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Tell me about Germany


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Can some of you Germans/Europeans give me some insight into some aspects?


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?

Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?

What is the electronic music scene like?

Is it difficult to find a job?

How is the night life?


#1: Most old people (60+) - very close-minded. Most young people - very influenced by USA, apple etc. But less prude.


#2: agree with what the others said


#3: dead, imo. at least where I live (rhine-area), maybe it's different in Berlin. everyone loves the shitty kind of electronic music now (cheap dancefloor "electro" shit), not a single person in my entire school (except my friends that got introduced to it by me) would have ever heard of Aphex, Ae, Black Dog, Warp, Skam, you name it, let alone all the German producers. Daft Punk is as experimental as it gets. Sadly. when autechre was performing at Köln in '08, there were maybe 100 people there, and the tickets were cheap. The only people familiar are the ones who consciously witnessed the uprising of electronic music throughout the 90's and are now listening to their LP's over headphones cause it gives their wife a headache. :sleep:


#4: can't really say anything about that, but I think English will get you further than in other European countries.


#5: depends very much on the location - I'm not big into clubs and partying personally, but I figure (and according to xxx) it's pretty awesome. Probably much less corporate than in the US I imagine, if you know where to go.



for me, it has the best electronic scene in the entire world. im moving there as soon as realistically possible.


when was the last time you were here, and where were you?


Anyway, Germany is quite geil


how about you post the related excerpts from our PM-conversation, they were much fun to read!


i once shagged a german girl. her vagina smelled like smoked sausage.


this has its roots in the ancient German technique of Sausaging. dating back as far as the third century, German woman have perfected the art over the years.


my girlfriend likes to use Blutwurst but we have had good experience with Nürnbergers and Weisswurscht, too. She's currently in the process of practicing until eventually being able to take Mortadella.


I guess you're referring to berlin-kreuzberg. If so, nothing's changed. Every metropolis needs a ghetto.


yeah Kreuzberg wasn't exactly a great place to wander at night like I did a year and a half ago. we didn't have a place to stay as a guy kicked us out, it was quite an experience. we spent the entire night walking from one threatening looking place to the next, almost got in a fight with some gang kids and ran into a bald dude beating off another next to a dumpster.


the turkish café we ended up in was the most peaceful place of the bunch.


call me racist.


will do

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you cant be serious about that football-team-stuff, lol.


multiculturalism is, as a scientific concept, absolutely dated. culture is never separate, it forms hybrids. im too drunk/tired to explain it deeper, check out homi bhabha´s writings if youre interested.


merkel is talking about "parallel societies", like in berlin-neukölln f.e., where immigrants are not learning german, living a more macho-like culture and are generally not adapting some values of the "aufklärung". intuitively and also following some studies there might be some truth in it. that might stem from the fact that immigrants who came to germany in the 50s/60s/70s were poor and uneducated workers, mostly from rural areas. plus germany is, in opposition to the usa which was "made of immigrants", still going on about a "leading german culture". but this culture is sometimes too weak or shy (cause of german history) to define clear edges. (there is not a single country in the world that reflected their own mistakes from the past like germany id say.)


and as merkel is a conservative, she uses all of this (sometimes) in a populistic manner. she likes to forget that there are also many positive examples of enriching foreign influences.




p.s. panz0r is a generalising idiot.

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when it comes to criminal and parasitic immigrants (and i´m talking only about turks and arabs here, we don´t have any mayor problems with people from asia, eastern europe, africa etc.) call me racist.



nah, i wont call you racist because you already did that.

the insult of my choice will be: assfuckerpoopface (arschfickerscheißegesicht)



edit: in german the insult contains the words "arsch", "ficker", "scheiße" and "gesicht".

now you can build your own ~GERMAN INSULT~

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hubbada hubbada hubbada


i... like...germany....


That pic made me immediately open a new tab and search for ticket prices.

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the insult of my choice will be: assfuckerpoopface (arschfickerscheißegesicht)


edit: in german the insult contains the words "arsch", "ficker", "scheiße" and "gesicht".

now you can build your own ~GERMAN INSULT~

Stick with the classics... schweinhund.

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having never been i shall have to go on comments made by people i know who have been.


the whore house in stuttgart is outstanding


the people in munich made us feel very welcome


the polis are the same in most places, only brutal if you wind them up


the arm pit thing with women is not true in most cases



sounds ok to me although all of these comments came from people just there to watch football.


the pic that xxx posted makes me want to go to germany, that and the pics of the lovely ladies during the last few world cups.



i remember once when i was on holiday with my family when i was about 13 or 14 i got me a wee german girlfriend, still remember her name, it was nicole. she was gorgeous and she got me drunk on vodka and chocolate milk. one of my first times being drunk. it was nice. the thing was though that there was two young english chaps after her as well but they were not allowed to go to 'the disco' as she called it. this was because their parents wouldn't let them hang about with german or scottish kids.


mmmmmm,i wonder where she is now

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Guest ezkerraldean

Berlin has a good klezmer scene I hear


(no, really, check out Rotfront. Fucking amazing band)


I want to go to Bavaria though. I've never been to Germany but at uni I came across loads of Germans, who seemed to fall into two easily distinguishable categories which myself and friends called "Prussian" and "Bavarian" - the former being from the north and had no sense of humour, the latter being from the south and loving their booze and being really cheery. South sounds best


sorry for horrifically generalising your country, Germans of wattum

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when it comes to criminal and parasitic immigrants (and i´m talking only about turks and arabs here, we don´t have any mayor problems with people from asia, eastern europe, africa etc.) call me racist.



nah, i wont call you racist because you already did that.

the insult of my choice will be: assfuckerpoopface (arschfickerscheißegesicht)



edit: in german the insult contains the words "arsch", "ficker", "scheiße" and "gesicht".

now you can build your own ~GERMAN INSULT~


as you can see, we still have a problem with thoughcrimes in germany - just like in the third reich. These people think they´re soooo tolerant, but only towards people with the same opinion.

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this thread is so full of fail.


berlin is a nice, modern metropolis. dead cheap rents, and i mean really really cheap. lol at kreuzberg being the "ghetto" berlin, when were you guys there, 1970?



is that even a real place?


yes, if you exclude the turks and arabs. all we got from these people were kebaps, shisha-cafes and a higher crime-rate. hooray!

as you can see, we still have a problem with thoughcrimes in germany - just like in the third reich. These people think they´re soooo tolerant, but only towards people with the same opinion.

oh you poor, pitiful member of a wrongly pursued minority. die in a fire

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well, essen is european kulturhauptstadt 2010, so there's actually no lolling at essen.


lol at kreuzberg being the "ghetto" berlin, when were you guys there, 1970?


Yeah, i've talked to so. from berlin yesterday and he told me about kreuzberg being a trendy, artsy-fartsy neighborhood now.

I have never heard that before, but okay, i guess i have to live with it. "70s"? you on salvia? :rhubear1:

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its appalling to me that there is no "idm" scene and only 100 people showed up to see Ae

electronic music is a strong part of late german musical history

this can't be

the aphexpushers must draw a crowd?

that means by default the UK is the capitol of europe's electronic music scene?

this is begging it's own thread

"what is the best EU country for electronic music"

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