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Properly responding to racism, homophobia, etc.

Guest hahathhat

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Guest hahathhat

If you make a racist/homophobic/etc. remark in the wrong situation, the response is generally, "That's wrong. You can't say those things." Telling people that only makes them dig in deeper, as they feel someone else's morality is being imposed on them + they're being told what to do.


It's much more effective to react to it as you would someone cutting in line, being obnoxious on their cell phone, etc. You know, an "Ugh, what an idiot!" reaction. It's not your business to lecture anyone; it's not your job to teach them manners. Just don't add to it, and maybe send a withering glance to the party responsible.


FOR THOSE JUST TUNING IN: i'm just trying to make a point about acceptable standards of behavior, and how to react when someone's being inconsiderate. i have no illusions about getting rid of bigotry, just a tad of hope that society will become more polite if a few people make an effort.

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Guest hahathhat

Some people make those remarks because they genuinely believe them (hence the actual origins of racism/sexism/etc).


people have a right to be idiots, i guess. if someone's making hardcore racist remarks (as opposed to the RACISM LOL attitude) i usually just pretend they aren't. if they get in my face with it, i'll just sort of sneer and walk off, or something.

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People are taught to be racist/sexist out of either being raised/taught that way or through experiences that negatively impacted their impressions of said race/ethnicity/whathaveyou. Stopping "remarks...flying around" isn't going to do much but keep people from voicing their beliefs in public.


Is this a thread about racism or is this a thread about passive resistance?

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Guest hahathhat

People are taught to be racist/sexist out of either being raised/taught that way or through experiences that negatively impacted their impressions of said race/ethnicity/whathaveyou. Stopping "remarks...flying around" isn't going to do much but keep people from voicing their beliefs in public.


Is this a thread about racism or is this a thread about passive resistance?


I was trying to address the internet LOL FAG sort of culture, which is more lemming-ignorance than genuine hate. You're talking about the larger problem of xenophobia itself. Xenophobic people are xenophobic, and likely will be until they kick it. It's as old as the hills, and I'm not sure if it'll ever go away. Additionally, I'm very much against nanny-state PC bullshit. People have a right to voice their beliefs in public. Saying, "That's so faggy" to something you think is dumb is entirely different from seething hatred.

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hahathhat is 100% correct, the first time I heard the N-word used my immediate thought was "Oh, so black people are inferior." Having grown older and hearing racial slurs only occasionally now; my racist to not racist thought ratio has shifted the other way considerably.


(I'm being sarcastic please don't raise my warn level again)


There is no such thing as a "racist/homophobic/sexist remark" if you don't mean it in a purely racist/homophobic/sexist context.


I think a better solution is for people to get over really inocuous things like words...and I think that's happening at a reasonable pace these days anyway :sorcerer: .

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as an example, i thought "Aphex Twin" was one of the stupidest things i've heard on here in ages.


But that's not "homophobic", not even jokingly so. If anything it celebrates homosexuality...


Maybe change the title of this thread to "I wish 15 year olds weren't on the internet"...?

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Guest hahathhat

as an example, i thought "Aphex Twin" was one of the stupidest things i've heard on here in ages.


But that's not "homophobic", not even jokingly so. If anything it celebrates homosexuality...


yes, and that's what i'm trying to address here. how to properly respond to this sort of retardedness.

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But... are you saying you just wish people would change their vocabulary for no particular reason except you think certain words are too immature to use?


Cuz that's pretty fuckin' stupid.

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Guest Z_B_Z

inspired by the standup thread. classic lenny bruce:


Are there any niggers here tonight? Could you turn on the house lights, please, and could the waiters and waitresses just stop serving, just for a second? And turn off this spot. Now what did he say? "Are there any niggers here tonight?" I know there's one nigger, because I see him back there working. Let's see, there's two niggers. And between those two niggers sits a kyke. And there's another kyke— that's two kykes and three niggers. And there's a spic. Right? Hmm? There's another spic. Ooh, there's a wop; there's a polack; and, oh, a couple of greaseballs. And there's three lace-curtain Irish micks. And there's one, hip, thick, hunky, funky, boogie. Boogie boogie. Mm-hmm. I got three kykes here, do I hear five kykes? I got five kykes, do I hear six spics, I got six spics, do I hear seven niggers? I got seven niggers. Sold American. I pass with seven niggers, six spics, five micks, four kykes, three guineas, and one wop. Well, I was just trying to make a point, and that is that it's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness. Dig: if President Kennedy would just go on television, and say, "I would like to introduce you to all the niggers in my cabinet," and if he'd just say "nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger" to every nigger he saw, "boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie," "nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger" 'til nigger didn't mean anything anymore, then you could never make some six-year-old black kid cry because somebody called him a nigger at school.
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Guest hahathhat

