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Thanks to xxx


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I have a bit of a chesty cough, could be a chest infection. Started to take some benalin or some shit.


Im terrified of getting prescribed antibiotics. In case I get in a car accident and they have to amputate my leg and the antibiotics dont stop infection, because I become immune and I die. :cisfor:



But seriously though, that post played around in my head for quite a while this week. And as I recall, I was drunk as fuck when I read it.

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I didn't see China mentioned in that (super) xxx post. Fact is I think as with greenhouse gasses China is the world leader in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bugs. Their policy here is "use antibiotics wantonly without any sense of restraint." Got a cold? IV antibiotics. Flue? IV antibiotics. This is in hospitals, mind you. In order to make a buck they prescribe antibiotics for literally every ailment. Incidentally, they also give chest x-rays if you have the slightest cough.


I tried to explain the concept of "you have to use antibiotics carefully because otherwise they will lose their effectiveness" to people here and they just scratch their heads. It's really shocking.

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I didn't see China mentioned in that (super) xxx post. Fact is I think as with greenhouse gasses China is the world leader in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bugs. Their policy here is "use antibiotics wantonly without any sense of restraint." Got a cold? IV antibiotics. Flue? IV antibiotics. This is in hospitals, mind you. In order to make a buck they prescribe antibiotics for literally every ailment. Incidentally, they also give chest x-rays if you have the slightest cough.


I tried to explain the concept of "you have to use antibiotics carefully because otherwise they will lose their effectiveness" to people here and they just scratch their heads. It's really shocking.


I thank god my mother believed in homeopathy and other voodoo shit.

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Guest 277: 930-933

I didn't see China mentioned in that (super) xxx post. Fact is I think as with greenhouse gasses China is the world leader in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bugs. Their policy here is "use antibiotics wantonly without any sense of restraint." Got a cold? IV antibiotics. Flue? IV antibiotics. This is in hospitals, mind you. In order to make a buck they prescribe antibiotics for literally every ailment. Incidentally, they also give chest x-rays if you have the slightest cough.


I tried to explain the concept of "you have to use antibiotics carefully because otherwise they will lose their effectiveness" to people here and they just scratch their heads. It's really shocking.


I thank god my mother believed in homeopathy and other voodoo shit.


Resistance to antibiotics is really no excuse for homeopathy though.

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I didn't see China mentioned in that (super) xxx post. Fact is I think as with greenhouse gasses China is the world leader in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bugs. Their policy here is "use antibiotics wantonly without any sense of restraint." Got a cold? IV antibiotics. Flue? IV antibiotics. This is in hospitals, mind you. In order to make a buck they prescribe antibiotics for literally every ailment. Incidentally, they also give chest x-rays if you have the slightest cough.


I tried to explain the concept of "you have to use antibiotics carefully because otherwise they will lose their effectiveness" to people here and they just scratch their heads. It's really shocking.


I thank god my mother believed in homeopathy and other voodoo shit.


Resistance to antibiotics is really no excuse for homeopathy though.


I think its as stupid and bollox as the anyone else, but I really think it is.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Just take the whole course you are prescribed, I've seen people trying to save the world from antibiotic resistance by only taking half the course, which is actually hugely worse because you might just kill off most of them and leave a fair bunch of them to become resistant instead of fucking them all harder than they can take.

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My brother was prescribed an inhaler for when he was younger because he apparently had mild asthma. But they didnt give it to him or make him use it, cant remember what they used instead. But anyway, he doesnt have asthma now. :shrug:

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Guest fiznuthian

so who has had CA MRSA?

i've had three small legions on my body over the past year..

everyone of them has died and dried up but leaves what looks like scarred tissue behind.


i had no idea what they were until reading xxx's post.. fucking scary.

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last year a friend of mine died because she was infected by a bacteria in the OR, pretty fucked up :sad::wacko:

my mom works in the hospital and says it's a pretty common thing to happen, wtf, if i knew this prior to my tonsillectomy i think i hadn't done it...

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here in Portugal, for the common flu treatment, doctors have always prescribed 3 things, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, no matter what, you don't even need to go to the hospital to know that they'll prescribe you that medication... :facepalm:

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so who has had CA MRSA?

i've had three small legions on my body over the past year..

everyone of them has died and dried up but leaves what looks like scarred tissue behind.


i had no idea what they were until reading xxx's post.. fucking scary.



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so who has had CA MRSA?

i've had three small legions on my body over the past year..

everyone of them has died and dried up but leaves what looks like scarred tissue behind.


i had no idea what they were until reading xxx's post.. fucking scary.


might be a good time to stop worshiping fungus...just sayin'

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Guest fiznuthian


no, its not aids and no its not my beloved fungi..


hm, looking at more pictures of CA-MRSA i'm pretty sure these spots aren't that..

i had a small outbreak of them on my heel living in 90+ degree and humid indoor conditions day in day out

with a dirty fucking roomate who turned the place into a wreck by having people/band over everyday and neglecting his dog and cat.

the house turned disgusting and i gave up cleaning anything other than my room, even my bathroom was destroyed because while i was at work

numerous people would use it, and he'd fuck his girlfriend in my shower rather than his own because he was too lazy to clean it.


so yeah i guess it was a hotspot for bacterial/fungal growth.

both of us were getting spots all over our body only to find out we were being eaten alive by tiny, bugs flying around.


funnily enough, that was also when i started heavily supplementing 1,3-1,6 beta-glucan mushroom blends into my diet,

and shortly after my skin cleared up significantly. i had one lesion on my leg recently and it died off and is healing up.

none of them last more than a few days to a week before dying, drying up, and healing eventually. only 3 so far to count.


still... staph or mrsa? im not sure..

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I didn't see China mentioned in that (super) xxx post. Fact is I think as with greenhouse gasses China is the world leader in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bugs. Their policy here is "use antibiotics wantonly without any sense of restraint." Got a cold? IV antibiotics. Flue? IV antibiotics. This is in hospitals, mind you. In order to make a buck they prescribe antibiotics for literally every ailment. Incidentally, they also give chest x-rays if you have the slightest cough.


I tried to explain the concept of "you have to use antibiotics carefully because otherwise they will lose their effectiveness" to people here and they just scratch their heads. It's really shocking.

*earmuffs Chassis* That's the thing about bacteria. Whether it starts in China or in the UK or in America, our global way of life ensures that everyone will get to taste it. I don't think that's a completely bad thing though because I think, in part due to our new global village, we will enjoy a stronger, mongrel immunity thanks to higher exposure to more diminished versions of pathogens than the past. A gigantic, completely gross but ultimately positive exchange of passive immunity. Think about the course of history before: colonialists killed their fair share of the native population but not nearly as well as their syphilis, smallpox, etc. did. That would be like a group of photo-snapping, Japanese tourists laying waste to an entire borough just by visiting Times Square.*earmuffs off, Chassis*

This just means we'll get rid of the genetically inferior :cisfor: Hope Im not one of them though, probably boils down to how much time I spent as a baby mucking around in the dirt and licking cats and dogs and eating shit off the ground. As I recall, quite a bit so.......

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probably boils down to how much time I spent as a baby mucking around in the dirt and licking cats and dogs and eating shit off the ground. As I recall, quite a bit so.......

you've got side of you thats hidden but we can see you. you know more then you let on don't you?

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