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New World Order - Alex Jones conspiracy shit


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it would be less hard if you lived in north america, especilaly U.S..... it would be rougher if you lived in a patriotic country that wanted to \put up a fight...... war galore. ( obviously every country isn't down with the nwo idea)



see, I have to offer an alternative point of view that I think most people don't think about...maybe it makes no sense, but we always think the Westernized, "white" world will be spared some sort of awfulness the rest of the world engages in/suffers.



but let's think about this for a second. assuming the world is from now on being run by corporations/monetary gain/profit margins are the most logical way for those in power to move forward, why on earth would they take it easy on the white, western world? Think about it. We are bloated, selfish, and to a large extent spoiled. Not only that but we have become accustomed to ideas of democracy, equality, etc etc...the rest of the world has not.


Why would a corporation want to continue employing workers of obesity and sedentary lifestyles, intolerable to an overreaching structure of authority, and a population which consistently demands a better pay and hence a more privileged lifestyle.


Why do you think corporations move all of their businesses and manufacturing to third-world and developing countries?


Honestly it makes more sense to me to say the white, Westernized citizens not on top of the totem poles would be the first under consideration for mass extinction.

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it would be less hard if you lived in north america, especilaly U.S..... it would be rougher if you lived in a patriotic country that wanted to \put up a fight...... war galore. ( obviously every country isn't down with the nwo idea)



see, I have to offer an alternative point of view that I think most people don't think about...maybe it makes no sense, but we always think the Westernized, "white" world will be spared some sort of awfulness the rest of the world engages in/suffers.



but let's think about this for a second. assuming the world is from now on being run by corporations/monetary gain/profit margins are the most logical way for those in power to move forward, why on earth would they take it easy on the white, western world? Think about it. We are bloated, selfish, and to a large extent spoiled. Not only that but we have become accustomed to ideas of democracy, equality, etc etc...the rest of the world has not.


Why would a corporation want to continue employing workers of obesity and sedentary lifestyles, intolerable to an overreaching structure of authority, and a population which consistently demands a better pay and hence a more privileged lifestyle.


Why do you think corporations move all of their businesses and manufacturing to third-world and developing countries?


Honestly it makes more sense to me to say the white, Westernized citizens not on top of the totem poles would be the first under consideration for mass extinction.

i dunno, imo, if the states are part of a move like this, american's like american's

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The aforementioned nations were singular entities among many other entities.


name one authoritarian government which worked out well.

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The aforementioned nations were singular entities among many other entities.


name one authoritarian government which worked out well.


None, since there has always been alternatives and as mentioned their downfall have had multiple factors. With a truly global government there would be no alternative. I am not condoning authoritarian rule, but just playing with the idea that it might be beneficial in the long run. Looking at European history there were multiple authoritarian sovereigns and they all got their shit handed to them in the end in some form or another and the states moved towards more democratic ideals and capitalistic systems. Maybe this is the path that would be needed to go on a global scale. When thinking about it, we are not too far off from a authoritarian rule, we are all slaves to the capitalistic system and all the benefits and disadvantages, and the latter is starting to outweigh the former.

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Guest disparaissant


see the 3rd reich ,the fall of the ussr and north korea for "tough love" and how well it has worked

ah you see but those all were obvious and out in the open. the nwo plays it from behind the scenes. we have the illusion of freedom, but in truth we are all under their rule.

the true rulers of earth


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I remember hearing about a bomb that would only destroy organic matter, leaving cities and infrastructures intact, but this was when I was young, and there was no google to look up the name of the bomb (which I now forget), but it was probably a load of bull, seeing as it probably would have been used by now, and more people would know about it.


Don't doubt someones tried to think of a way to do that though...




Of course it exists. Fuck.

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I can definitely see why you would consider it azatoth but having an authoritarian government ruling the entire planet would be terrible from the perspective of technological progress. It would be in their interest to maintain the status quo at all times because new technology can be highly disruptive to society. The invention of the internet for example, would be one of the worst possible things for an authoritarian government and proves that there is no-one behind the scenes in complete control of our planet. Doesn't mean that there aren't people who try to control and try to stifle certain technologies to varying degrees of success but it is 100% certain that no-one has total control.

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maybe we are all really no better than bees, and this is the next logical step in our progression into some sort of a hive mind.


Definitely. I mean, there's no real clear way of defining it, you could say this has been an ongoing thing for a long time now. Certain things in particular just happen to make you sit up and take notice that it's going in that direction eg. mobile phones, internet, even things like facebook and twitter. And then you have the internet with you at all times in your phone. If you throw away your phone and stop using the internet it leaves a gaping goatse hole in your life.

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maybe we are all really no better than bees, and this is the next logical step in our progression into some sort of a hive mind.


Definitely. I mean, there's no real clear way of defining it, you could say this has been an ongoing thing for a long time now. Certain things in particular just happen to make you sit up and take notice that it's going in that direction eg. mobile phones, internet, even things like facebook and twitter. And then you have the internet with you at all times in your phone. If you throw away your phone and stop using the internet it leaves a gaping goatse hole in your life.


You know all those stories about bees disappearing? Well I hurd dat bees are just psychic manifestations of our unconscious hive mind, and they are disappearing as we come to terms with the hive mind, because bees don't rreally exist, see, they're just echoes, ok? and their disappearance reinforces, man, like our need for collectivization so that we can combat the reptillians?

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ALso honey is the representation of our need for massive, sticky, collectivist orgies? But that really exists sometimes because it'S really just corn syrup from China?







this is why bees were the symbols of the Merovingian bloodline GYUS wHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?

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ALso honey is the representation of our need for massive, sticky, collectivist orgies? But that really exists sometimes because it'S really just corn syrup from China?







this is why bees were the symbols of the Merovingian bloodline GYUS wHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?



yeah. god knows we couldn't survive without bees :rolleyes:

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