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"Square Enix- Complete Pack"


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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Yeah if you buy only the GOOD games on that list, it's far, far less than $74.99


But Valve is good at this sort of thing.

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Jeebus. That's like a small hard drive's worth of content I'd rarely play.


i took advantage of this deal around christmas time. it's too bad 70% of the games included SUCK ASS.


"No one's buying our shitty games! Quick let's make a 'value pack'"

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^^ agree with posts saying the majority of the games suck ass on the list...I did however buy myself Hitman Bloody Money for just over a quid which I consider a good steal!

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*list of shitty squenix published games*

Individual price:


Package price:


Cost to you:


You save:


LOL? :facepalm:

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