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I just found a diamond


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so i burn this shit? and if it burns it's rearl?


try to scratch some piece of glass first.



some sort of male jewellery.


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my girlfriend has this nice bracelet which she always leaves all over the house at parties etc.. (i.e anyone could have nicked it anytime), had they known..



its either a nice ruby-type, or an alexanderite. now, alexanderite is the most precious of stones. her story was that some russian guy tried to pull her nan with it, and was told it was alexanderite. and alexander (king of russia) was how this stuff got named, see. and mandy was oblivious to this, so story holds its alexanderite.



but i know because my dad is a geologist! and this thing is ruby at night, and emerald by day. truly beautiful... :) and FUCKING HUGE!



if its a ruby its worth dollar. if its alexanderite its worth millions? (!)



well, my dad tried one process and thinks its ruby :/ if it isnt (hes going to try more) ill buy everyone here something nice. a synth or something.




its fucking huge. maybe 30-40 carats? look up how much an alexanderite is - $50,000 per carat of medium quality (!)

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