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Head fracture experiences

Guest Babar

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My local supermarket has its name written on the front wall with big metallic letters : Intermarché.

Unfortunately two weeks ago i banged my head right on the lower corner of the I. Needless to say it was pretty sharp. I started bleeding immediately, asked my mate if my forehead was smashed in, I felt nauseous, he droped the bags he was carrying and went in the car to look for his mobile, meantime I collected the goods lying on the floor and asked him what the fuck he was doing. It wasn't that bad. He told me no to look in the car's mirror because i was bleeding, i was bleeding bad, but that wasn't that serious : i was lucid enough to give winks to the few persons that were staring at me.


I didn't went to the hospital nor get any stitch. Now, when i press the left temporo-frontal part of my head, i feel like an itch at the top of my head. I asked my mom about it, and she told me I was a pussy and she also added you normally feel nauseous and throw up when your heAD IS BROKEN.

So I tried to push a little harder on this temporo-funny-frontal zone, and bam, nausea came.




What now ?

What will happen ?


Are they going to OPEN MY HEAD

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Hi, I just lost all my limbs in a car accident and I haven't called the ambulance yet. What should I do, WATMM? I'm expecting a reply by tomorrow morning. Thanks.

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Guest ruiagnelo

there is something here that should be focused: how come you hit the 'i'?

do they have the word like in a place where people will inevitably smash into it? were you fooling around like a kid? wtf

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Guest Jackson Michaels

"I didn't went to the hospital..."


You should've. Went.


Yeah, its definitely the head injury. Nothing to do with English not being his 1st language :cisfor:


Please stop stating obvious things. It ruins fun.



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Guest Franklin

two weeks ago?


A. you could get an infection if you don't keep the site clean.


B. you could have gotten an infection from the "metallic" sign creating that puncture. tetanus is just one of many bacterial infections that could form.


stop being a pussy and maybe just see a Doc to make sure everything's cool.

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Guest disparaissant

you can go to doctors for free, right? france has universal healthcare, right? stop bein a dummy, dummy. go went to hospital and get head stitch!

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you can go to doctors for free, right? france has universal healthcare, right? stop bein a dummy, dummy. go went to hospital and get head stitch!



I dunno if its the same in France as here. But you'll only get free treatment if you go to the emergency room. Which is a pain in the hole as you could be waiting ages. Just pay to see a private GP. Head injuries arent worth the risk dude.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i don't think EVERYTHING IS FREE EVERYWHERE but i do know that nearly every country with UHC has, at the very least, free (or cheap and pay later) ERs and frankly if i had a spot on my head that i could push and make the top of my head itch and feel nauseous, waiting a few hours in an ER is probably something that wouldn't bother me so much.

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you can go to doctors for free, right? france has universal healthcare, right? stop bein a dummy, dummy. go went to hospital and get head stitch!



I dunno if its the same in France as here. But you'll only get free treatment if you go to the emergency room. Which is a pain in the hole as you could be waiting ages. Just pay to see a private GP. Head injuries arent worth the risk dude.


Oh man, this post was such an interesting insight--everyone in America thinks that everywhere in the world is this free utopia of medicine when it's not. "Just pay to see a private GP" reveals that this odd mythology that people put on universal healthcare really doesn't reflect reality.


But, yeah, go/went s'il vous plait. The scalp is very well vascularized and the proportion of blood volume to freak out is exponential. That's the problem with head injuries. You could bleed in a horrific manner but be OK. But it can easily go the other way. If you can elicit "neruopathic" responses like "press here, puke later" or "cock head left and feel an itch on top" or weird merde like that...well, I won't guess further because I'm not a neurologist but you better do something. It could be something as epically horrific as meningitis or encephalitis because the distance from scalp to the covering surrounding the brain is extremely short and a goddamn metal sign inoculating your meninges with any number of viruses/bacteria could wind up really ruining your day.


At the very least, snatch a tetanus booster from Le Department de Sont-TAY or equivalent...


If you have health insurance you can claim some of the fee back. But most people do actually have health insurance of some sort here. You get treated better if you do.

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they caught both of them but decided they didn't have enough evidence to take it to court


im still trying to track down the identity of the one who hit me with the fence post through my own means


he will pay.

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Thanks to Franklin and xxx for having shed lights on head infections.

I'm obviously seeing a doctor this morning.


For those who are interested, it will cost me 22€ and the x ray will probably cost 24. Payed with my vital card of course.


they caught both of them but decided they didn't have enough evidence to take it to court


im still trying to track down the identity of the one who hit me with the fence post through my own means


he will pay.


And i'm still tracking down the guy who put this "I" on this fucking wall. He'll pay as well.

Besides, did you feel parts of your skull were moving ?

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