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Assange goes into court with Jemima Khan alongside him. I guess that's where he's been hiding out; and presumably who will pay his bail.

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Those who control the information, control the 'truth'. I'm sincerely afraid that the established monstrosity will win over freedom by framed accusations and effective influence over 'politically neutral' corporations that in-turn will incapacitate Assange and Wikileaks. international arrest warrants and accusations are sheer proof for that. The system now shows its true power and influence.


Is this freedom? Is this democracy?


We are witnessing the process to silence Wikileaks before they could expose any further sensitive material.


The cables might be 80% useless rubbish, but it clearly depicts the lack of morality and diplomatic integrity of people who are supposed to be above all fair, just and by-the-book. It really is a wild west out there, and Assange/Wikileaks show exactly that.


Another thing evident is that by being a super-power (usa), no-one can step in your way. You buy/fight your way to legitimacy. It's the rule of the strongest, not the rule of the righteous.

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Those who control the information, control the 'truth'.



Exactly. People who own media monopolies (tv stations, radio and print in the same area) like Ruppert Murdoch, come to mind.

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the reason bail was refused was because he initially refused to give an address, then gave an australian PO box as an address, it seems. when asked for his address, he replied 'it depends what you want it for'.

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i was thinking last night, why do we have two testicles? They both do the same job as far as i'm aware, it's not like one does a certain job and the other testicle does another equally important job. It can only be for symmetry. Why not have one large testicle? The only possible reason i can think of is that it's for redundancy in case one testicle is broken.

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the reason bail was refused was because he initially refused to give an address, then gave an australian PO box as an address, it seems. when asked for his address, he replied 'it depends what you want it for'.


I'm sure he doesn't want the Feds or whoever tossing his house or planting evidence. Doesn't want to make it too easy for them. Or he could be hiding something as he is a treasonous rapist international terrorist.



i was thinking last night, why do we have two testicles? They both do the same job as far as i'm aware, it's not like one does a certain job and the other testicle does another equally important job. It can only be for symmetry. Why not have one large testicle? The only possible reason i can think of is that it's for redundancy in case one testicle is broken.


It is to make them easier to rest on someone's chin. If you have two, then there is some weight on each side of the chin keeping them firmly in place.

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imagine if some people had a much smaller non functional mouth just to the left of their working mouth. Imagine if it had tiny teeth.

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5.15pm: Ramping up his rhetoric on Fox News just now, Senator Joe Lieberman, the head of the Senate's homeland security committee, suggests that the New York Times and other news organisations using the WikiLeaks cables may also be investigated for breaking the US's espionage laws.


Lieberman told Fox News:


To me the New York Times has committed at least an act of bad citizenship, but whether they have committed a crime is a matter of discussion for the justice department.


now they are going after the news: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/2010/dec/07/wikileaks-us-embassy-cables-live-updates

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



YES! was just thinking about boycotting paypal/visa etc for blocking wikileaks.


this is even better

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AnonOps.net is currently under heavy DDoS attack. The website will be back up ASAP.



edit: i love that the host they advertise on the page bearing the ddos notice advertises their services as offering ddos protection

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