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House Republicans vote to kill NPR

Rubin Farr

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As a fan of NPR, I have to ask what the fuck is their problem? Yeah cut off funding for teachers and public servants, genius; now turn the liberal academic establishment against you by targeting public broadcasting. Soon there will be nothing to watch but the Sarah Palin channel.





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Guest Ricky Downtown

all this shit is retarded

it takes a person like me saying this shit is retarded to change the world though so we're all good

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why, exactly, do you need my tax dollars to subsidize your biased news and garrison keillor? if you like it so much, pay for it yourself.

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+ what about the tax dollars wasted on the military or rich tax breaks, how many ppl on the left voted for that. In comparison NPR costs nothing. And really isn't that left at all really, at all.

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It's what, 2% of NPR's operating budget (or say, 24 hours of operation costs in Afghanistan?) They'll be fine but some local affiliates will be hit hard and might fold, and that's depressing, because some bullshit dumbass oriented talk radio programming will replace it.


I guess I'll be donating now. :whistling:

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every day in america republicans and some democrats trade away what little is left of the average american's freedom in favour of their friends in top executive jobs and that apathetic attitude allows it to continue.

In fairness a lot of this comes directly from the dumbing down of america, brought to you by MTV, Sarah Palin, and Playstation 3.


+ what about the tax dollars wasted on the military or rich tax breaks, how many ppl on the left voted for that. In comparison NPR costs nothing. And really isn't that left at all really, at all.

The U.S. spends more money per year on it's military than the entire rest of the world combined.


I'm fortunate to have an Irish passport and am resigned to the fact that at some point in the future I'ma have to move my family the fuck outta here. :cerious:

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Guest disparaissant

why, exactly, do you need my tax dollars to subsidize your biased news and garrison keillor? if you like it so much, pay for it yourself.

ahaha that's funny because i was just reading an article that pointed out that npr is centrist at best. the only thing is, they don't report on things that have no basis in fact. like the WAHR BIRTH CERT OABAM WHAR crowd or the tea party conspiracy theories that the cable networks jump all over for ratings. so, in short, shut the fuck up.

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Guest Mirezzi

The vote's not likely to pass through the senate innit.

Of course not. It's Teabaglican tilting at windmills politics as usual: Give dumbass Americans an endless supply of phantom enemies and they'll hardly notice when they're being fleeced economically by the same fuckheads they elect to office.

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Guest Mirezzi

why, exactly, do you need my tax dollars to subsidize your biased news and garrison keillor? if you like it so much, pay for it yourself.

ahaha that's funny because i was just reading an article that pointed out that npr is centrist at best. the only thing is, they don't report on things that have no basis in fact. like the WAHR BIRTH CERT OABAM WHAR crowd or the tea party conspiracy theories that the cable networks jump all over for ratings. so, in short, shut the fuck up.

Exactly, and honestly, "centrist" is generous. More like...boring. The average NPR on-air personality could be describing a nuclear apocalypse and still manage to make it sound like a cooking show. That's a good thing, mind you, but NPR is being summoned by the GOP as the just the latest target for their curmudgeonly/idiotic/GetOffMyLawn senior citizen base, most of whom remember the NPR of the 1970's as being transparently liberal. The 2011 version of NPR is comparatively unrecognizable.

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why, exactly, do you need my tax dollars to subsidize your biased news and garrison keillor? if you like it so much, pay for it yourself.

ahaha that's funny because i was just reading an article that pointed out that npr is centrist at best. the only thing is, they don't report on things that have no basis in fact. like the WAHR BIRTH CERT OABAM WHAR crowd or the tea party conspiracy theories that the cable networks jump all over for ratings. so, in short, shut the fuck up.

Perhaps the only important part of his post was the part about tax dollars, and you skirted that point completely.


Whenever I mention this I get a thousand "Well what about that other thing that costs tax dollars and that other thing and the other things!" (a breed of nonsensical response which you can actually find in this thread)




But that's not what we're talking about now is it?


It's my opinion that taxes should not fund a radio station or a television station no matter how good you think it is. I havn't heard any real defenses for it other than "Dude NPR is great though, blah blah blah PBS educational programming." Don't care. There's documentaries on the internet which are just as good that I can have my kids watch when I can get a lady to pop 'em out for me, if I'm so concerned.





who fuckin cares

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