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Production-wise, whats wrong with this?


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I dont really mind if its not your kind of music, but in terms of production what would be your comments.


I dunno if im happy with the snare. I can never seem to find a snare/clap that I like. Something that sticks out but doesnt over power the rest of the track. Anything else people think is wrong with it. Could maybe use some speech samples about physics, I like them :cisfor:



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what b says.


you might want to skip a snare. and play some more with the remaining snare (timing, effects, etc). play with it.

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I think in terms of production it's all a bit sparse and seperated, the magical glueiness blah. There are lots of tricks you can do to improve that, you can add more parts to the music, you can introduce big pads to fill up the stuff around it, or do stuff with reverb, noise, etc.. it's all a matter of taste.. Or really good use of compression can work that out too sometimes - put your melody parts partially over your drumbuss compression or something, so that everything grooves and reacts to each other more.. Just more stuff, there's lots of room in your mix so it should be a matter of finding out how to make it more liveley.. I like the vibe you have going.

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I think it's got great potential mate, keep at it! Like a missing sense says there's still room for many elements in the track if you wish to go that route. I recorded a tiny loop it and chucked some random shit in there for good measure, here's what it sounds like


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I think it's got great potential mate, keep at it! Like a missing sense says there's still room for many elements in the track if you wish to go that route. I recorded a tiny loop it and chucked some random shit in there for good measure, here's what it sounds like




Excellent man! Thanks for that.


Good help all round.

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Yeah, like Brian mentioned earlier you should probably work on the BD and maybe a better build up? I was kinda expecting a new element to pop in around 1:03 to get the tune going. It could use a deep bassline as well :)


EDIT: A bassline kinda like what Impakt has made :)

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