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Guest fiznuthian

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\a bug making random items in my chests disappear.


whaaat? That sounds like the worst bug ever. I just encountered my first bug, which is affecting all my levels, a lighting bug that turns random sections of tunnel black. I have to remove a "brick" in order for everything to return to proper lighting.


I also just had my worst rage quit. I traveled a very long distance on foot and started building an obsidian gate in the middle of nowhere, I was working at night and built a house on a cliff in order to make myself safe from creepers, I had placed 4 blocks of obsidian for the base of my gate when a creeper spawned on the roof of my house and dropped on my head and killed me...lost both my compass and watch, along with a bunch of obsidian and other precious items...fuuuuuuu

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\a bug making random items in my chests disappear.


whaaat? That sounds like the worst bug ever. I just encountered my first bug, which is affecting all my levels, a lighting bug that turns random sections of tunnel black. I have to remove a "brick" in order for everything to return to proper lighting.


I also just had my worst rage quit. I traveled a very long distance on foot and started building an obsidian gate in the middle of nowhere, I was working at night and built a house on a cliff in order to make myself safe from creepers, I had placed 4 blocks of obsidian for the base of my gate when a creeper spawned on the roof of my house and dropped on my head and killed me...lost both my compass and watch, along with a bunch of obsidian and other precious items...fuuuuuuu


Yeah man, I'm surprised nobody else on here has mentioned this. It's happened to me loads, I lost my diamond tools a few weeks back and now my actual diamonds and a few gold. I've got fucking loads of chests full of just stone and dirt, yet always it's my precious shit that disappears!


I nearly rage quit this morning when a creeper appeared behind me in my store room, killed me and wiped out about 6 of my chests full of stuff. I only had time to pick up about 3 or 4 chests worth. Pissed me off as my house is really well lit...


Also; have you had it where you mine iron or something, but when you check your inventory you don't have any there? I get that quite often, drives me mad.


I'll post a picture of one of the sections of my mine soon, it's fucking enormous. I'm willing to reckon nobody on WATMM has a mine that outdoes mine for sheer size... It's absurd. I can post my latest save file if anyone fancies a browse? I'll embed it in a couple of folders so it's not as daunting this time!

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I'd be down to check yours out, give it an upload.


That bug sounds nasty, I'm not sure if I've suffered from disappearing inventory, I have so many chests around I'm not sure I'd notice...


regarding the creeper problem indoors, is it true that if you make ground tiles (half-steps) they prevent creature spawning? Might want to lay down some around your sensitive areas...


As for me I always try to maintain a safe distance from my chests, in case I should get blown up while accessing them. I stand as far away as I can and try to get in and out as fast as I can (lol).

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regarding the creeper problem indoors, is it true that if you make ground tiles (half-steps) they prevent creature spawning? Might want to lay down some around your sensitive areas...



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Give that a go!


I've a few work in progress projects around. Also note that I broke the glass on my mountain top hot tub by accident so I have an artificial waterfall now!


Go in the house, the basement leads to the mine. Let me know how you get on!

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Guest Pennywise

i dunno why this makes me laugh so much


haha, i had a creeper in one of my carts and it came through a tunnel i made totally surprising me. It was pretty funny, especially as it looks at you as it moves along the track. Also when the zombie is in it, its legs pop over the side like its sitting.

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so I loaded your world, Obel. First off it was a bit cruel and unusual to start me off near zombies, skeletons, and spiders with only 1.5 hearts (though it was dawn, which was considerate of you). I cruised around for an initial look-see and got an eerie feeling. Either you hacked your inventory, or you are an extremely methodical person, or both. There's an entire castle made from a gazillion stone blocks, without a bit of decoration. That must have taken quite a while to build. The mine under your house is similarly methodical - the long, perfectly rectangular hallways on the bedrock in particular. Really liked the main wood staircase in your "barn". I noticed a lot of critters around, it seems like you haven't placed enough torches indoors, which is weird given the surplus of cobblestone and other materials in your chests. I came across a bit of flint in one of them....






I figured I'd run up to the house on the hill to tell the owner his barn was burning, but...





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That nighttime snap of the house burning looks great!


Regarding the inventory, nope, no hacks used! If you're referring to my surplus of cobblestone - you saw the huge chamber in my mine right!? Yep, I've been saving up for when I start building on my castle, the time it took putting the base together put me off carrying on.... and I quite enjoy hollowing out my mine for some reason!

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I went down the minecart track but somehow missed that room...Actually I learned something from you, I noticed most of your perfectly symmetrical mines have no sign of being "reconstructed" to fix their natural irregularity, which led me to do some digging and now I know that cobblestone can be smelted to make stone! I had no idea.

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I went down the minecart track but somehow missed that room...Actually I learned something from you, I noticed most of your perfectly symmetrical mines have no sign of being "reconstructed" to fix their natural irregularity, which led me to do some digging and now I know that cobblestone can be smelted to make stone! I had no idea.


An easy way to get there: Follow the road out of my house into the tunnel, there's a passage to the right that takes you quickly to where I took that screen.


My mine snakes everywheere, I'm not surprised you didn't find it! It takes a short while to explore the whole thing - There's another entrance to the mine just down to the side of the bridge leading to the castle. I didn't even make that passageway, the mine naturally led there. I'm amazed by how well it's been designed, it's actually fun to just look around! If you ever dig deeper, you'll see how much I still have left to explore.


Glad you've learned something new :smile: I'm hoping you guys will post your worlds, just so I can get tips from how you've designed things!

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