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Guest dese manz hatin

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Guest dese manz hatin

I know some if not many of you here at WATMM are into F. Nietzsche. I can choose from the following books:


Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn / On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense


Menschliches, Allzumenschliches I / Human, All-Too-Human I


Menschliches, Allzumenschliches II / Human, All-Too-Human II


Morgenröte / The Dawn


Die fröhliche Wissenschaft / The Gay Science


Götzen-Dämmerung / The Twilight of the Idols



where the fuck should i start???

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I recall enjoying The Gay Science, and don't remember whether or not I read the others you mentioned. I have a huge book of several of his major works, and sometimes I just read it without taking into account which book I'm reading. I just really like the way the man wrote. His later stuff gets quite interesting. He just goes off on huge manic rants about everything... I really want to read some Neitzsche now, hope I can find that book!

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I had a massive nietzsche period of my life where i read all his published books (not ones written after his death for some reason, as they were changed from the original manuscripts and its quite sad to see someone tamper with his work)


my favourite was the birth of tragedy where he tries to find the diffrence between the pleasure of tragic art and diffrence in suffering in life and art. as well as a paper his wrote after falling out with richard wagner called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nietzsche_contra_Wagner and he really tears him apart



also i'd eurge you to listen to FN's piano works which are beautiful!



also worth reading is Ecce Homo which is his attempt as a autobiography and really criticizes himself and his earlier work



and with thurs spake zarathrustra, if your gonna buy it check to see what edition it is, there was an english version which was done in the 1900's which is a hard read and there is a 60's version which is in modern day english which is a bit easier to read

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Guest dese manz hatin

Nietzsche - "dese manz hatin"




ive actually begun reading Jenseits von Gut und Böse now (i recon its 'beyond good and evil' in english). would have had to read parts of it for uni anyway. nietzsche is a rite bredrin.

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