But... are you saying you just wish people would change their vocabulary for no particular reason except you think certain words are too immature to use?


Cuz that's pretty fuckin' stupid.


So how would you have me respond? "AHAHAHA Aphex Twin LOL" ??


It's obvious that whoever picked that name thought it was fuckin' hilarious. And it's just dumb !


I went with "Aphex Triplet" myself. Much more clever

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I think a better solution is for people to get over really inocuous things like words



Well, the funny thing about words is they exist to symbolize concepts.


Certain words, the ones we daren't say here, are linked to some terrible concepts for many if not most people. For you to simply claim you are uttering phonemes which are harmless is a bit disingenuous...


The point I hope to make is, yes I see your point that words themselves can cause no harm, but thesse utterances can and will cause discomfort, fear etc in others.


And boy do you look really classless when you call people a n***** j**.

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So how would you have me respond? "AHAHAHA Aphex Twin LOL" ??


If you think it's stupid I would expect you to realize that and either reply to it individually or just not dwell on it, rather than making a thread about tactics on... abolishing vocabulary inadequacies, or whatever this is supposed to be. Even though the thread title and original post seems to clearly adress prejudice.

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"I wish 15 year olds weren't on the internet"...?


But then half of WATMM wouldn't be here...wait...I'm starting to see the merits of this...


lol so hatty mchat, you think if you just ignore racism/sexism blah blah it will just go away? That's ummmm, never really worked out so well before.


plus, saying "that's so faggy" continues to equate homosexuals with "wrong" or "dumb".

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the reason this 'say the word it's OK' thing doesnt work is because all human beings are innately primal beings


primal retards


all the clothes, the perfume, the cars, the stacks, the chains, the birthday cakes is a way of avoiding the truth


we are all sinners




we are all vile, hateful, violent, primal beasts


birthed from a natural earth


some of us rise above the din, they call those 'enlightened folk'


not many of them exist among us. some of us get really smart and do great shit and become lovable


but even they have that primal beast inside


the only way to elevate and reassemble your beastly nature is to devote yourself to the enlightened path






i would love to see people friends with eachother calling eachother 'nigger' and 'booba' and 'faggot' but come on

somebody is going to get pissed


it's that primal beast on the inside that says, 'WE ARE ALL SEPARATE!'



trust no body


man is a sinning BEAST!










I wish it wasn't true [and it probably isnt]


sorry guys

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Guest hahathhat

So how would you have me respond? "AHAHAHA Aphex Twin LOL" ??


If you think it's stupid I would expect you to realize that and either reply to it individually or just not dwell on it, rather than making a thread about tactics on... abolishing vocabulary inadequacies, or whatever this is supposed to be. Even though the thread title and original post seems to clearly adress prejudice.


your attitude seems to be that people exist in a vacuum and can say/do whatever they want without considering the consequences. have you ever lived in the real world, or are you still in mom's basement?

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The point I hope to make is, yes I see your point that words themselves can cause no harm, but thesse utterances can and will cause discomfort, fear etc in others.

If it is someone I know whom I use these words to address, or in some other relatively inocuous way, I have enough social decency to understand whether or not they will be offended, which I will ignore if I am actually intending to offend.


However, if some third party finds my conversation with someone else offensive, it is their business, not mine, to deal with that whatever way they can. I am not going to filter it for anyone who might be in ear shot, unless they are children who clearly do not have these capacities. I do not speak in "colorful ways" to people who I do not know well enough to predict their response. That's just common sense.


And boy do you look really classless when you call people a n***** j**.

class is a silly social structure in others minds which I do not humor, because it is silly.

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