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Mordant Music - Misinformation


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Mordant Music - Misinformation







Baron Mordant Explains The Process:


"The cordial gentlemen of the BFI led me blindfolded onto the roof at the BFI HQ Stephen Street

and left me propped against an obsolete Steenbeck with instructions to sniff my way to the

nearest nitrate room, ruMMage through the VHS mountain and not leave until I'd misinformed

at least one reel of usable DVD in earnest...in the midst of ruptured telecine transfers and squealing

reels a selection of COI films, redolent to my youth, unearthed me and I duly smeared them with my

detritus...I imagined sounds & characters leaving one film & cropping up in another and that's the

way it eventually spooled...a narrative manifested itself and 'a return to the sea' would appear to be

the iMMediate answer for future spores..."


mordant music


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Mmmm intriguing. Not sure I'd buy it without knowing anything about it though - some sort of teaser trailer would be grand.




just listen to previous mordant music!

it's a ghost-boxy sort of thing

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just listen to previous mordant music!

it's a ghost-boxy sort of thing

I meant more the content of the DVD visually and structurally. I've got a couple of Mordant releases (and an hour megamix thing showcasing their stuff) so is this like a bunch of music videos or wha' ?


The 18 cert also is intriguing especially as it's meant to be constructed of footage of the Central Office of Information - I wonder what strong content is in there ?

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I properly watched this for a second time this weekend - this time in a slightly brain altered state ..... It was insane, the longer two pieces (on prehistoric sites and the sea) were one of the most chilled out/intense (respectively) things I'd ever seen in my life. Flipping great DVD this is !

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