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Fact Mag speaks for us all! Lol


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snares doesn't like complex harmonies or melodies that carry great emotional resonance , well to my ears. Maybe it does for him, or you.


I agree with this for the most part, except stuff like Cavalcade, Rossz, My Downfall, HCCBU, and Hospitality. Your thoughts?

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snares doesn't like complex harmonies or melodies that carry great emotional resonance , well to my ears. Maybe it does for him, or you.


I agree with this for the most part, except stuff like Cavalcade, Rossz, My Downfall, HCCBU, and Hospitality. Your thoughts?


i'm too wasted and would genuinely make fun of myself. Do you understand the concept of cheesy synths though ?? .. maybe it's just an idea that lies festering in the music basement of my mind though. It's tendrils wafting up into my music listening psyche, colouring/tazing everything i listen to with this self righteous logic.


Certainly when he went symphonic if was intrigued up until he dropped the exploration of melody in each particular piece, in favour of repetition of a part, like some reminder of the tenor of mood, only as a backing for the drum drillment. Sure i was excited by the rhythmic flow, but it felt like half the intrest in the mix was left wanting. Why not continues with both steams in harmony ??


;-/ :: soz

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