements. he graduated from Evergreen Washington State University. he's an advisor for the integrative medical board at the University of Arizona, and his studies were NIH funded. so please refrain from dismissing me immediately and read.


I am sure that your herbal/fungal pills make you feel great, that's great. To suggest you can cure an existing cancer with mushrooms is just plain stupid, not to mention dangerous. That was my issue.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Therapeutics come with side effects. I doubt all these have been properly tested. Taxol is a cancer treatment found in fungi, it causes hair loss, vomitting, nausea. Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressant, causes ulcers, diarrhea, liver and kidney failure etc. Don't you think it's strange that what you are taking contains a stimulant more intense than caffiene causing you do to compulsive repetitive behaviours, which is a common symptom of addiction to cocaine among other things?


That's what i was telling fiznuthian about. There is one common thing about all medical drugs: they are good for some things, they are bad for some other things.

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Guest fiznuthian

These have been eaten medicinally in Asian states for many hundrdeds of years (1000 years for Reishi Ganoderma's and Cordyceps, as well as a few others) with no historical recollection of side effects. Stamets eats extremely large doses of his own supplements daily and has for far many years than I have, and has reported absolutely no side effects.


And my energy that makes me walk in circles can be easily focused, I just find it satisfying to keep walking while I think about things I want to do later. :)


And Coalbucket, you are absolutely correct I may ingesting quantities of compounds known to have side effects, however my immune system is really, really strong right now. I watched those mosquito bites clear completely overnight, my heredity acne vulgaris is almost completely gone, all nerve damage in my body has been eliminated and strengthened, and fat in my body is diminishing and for some reason being replaced rapidly with strong muscle tissue.



Esquimaw, I know you're skeptical. But it's not just me! Japan treats almost every case of cancer, regardless of the severity, with Active Hexose Correlated Compound and a plethora of medicinal mushrooms. Here's more information on their involvement in cancer treatments: http://sci.cancerresearchuk.org/labs/med_mush/med_mush.html

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah that's why almost every study regarding immunomodulation and upregulation of the immune system is double blind and placebo controlled.. :rolleyes:


fine.. i'll leave you guys alone, i just figured it was worth mentioning for those who might actually read.

for what it's worth, they have helped drastically change my life in a little over a month. i hope this information does the same for one of you.

i'm trying to be as genuine as i can, but it's hard not to ramble about something so important to me now.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

These have been eaten medicinally in Asian states for many hundrdeds of years (1000 years for Reishi Ganoderma's and Cordyceps, as well as a few others) with no historical recollection of side effects. Stamets eats extremely large doses of his own supplements daily and has for far many years than I have, and has reported absolutely no side effects.


And my energy that makes me walk in circles can be easily focused, I just find it satisfying to keep walking while I think about things I want to do later. :)


And Coalbucket, you are absolutely correct I may ingesting quantities of compounds known to have side effects, however my immune system is really, really strong right now. I watched those mosquito bites clear completely overnight, my heredity acne vulgaris is almost completely gone, all nerve damage in my body has been eliminated and strengthened, and fat in my body is diminishing and for some reason being replaced rapidly with strong muscle tissue.



Esquimaw, I know you're skeptical. But it's not just me! Japan treats almost every case of cancer, regardless of the severity, with Active Hexose Correlated Compound and a plethora of medicinal mushrooms. Here's more information on their involvement in cancer treatments: http://sci.cancerresearchuk.org/labs/med_mush/med_mush.html


I don't believe you could get this many positive effects from anything within a week while nobody in the drug industry has had the foresight to look into any of these components. Also, the fact that your acne has gone might be a result of a weakened immune system.

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Guest ruiagnelo

yeah that's why almost every study regarding immunomodulation and upregulation of the immune system is double blind and placebo controlled.. :rolleyes:


fine.. i'll leave you guys alone, i just figured it was worth mentioning for those who might actually read.

for what it's worth, they have helped drastically change my life in a little over a month. i hope this information does the same for one of you.

i'm trying to be as genuine as i can, but it's hard not to ramble about something so important to me now.


You did what you thought was better for you and shared it with us. Fine, you did good, i don't deny it.

We are just showing opinions here, most of them coming from real experience, that's all.

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Guest fiznuthian

These have been eaten medicinally in Asian states for many hundrdeds of years (1000 years for Reishi Ganoderma's and Cordyceps, as well as a few others) with no historical recollection of side effects. Stamets eats extremely large doses of his own supplements daily and has for far many years than I have, and has reported absolutely no side effects.


And my energy that makes me walk in circles can be easily focused, I just find it satisfying to keep walking while I think about things I want to do later. :)


And Coalbucket, you are absolutely correct I may ingesting quantities of compounds known to have side effects, however my immune system is really, really strong right now. I watched those mosquito bites clear completely overnight, my heredity acne vulgaris is almost completely gone, all nerve damage in my body has been eliminated and strengthened, and fat in my body is diminishing and for some reason being replaced rapidly with strong muscle tissue.



Esquimaw, I know you're skeptical. But it's not just me! Japan treats almost every case of cancer, regardless of the severity, with Active Hexose Correlated Compound and a plethora of medicinal mushrooms. Here's more information on their involvement in cancer treatments: http://sci.cancerresearchuk.org/labs/med_mush/med_mush.html


I don't believe you could get this many positive effects from anything within a week while nobody in the drug industry has had the foresight to look into any of these components. Also, the fact that your acne has gone might be a result of a weakened immune system.


