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More of an Ambient direction


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I might be borderline spamming the YLC forum at this stage. But I seem to have loads of will power lately and sure I best use it while its there cause it wont be for long.


Ill be definitely making some changes to this track, I kinda wanna make it longer? Make it flow a bit more too, how might I do that?


Feedback much appreciated.



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This track has potential though i like other your tracks better. Now it's obviously too long or lacks action. For 3.42 there must be something more imho. I would add some weird random noises in side or with random pan. Also that short pad which comes 0.50 could mutate to something interesting in the end. Personally I would make it more mutating and changing so at the end it won't be same like in the begining. :smile:

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The atmosphere is very engrossing, but I would add another layer to make up for the empty parts between the chords. Otherwise, that track is a success.

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The atmosphere is very engrossing, but I would add another layer to make up for the empty parts between the chords. Otherwise, that track is a success.


yeah, that's fair. I'd say the same thing. Nice one man.

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Guest Sprigg

Beautiful track, great atmosphere. Perfect for my mood right now, as well.


EDIT: as to changes, like was mentioned earlier, maybe some random noises thrown in with random panning, that would definitely work well if they were at low volume with some reverb.

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The atmosphere is very engrossing, but I would add another layer to make up for the empty parts between the chords. Otherwise, that track is a success.


yeah, that's fair. I'd say the same thing. Nice one man.

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The atmosphere is very engrossing, but I would add another layer to make up for the empty parts between the chords. Otherwise, that track is a success.


yeah, that's fair. I'd say the same thing. Nice one man.



I like the bass drum sound coming in every now and then!

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