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quitting smoking

Guest disparaissant

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All kinds of drug addiction (except maybe cigarettes?) comes under the umbrella of "mental illness".


Not really, it depends on the addiction. Physical addiction is a disease... Substance dependence, that's a psychological disorder. There's a difference.. When you are physically addicted you will have physical withdrawal symptoms. Coke, caffeine, opiates, nicotine, alcohol are all physically addictive to one degree or another. Pop too many codeine pills everyday and when you quit you will get physically sick. Quit coffee cold turkey if you are a heavy drinker and you will have physical withdrawal symptoms, headaches.. etc..


You can be psychologically dependent on playing World of Warcraft for 12 hours per diem, flunking school and destroying your social life. Same thing with weed, it's not physically addictive but some people still go off the deep end with it. They are hard to quit because they've become what you hinge your life around, they've become your 'baseline'.. Of course drugs are frequently a mixture of both... Cigarettes are a perfect example, physically and psychologically addictive, some say more addictive than heroin. Alcohol is a mixture of both as well.

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I purchased a Janty eGo e-cig recently. I've become mildly obsessed with it. I don't crave cigarettes at all anymore.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah actually

went out with friends last night, one of whom is one of those assholes that can't help but fuck with people who are trying to quit. we went to get dinner and i ended up having a few long islands and vodka highballs. holy fuck does being drunk make it hard to resist a cigarette. also, said asshole put one in my hair (yeah i dunno either.)


i lit it up.


took a drag.


then chucked it out the window. no interest anymore. i thought i wanted one, but i guess it was all psychological. once i actually had it and lit it and took a drag i just... didn't want it. i dunno. i guess that's me done. it was pretty weird, and pretty awesome.


also he was kind of pissed that i took one drag off a smoke and chucked it, but fuck him, that's what you get for trying to destroy someone's resolve.

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Guest Adjective

you'll find a lot of people take you quitting as some sort of jab at them. the last time i quit :emb: people would mock and talk about how much better i thought i was than everyone. i'd get offered cig after cig... no one that smokes will show any amount of admiration for you. you go from outcast among non-smokers, to an outcast among smokers, and non-smokers are always super lame. i think it's best to keep quitting a secret, or just not use the word "quit" around people.


the true test for me the last few times was the first time i got super stressed/nervous about something. it was a job interview that caused the last relapse.

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Guest disparaissant

you'll find a lot of people take you quitting as some sort of jab at them. the last time i quit :emb: people would mock and talk about how much better i thought i was than everyone. i'd get offered cig after cig... no one that smokes will show any amount of admiration for you. you go from outcast among non-smokers, to an outcast among smokers, and non-smokers are always super lame. i think it's best to keep quitting a secret, or just not use the word "quit" around people.


the true test for me the last few times was the first time i got super stressed/nervous about something. it was a job interview that caused the last relapse.


yeah, i've definitely noticed that, people take it ridiculously personally.

luckily enough, most of the people i hang out with now either never smoked or recently quit. also, there's recently been a smoking ban put in place and the price of cigarettes is going to jump up another dollar within a month or so. so i'm not alone in my efforts.

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Guest cuntainer

yeah actually

went out with friends last night, one of whom is one of those assholes that can't help but fuck with people who are trying to quit. we went to get dinner and i ended up having a few long islands and vodka highballs. holy fuck does being drunk make it hard to resist a cigarette. also, said asshole put one in my hair (yeah i dunno either.)


i lit it up.


took a drag.


then chucked it out the window. no interest anymore. i thought i wanted one, but i guess it was all psychological. once i actually had it and lit it and took a drag i just... didn't want it. i dunno. i guess that's me done. it was pretty weird, and pretty awesome.


also he was kind of pissed that i took one drag off a smoke and chucked it, but fuck him, that's what you get for trying to destroy someone's resolve.



funniest ending.




i was offered one the other day at work, but i have no interest in them now, not that i was much of a smoker when i used to smoke, but i got cravings for a while and i've had the odd smoke here and there but haven't had one for months, only when my friend mixes his blend.

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yeah actuallywent out with friends last night, one of whom is one of those assholes that can't help but fuck with people who are trying to quit. we went to get dinner and i ended up having a few long islands and vodka highballs. holy fuck does being drunk make it hard to resist a cigarette. also, said asshole put one in my hair (yeah i dunno either.) i lit it up. took a drag.then chucked it out the window. no interest anymore. i thought i wanted one, but i guess it was all psychological. once i actually had it and lit it and took a drag i just... didn't want it. i dunno. i guess that's me done. it was pretty weird, and pretty awesome. also he was kind of pissed that i took one drag off a smoke and chucked it, but fuck him, that's what you get for trying to destroy someone's resolve.


You should have chucked that guy out the window too.

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I fucking slipped and had half a cigar, after having 6 shots of tequila at a party lastnight.

I feel pretty guilty and bad about it. Fuck. :sad:



inb4 :nelson:


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Guest Adjective

instead of quitting i told myself i'm "taking a break." today is day 8 of no nicotine and no caffeine. i survived two nights of being bathed in other people's smoke and drinking this weekend, and by presenting the situation as 'a break' and 'experiment', i didn't get any teases or noticeable contempt from others.


the first few days were full of headaches, insatiable hunger, sleepiness, and a bit emotional. i still have a general "heavy" feeling from no stimulants, but there's a kind of novelty to it that makes it enjoyable. my only worry is that boredom, within the next few weeks, will make me seek out a cigarette only for that sense of a "break"

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Guest HerculesCzar

My birthday's coming up on Wednesday, so I decided to treat myself to a pack of these


Feeling a bit guilty about it, but hopefully I can just enjoy these while they last and then go back to life without. I've been smoking my pipe more, which has been useful for the times I just feel like having something to do with my hands/mouth.

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