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Guest fiznuthian

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at the moment i am, anyway :emb: but just until i make a castle worthy of satan himself! :diablo: and then i shall be back to


edit: i made a portal in a faraway mine in a different chunk, and i am now in a different bit of the nether.

edit2: home sweet home :dry:


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I wish notch could make the game peaceful-mode and hack-proof. I'm not in favor of him making the game more difficult or annoying - for example, his "torches burn out, and the deeper you go the lighter it has to be" ideas - but I do wish everyone had to play on survival mode. It really changes the feel of the game. You get a great feeling of accomplishment at having to win territory in the nether one bloody hard-fought chunk at a time. I have entire hillsides that are nothing but ghast-flame and popping pig zombie carcasses (mmm roast pork!), with covered tunnels going through the center. I can't imagine the nether on peaceful mode.


I like notch's touch of having the watch go haywire in the nether.


Architecturally your tower is looking sweet kaini, i like the design. Will download your level if I get some free time. If I uploaded mine it'd have to be with a cartograph map!

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i actually have faith in the process - maybe the only other guys i have as much faith in are valve.


notch is constantly taking feedback from the users, on twitter, tumblr, and a couple of forums and blogs.

the feedback loop that's going on means that in the long run, we'll end up with a game everyone likes, i think.

he's expanding mojang too; in a couple of years, it could be known as 'the indie valve' :emotawesomepm9:


he needs someone to write him some short, creepy, discordant dark ambient pieces for the nether, though. the contrast with c418s piano stuff would be pretty cool.

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I agree with everything you said. I wish he'd edit the sound the ghast make. I like the weird garbled catlike purr and baby coo, but the shrieking really gets on your nerves. I have to dial down the sound fx in the nether to 30% ever time.

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i thought of a good idea for the nether. Instead of the ghast dropping that boring gunpowder stuff when they die, they should drop some sort of ichor that when ingested by the player creates temporary invisibility to the mob. Or there should be some sort of temporary invisibility potion you can make using other rare ingredients (bloodstone plus yellowstone?). This would make "peaceful mode" an integral part of the gameplay, so you'd have to stock up and prepare a chest full of potions if you wanted to venture into the nether or underground without risk.

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yeah but don't hit the pig men, ever.


oh and btw some weird glitch happened and a portal was duplicated in the nether. both take me to the same portal in the regular world probably because they're very close by.


and don't hit the pig men.

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lol, I only hit them once and never tried again.


I've never gotten a duplicate portal in the nether, only on land. For some reason I always get multiple portal spawns on land, some even rather far away. I'll be wandering around and find a mysterious portal, get excited for a moment, then walk through it to discover I'm at my same old portal in the nether.

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yeah but don't hit the pig men, ever.


you only hit the pig men once.

then the pig men hit you.

then you don't hit the pig men. :emotawesomepm9:


aaaaand i know it's a big one, but... survival multiplayer with the ability to set up trading posts

incorporating an online, universal and fluctuating exchange rate for

diamond <-> redstone <-> iron <-> gold <-> tools <-> ore.


if notch did that, he would be champion of the universe.

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i think he'd be surprised at the low exchange rate for redstone. I don't think that many players are technically inclined. I've got loads of the stuff, unused. I think he needs to find a secondary use for it, in the same way that he found an ingenious use for the excess cobble everyone's mine generates, by making it the only material immune to ghast projectiles in the nether. Perhaps for invisibility potions as I was saying. Redstone+cactus+snow=invisibility?


ALSO WHERE THE HELL IS CLAY? I've found slowstone, pumpkins, cactus and everything else in my journeys, but no clay...

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clay is haaard to find. it's rare as fuck. apparently in the good old days it wasn't so rare. also the engine used occasionally spawn massive pyramids made of red brick.

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i found a huge desert and now need to decide what to build in the middle of it. As a plain pyramid would be a bit dull, I'm thinking a large pyramid with another pyramid inverted above it reaching up to the limit of the skybox. Am open to suggestions though.

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yeah i considered that, but I'm too lazy, i want to make something huge and sculpting a huge sphinx would take too much work. Doing something representational, you have to step back all the time and check it out, then edit it, then try to make it symmetrical...pain in the neck. I tried to make a big-breasted woman statue with burning eyes once and it was tougher than I thought.


Hey Obel, I found your white-strip highway and that big room you posted the screenshot of. Am I right to conclude you play mostly on peaceful mode? I notice a conspicuous lack of weapons in your chests, and your tunnels are infested with spiders...

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if i had the energy it'd be funny to do a statue of liberty half submerged...


at a 45 degree angle, with the torch lying further along the beach.

next to the giant diamond statue of dr. zeuss.

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I wish notch could make the game peaceful-mode and hack-proof. I'm not in favor of him making the game more difficult or annoying - for example, his "torches burn out, and the deeper you go the lighter it has to be" ideas - but I do wish everyone had to play on survival mode. It really changes the feel of the game. You get a great feeling of accomplishment at having to win territory in the nether one bloody hard-fought chunk at a time. I have entire hillsides that are nothing but ghast-flame and popping pig zombie carcasses (mmm roast pork!), with covered tunnels going through the center. I can't imagine the nether on peaceful mode.


I like notch's touch of having the watch go haywire in the nether.


Architecturally your tower is looking sweet kaini, i like the design. Will download your level if I get some free time. If I uploaded mine it'd have to be with a cartograph map!

i just thought of this - i'll suggest notch to make a difficulty mode where mobs would spawn only once every x nights (could be indicated with a red moon or something). and that means the underground too, so if you clean it once, you'll have to clean it again if a red moon happened.

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Hey Obel, I found your white-strip highway and that big room you posted the screenshot of. Am I right to conclude you play mostly on peaceful mode? I notice a conspicuous lack of weapons in your chests, and your tunnels are infested with spiders...


Nah man, I love having monsters, the game feels kinda pointless without them. I just don't use swords much for some reason, as much as they're more useful than axes.


You can see at the bottom of that chamber where creepers have blast some holes. Also the break in the minecart track is still there due to creepers. Never even tried peaceful!

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