I've been to doctors for every anti-biotic, topical treatment, laser treatment, as well as an entire five six-month trials of accutane, the biggest gun in dermatology. I had to get some kind of legal clearance signing a boatloat of papers to even continue those treatments. I've had hereditary acne all over my body since 5th grade. I was being examined for a year by the dermatology department of UVA medical hospital, by every doctor in their department including the head of dermatology at UVA, Dr. Greer. not a single drug any dermatologist has ever given me did anything. my acne is now 80% gone and the rest is vanishing rapidly. I just dont know man, i just dont fucking know how this is happening with no drugs other than the food i eat and these supplements. i'm tried REALLY, REALLY hard to remain skeptical throughout this entire process, but i just keep feeling better and looking better daily.

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Guest fiznuthian

im going to go to the local clinic right now, and get a free physical exam. i'll get my blood sugar, LDL, trigylceride, BMI, etc all checked and report back with a scanned copy if I can. i'll guinea pig for WATMM over the next year if that's what it takes.

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The thing is, just like all medicines and really, anything in general, how it affects someone is different for each person - while fiznuthian might be seeing beneficial effects, myself or someone else might experience no benefit, or possibly an adverse side-effect. Just be careful.

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i dunno it seems like people put a lot worse shit in their bodies everyday than concentrated mushrooms. what with the liquor and the McDonalds and the drugs and all, makes processed food seem like an alien substance. Human bodies can actually put up with a lot of shit going in, and if something is seriously not gelling right, then it'll tell you.


On the one hand it's always good to be skeptical esp. when it comes to protecting your body, but on the other hand the avalanche of processed food and industrial meat that we americans cram into our mouths everyday without blinking an eye isn't that great either. Everyone knows that mushrooms are good for your body and immune system, it's not THAT farfetched that taking them in concentrated pill form would give a boost to someone who perhaps wasn't getting the adequate nutrition.


we need xxx in here.

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Guest ruiagnelo

i dunno it seems like people put a lot worse shit in their bodies everyday than concentrated mushrooms. what with the liquor and the McDonalds and the drugs and all, makes processed food seem like an alien substance. Human bodies can actually put up with a lot of shit going in, and if something is seriously not gelling right, then it'll tell you.


On the one hand it's always good to be skeptical esp. when it comes to protecting your body, but on the other hand the avalanche of processed food and industrial meat that we americans cram into our mouths everyday without blinking an eye isn't that great either. Everyone knows that mushrooms are good for your body and immune system, it's not THAT farfetched that taking them in concentrated pill form would give a boost to someone who perhaps wasn't getting the adequate nutrition.


we need xxx in here.


I am generally against americans when it comes to food habits, but what you are saying happens worldwide, with all the food.


We don't even need mcdonalds. We go to a supermarket to get fruit, see this pretty labels saying 100% natural and where it comes from and we don't even imagine. Fruit is no longer coming from specific places, its everywhere, anytime we want it because its produced inside greenhouses and gets tons of chemicals before coming to the nearest supermarket or grocery.


A friend of mine has been working on fruit catching during the summer for some years now and we discussed this a few times. He tells me how unnatural the fruit catching process is nowadays and how much chemicals are put in it right after the catch and before leaving for the main markets. Then there is this ridiculous selection too, where you have the best looking fruit going to hotels and fine restaurants and the "ugliest" going to social and university canteens like those i go to in my city. Not to mention that the fruit staying in the ground next to the trees doesn't count, because it was either "damaged" by the fall or touched by some animals.


Food has become an hypocrite business. Mushrooms like these are really nothing compared to this.

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Have you ever been to Giza ?? you gonna love the PYRAMIDS.





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Guest fiznuthian

how much are you paying for these?


i'm paying 100 dollars for three blends, for a month supply of large doses.

i was turned down on the physical at a free clinic for having insurance.

give me a day or so to get some cash out of the bank and i'll use my insurance to get one cheap.


here's a list for XXX to examine once he gets here. these are some of the known medically active componenents found within all of the mushrooms i'm eating.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-glucans - these are a number of polysaccharides found in extremely high amounts in medicinal mushrooms.


- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statin - there's a fuckton of statins found in medicinal mushrooms.

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganoderic_acid - very potent triterpene, makes reishi a very special little mushroom. there's lots more terpenes in mushrooms.

- "D-Fraction" beta-glucan, found in Maitake mushrooms - this particular beta-glucan seems to be very profound in anti-cancer studies. i can list for you to read if you'd like.

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-glucosidase_inhibitor - these seem to regulate blood sugar

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovastatin - a statin witnessed reducing cholesterol

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugated_linoleic_acid - this is in the agaricus blazei and agaricus bisporus. shown anti-cancer ability in studies, and helps maintain body weight.

note that CLA has been approved as safe (GRAS) by the FDA.

- Antioxidants:






and if you look further into studies done on anti-oxidants in mushrooms, most of them have scored an ORAC rating far higher than Acai, pomegranate, teas. Makes their anti-oxidant properties a joke. Chaga mushrooms have one of the highest ORAC scores of all known edible food.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Have you ever been to Giza ?? you gonna love the PYRAMIDS.






How long did it take you to write that? It's just some more wasted time of your life :)

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Thanks fiz, i just started seeing bottles of these things in the local organic foods shoppe. I think im gonna try picking up a bottle of cordys today.

I might event do some research into growing a few varieties, its extremely easy and can be quite profitabl.

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Guest fiznuthian

What skin condition?


Acne vulgaris, moderate.

Thankfully never turned into a severe condition, but

doctors deduced it is hereditary.

My mother had the exact same thing, still does.

It's not a fun thing to experience as a functioning adult,

and believe it or not even a mild skin condition can

be completely debilitating to some people. I'm one of them, but

thankfully i survived teenage my teenage brain and my social skills are

about 3/4 stable. Still have huge issues initiating intimate conversation.


Almost over...

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