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don't you mean Xe :emotawesomepm9:


Behind the Blackwater Name Change


Don't say Blackwater anymore.


The Moyock, N.C.-based private security company that became well known for its work in Iraq and Afghanistan is now known as Xe (pronounced like the letter Z).


After a yearlong search conducted internally for a new name, the company's executives picked Xe, according to Anne Tyrrell, a company spokeswoman. She said there's no meaning behind the name, but those of you who remember your periodic table will recall that Xe is the chemical symbol for xenon, a gas found in the atmosphere.



by Michael Carmichael, Global Research,

X is an archaic form of abbreviation for Christ and/or Christian that was derived from the cross and the Greek Alphabet. X or Chi is the Greek letter that is the initial of “Christos” – X – which at the same time served as a symbol for the cross. Sometimes written Chi-Rho, (Xp) is another abbreviation for Christos and his followers, the Christians. From the perspective of medieval Christian symbology, ‘Xe’ is a combination of the Christic cross and the Greek letter, Epsilon, the first letter in the Greek word, Evangelion, glad tidings or gospel. From the perspective of a modern member of the Knights Templar, Xe is immediately recognizable as it symbolizes Christian Evangelism.

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