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woman almost takes wood to the face while driving


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Guest disparaissant

that's scary


does beg two questions

1.) why was she filming that truck at that particular moment? or at all?

2.) why didn't she freak out? i would have screamed SO loud

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Guest disparaissant

it varies from area to area. not in any area i've ever lived, but that doesn't really stop anyone i see. drives me mad.

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Guest disparaissant

i bet that's her real name too. (uploaded by wendy cobb). if this video circulates enough couldn't she get done for it?

you'd have to figure out where she was when it happened and contact the authorities there, and even then, they probably wouldn't really care.

if there are three things americans love, it's driving, doing things while driving, and being fat.

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apparently the trucks were driving very erratically and she wanted video proof. sounds like bs to me though...


So you think this lady was just recording the shit in front of her for fun..? What the fuck?

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

she pulled the wood thing towards her windshield with a string right when the truck passed beside it

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she pulled the wood thing towards her windshield with a string right when the truck passed beside it



As always - watmm has the answer.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

apparently the trucks were driving very erratically and she wanted video proof. sounds like bs to me though...

lol but they weren't. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I run into here because there are loads of rednecks/contractors/etc. who strap up dubious convoys. One time, this guy was hauling a 2 ton pickup on a "wiggle wagon" or "low boy" (lol, this is already getting country) and insisted on going 80-85 mph. His load was rocking wildly back and forth and freaking everybody out ( :emotawesomepm9: ). Nevermind the junk dumptrucks that spray bits of rock and shit.


looks like we got ourselves a convoy.



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Guest rumbo

I knew what was going to happen, but it didn't stop me from shitting a brick when it did. In fact it probably make the brick bigger, and with more corners.

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Guest Al Hounos

this would be a pretty good PSA to warn about following too closely.


had she been observing the two second rule, she would have had time to avoid the wood, or it would've simply had time to land on the ground again.

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