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Guest tht tne

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what did the egg say to the boiling pot of water?



it's gonna take me a while to get hard; i just got laid by some chick




a married couple goes to a marriage counselor to work out some problems

the counselor sits them on the couch and says:

"let's start by talking about what you both have in common"

the husband says:



"well for starters, neither one of us likes to suck dick"




how do you know when it's time to wash dishes and clean the house?



look in your pants: if you have a penis, it's not time





why do doctors spank babies right after they're born?



to knock the dicks off the dumb ones


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What did the Turtle said to the Tortoise ??



Same Shell , different asshole



What did Queen Elizabeth the First said to Queen Elizabeth the Second



Same crown , different asshole



What did IRARI said to tht tne



Same asshole , different username


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What did the Turtle said to the Tortoise ??



Same Shell , different asshole



What did Queen Elizabeth the First said to Queen Elizabeth the Second



Same crown , different asshole



What did IRARI said to tht tne



Same asshole , different username



fuck the 18 generations of your ancestors!

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A rather confident man, walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment.


The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?"


"No", he replies, "I just bought this state-of-the-art watch and I was just testing it."


The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?"


"It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," he explains.


"What's it telling you now?"


"Well, it says you're not wearing any panties..."


The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken then, because I am wearing panties!"


And the man starts tapping on the watch face and says, "Damn thing must be an hour fast."



what did one lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire?



"see you next month!"




how do you find will smith in a snow storm?



look for fresh prints!




what does a vegan zombie eat?







what do you call a quadraplegic in a pile of leaves?





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Guest disparaissant

how do you know when it's time to wash dishes and clean the house?



look in your pants: if you have a penis, it's not time




Three couples are on a boat that is lost at sea. A rich couple, a fat couple, and a gay couple. They all arrive at the pearly gates and St. Peter looks in his big book. He turns to the rich husband and says:

"You are going to burn in hell. You were so greedy in life, you married a woman named Penny."

He turns to the fat husband and says:

"You are going to burn in hell, too. You were so gluttonous in life, you married a woman named Candy."

They gay men look at each other, and one says to the other:


Looks like we're in trouble, Dick.



A rabbi, a gay man, and a Mexican walk into a bar. The bartender says


"Boy, it sure is nice to live in such a diverse neighborhood. Especially one where people of all walks of life can get along so well!"


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a man and his giraffe walk into a bar, they get wasted, the giraffe falls off his chair and the man gets up and starts walking out, bartender says "HEY you can't leave that lyin there"...man says "it's not a lion, it's a giraffe"

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What did the Turtle said to the Tortoise ??



Same Shell , different asshole



What did Queen Elizabeth the First said to Queen Elizabeth the Second



Same crown , different asshole



What did IRARI said to tht tne



Same asshole , different username


I hold nothing against tht tne but that very lolworthy

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

two men are sitting in a bar.

one man turns to the other and says, "last night I saw lots of strange men coming in and out of your wife's house."

the other man replies, "yes, she has become a prostitute to subsidize her drug habit."

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

why did the little boy cry when he sat on santa's lap?

santa's erection brought to mind the abuse he suffered at the hands of his pedophile father.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?



It deduced from the surroundings based on previous experiences, either because of its prospectively greater abundance of food, lower population of predators, or presence of shelter, that travel to the other side of the road would be beneficial for the chicken.


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Guest dese manz hatin

A bear walks into a bar.

Bartender: "So, what'll it be?"

- 2 mins. go by with awkard silence -

Bear: "Why the long pause?"

The bear kills everyone inside in blind rage.

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Fat woman walks in to a bar and sits down she then lift her arm up and reveals a huge hairy arm pit and she yells "what man will buy me a drink" some drunk twat walks up to the bar tender and says "buy the ballerina a drink" the ber tender replys "I dont think shes a ballerina mate" the drunk guy then replys "any woman that lifts her leg that high has to be a ballerina"

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