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Eating breakfast with your morning poop=

Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Amirite? I mean nothing says 'the rush, the adaptation' or whatever like taking care of business while your multitasking eating some raisin bran getting the day started as efficiently as plausible.

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Amirite? I mean nothing says 'the rush, the adaptation' or whatever like taking care of business while your multitasking eating some raisin bran getting the day started as efficiently as plausible.

well i suppose the bran does go right through you...

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

When you eat enough fiber & don't time for a diaper, it's the only way.


Maybe your bathroom is gross but don't be a girl about it for the sake of IDM.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol this ain't about synergy, quite the contrary, it's about daring efficiency, despite how domesticated society would wag their finger about it.


Are you the kind of person who holds in their farts on a first date? Do you not just let it mellow if it's just yellow?


Live a little, defy modern reason, smoke a cigarette while driving your child to work.

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Guest hahathhat

life is already fucked enough when i have a laptop and people figure i can get work done at jfk airport when i've been awake for 30 hours. i enjoy the wandering thoughts during my morning dump, and i wouldn't dream of interrupting them with another activity. i get some of my best ideas then. on that note, can anyone loan me ~$5mil so i can produce a cartoon snow?

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As far as integrating eating with excreting goes, the furthest I've gone is taken a few sips of coffee while on the crapper. I like to separate my meals from my stools... wait, that came out wrong.

Alright, if it occurs to me I will bring a few sodium crackers next time I have a shit. But there's no fucking way I'm going to enjoy a bowl of cereal while sitting upon my bowl of waste. That's just vulgar.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol, for one I don't plan it out, when I have to drop a deuce is definitely quite unpredictable but, it just so happens that there have been a few times when I have made my morning bowl of fiber and just as I start eating the sphincter goes "HAY TIME FOR TEH P00P"... Let the cereal go soggy and waste a perfect opportunity for divine, next level efficiency FOR WHAT? Are you worried the act is going to be so against the norm that you will get a boner and accidentally piss in your cereal? Where is the danger? If your bathroom is so gross that it's literally unsanitary eat in there than you should wear a gas mask to the shitter.


More than anything I am merely suggesting that people don't prohibit themselves from doing something that would be beneficial just because of domesticated pussy beans norms.

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Guest hahathhat

As far as integrating eating with excreting goes, the furthest I've gone is taken a few sips of coffee while on the crapper. I like to separate my meals from my stools... wait, that came out wrong.

Alright, if it occurs to me I will bring a few sodium crackers next time I have a shit. But there's no fucking way I'm going to enjoy a bowl of cereal while sitting upon my bowl of waste. That's just vulgar.


i drink coffee, but that's a symbiotic relationship really !!

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Guest hahathhat

If you give 2 shits about what your poop tastes like you probably shouldnt poop while eating. Its not even that efficient. It's just bad parenting.

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I prefer to combine my pooping + eating with my shaving + showering. Typically this involves tilting my head away from the spray while shaving with one hand and cramming a breakfast burrito in my gob with the other, all while squatting and squashing the feces through the shower drain with the soles of my feet

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lol, for one I don't plan it out, when I have to drop a deuce is definitely quite unpredictable but, it just so happens that there have been a few times when I have made my morning bowl of fiber and just as I start eating the sphincter goes "HAY TIME FOR TEH P00P"...


I've actually never had to crap so bad in my life that it's interrupted a meal. In the event that it did get that bad while I was in the middle of eating cereal, I would probably let that one bowl go to waste (but not of the digested variety).



I prefer to combine my pooping + eating with my shaving + showering. Typically this involves tilting my head away from the spray while shaving with one hand and cramming a breakfast burrito in my gob with the other, all while squatting and squashing the feces through the shower drain with the soles of my feet



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