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I think y7 is a grower. As a more dancefloor targeted song I find myself playing that one most (after rew(1)) on MOT. I like the passage at 2m+ with the typical Ae background noise and the following "solo".

From the innovation point of view, I think it's coming late. If they gave us such a track in the nineties, I think we would have peed our pants.

Anyway, still a good one though.


opiniun tiem go

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I think it is probably the most dense, subtle and finished sounding track on Move of Ten... that's probably why they released it first.


I completely agree with this. It's the least obviously interesting track on the surface, but to my ears it's clearly the most accomplished. Most of the other tracks have some aspect to them that sounds rushed or unfinished to my ears, but y7 is beautifully refined.

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Y7 is a grower, not a shower.


It certainly warrants a reference to the genitals. It's also got that fuzzy Treale sound, but you probably knew that.

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