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Guest ruiagnelo

in the last months i have had few dreams. it is kind of painful because i love dreaming and dreams bring me sort of an inspiration.

maybe it is because i am a huge day dreamer, but i find the lack of night dreaming very strange.


is there any way i can encourage and stimulate dreaming?

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everytime you wake up -before everything else- try to write everything down you remember. It wont be much in the beginning, but keep on writing. The memory usually fades within hours/minutes and the dream is lost.

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yeah i used to keep a dream diary for a bit in 2009 after a particularly strange and vivid run of them... it was an interesting exercise but in the end i just couldn't be bothered with the upkeep.


also, smoke less/no weed if you want to dream more. it messes with your REM sleep.

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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

Ants were on a sandstone slab, thousands, red and black. The reds were outnumbered, and first lept in the air in a startling way like a spark upon colliding with a black ant. These things were swarming all over the rock. They engaged in an epic battle(?), first wielding small twigs over the shoulder by the thousands. It was a massacre. Ant parts. the twigs developed into small sub machine guns, and I was watching the history of warfare unfold during the battle. A 2 foot long iron boat floated above the battlefield by 2 grapefruit sized balloons--evidently the blacks had reached a very high level of sophistication. A Babylonian ant fortress appeared, a kind of gothic castle, and a new era for the black ants.


Around the slab were a number of random dream presences, notably, as I looked from the scene, an American Civil war soldier, who I understood had developed the strategy for the victorious blacks and I emphatically congratulated him. He was instantly on my left above my shoulder with a new face, a salty seaman character and I peered (becoming lucid at this point) into his eyes, challenging HIS lucidity. I tried to explain, laughing, that what I witnessed was also brilliantly hilarious because it had been ants playing out the drama. He underlined the seriousness of the situation.


I walked away, I had been in a quaint, stylized small village, in a giant soundstage, a blimp factory maybe, and a street festival was in the works, with parties and couples, some half nude in lawn chairs filling the street intersections. A woman with a symmetrical freckle pattern on her midsection, about 40 years old and tan caught my attention and I dared feel her stomach.


"that's an interesting freckle pattern" I commented and she explained, her face turning rubbery and now without teeth, an upper denture falling out of her mouth, that she was a particular racial heritage, a type of American native, and she had blond braids down to her shoulders.


I walked around some more, visited a cafe and ate (?) and I lost my bike or someone had stolen it as I left the cafe. I went back in the cafe, now with bikes of different types, odd shapes impossible to ride, lined up in front of chalet windows. I searched for my bike among these with a serious intention. I turned to the audience in the cafe, all Vietnamese women having a very social afternoon lunch and told them about my bike problem. I went outside the cafe.


Nest to the cafe was the proprietor's house and a garage. I knocked on the door and told him to call if he saw the bike. I snuck into the garage, and inside was a special electric bike which was a bumper car that was coin operated, and the front caught fire. I poured a plastic jug of water on the flames and ran out of the garage, which burnt to the ground.


Across the street a college student was selling hand-made sweaters, and explaining to an employee the finer points of selling the sweaters.

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Guest fiznuthian

also, smoke less/no weed if you want to dream more. it messes with your REM sleep.


so true. probably one of the best reasons to quit!

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Guest happycase

I’m on a train playing some co-op video game with a girl. My character is on the train working through side-scrolling combat. I come up against a particularly difficult minion and use all sorts of moves from my arsenal of attacks and defenses, absorbing his fire, using different spinning moves with a whip, like Ivy, to no avail. I’m not very masterful and miss a few times. I assume I would have beaten this character if I had played better. I die and my partner is up. She heads in and plays a much more intense battle against this guy. It becomes apparent that we can’t hurt him and I join in and start to beat on him as well. My partner, who I take to be my anima at this point, calms me down, aware that this isn’t the way to beat him. We’re both doubtful that there is a way at all. But he sits down. He’s big, very big, covered in a thick black armor. It feels like he has a heart and everything else around it is thick armor. He starts making sushi and gives us the materials to do the same. The girl starts making sushi and I make some suggestions that she turns down. I wake up due to noise in my house at this point, but manage to slip back into the dream and explore the situation a little more consciously. I sense that there is no defeating such a character – that I’m thinking in the wrong way entirely. Competition can’t exist, there can only be a dissolving of his shell by making wholesome sushi with him.

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murder mystery. i'm at the top of a theatre with professors. i see some old friends. someone among us is a psychopath. they write there is dead body down at the bottom of the theatre. it's like the show The Wire. someone is trying to frame me. i see some high school friends around there being nice to me.


i remember at one point i say,


"man, this is the fuckin life" or something. then i stop and correct myself: "This is the life." without the "fuckin." somehow i feel way better about myself after that and my old high school friend thinks i'm better too



anyway there is some sexy girl there oh dear... and we're working to find the killer who thank god doesn't exist but he is trying to frame somebody. the sexy girl used to live in my apartment complex and she broaght us food dude!!!! she was sexy




this is the funny part: I know who the killer is because it turns from being a dream into a movie - the movie tells us who it is. it's this weird guy. he asks girls on "dates" and then kills them. so at the very end it's like a cliffhanger - we thought we solved the mystery and we move on - but then he asks one of the professors on a "date..." and the movie ends.

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i was in my bedroom, and i listened 2 friends of mine on the street talking really loud saying they should talk quieter or else they would wake me up, then they went, with my uncle, to a bar, and i kept wondering, why is my uncle hanging out with my 2 friends and i followed them.

then, i remember going back home with an empty baby's chair and it was raining, i didn't went for my building's door but to another one on my street, and i thought, i'm gonna phone my friends and ask why my uncle is with them, but at the same time i was talking with my friend at the cellphone, she went out of the building i was at and i thought WTF, how's this shit happening, i realized i was dreaming, but it was really difficult to grasp because it was all so real. next i saw a girl, with red eyes, just like in BLACK SWAN, but i couldn't remember where did that came from so i went to her and tried to take a big black poster that she was holding hoping for the answer to be there, she didn't want to give me so i thought, maybe if i ask she'll show me, and i asked but then i felt the thing was being so intense that i told myself to wake up, and i woke up. the end

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